No worries :)
No one minds if you're here just for the GA. This is a site for making GAs after all. It would be rather silly of someone making a GA to be actually upset about people showing up at a GA site because they want to enter GAs :)
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Actually, I'm not sure you can change your SG name anyway. Can you?
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TL;DR - sports nerds having fun picking NFL players they hope will do well and then earning points against the other people they play with based on how well the NFL players they picked do in any given game
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You're quite welcome. Sorry your dad doesn't have fun with it. I would never do it if it wasn't a good time socializing with my friends around a common interest we all share. Sometimes people play for money, but that tends to make it too serious and sucks the fun out of it I've found (unless it's for some humorously trivial amount of money).
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I played Fantasy Football once, long ago, which is weird, cos I'm not American, nor have I ever really watched football.
It was a big fail, and they still remind me of it by inviting me back every season.
I was managing the NO Saints, no idea what name I gave my team.
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Well I'm glad to hear you gave it a try at least :)
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I hear they started a fantasy league for pro CSGO teams. I may give that a shot to see what all this fantasy fuss is about.
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Haha, yeah just about anything with publicly tracked stats I suppose could have a fantasy league around it :D
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When I was playing, I would come up with a name after the draft, usually based off of the name of one of my top picks, someone I was sure I'd have all season. Typically a pun, or something with alliteration, like "Manning's Menagerie", or something.
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Not a bad idea and it might work out that way for me too. Carlos Hyde isn't very high on the charts so I should be able to snag him as a RB3 possibly.
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That is exactly the case. I grew up in Ohio and have cheered for my Buckeyes all along. I'll cheer for them while they're playing in the NFL too, but the Niners aren't particularly interesting to me...other than watching Kaep continue to fail.
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Harbaugh leaving didn't help much either really.
Of he's at Michigan...f***ing now he can go die in a fire IMO
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Jed York is an idiot for letting him go. As much as I dislike that Harbaugh(I like the other one, never remember which is which Jim/John) I would've never let him go.
With all the coaches out there they promote tomsula...glad they turned down Holmgren, he would of broken all of ours hearts in Seattle if he got the job :P
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Doesn't care about sports at all!
Enters giveaway anyway ;D
My family's tradition is putting all efforts forth to force me to watch the Super Bowl. xP
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Haha, you're entirely welcome so to do.
As to being forced to watch the super bowl...that's a lot of time to be stuck watching something you don't give a crap about.
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TL;DR - sports nerds having fun picking NFL players they hope will do well and then earning points against the other people they play with based on how well the NFL players they picked do in any given game
As to the names it's usually a pun of some sort with a player's name.
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Hmmmm I don't really follow any sports so... just BUMP!
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I am fairly sure I'd be no good at this sport. Something tells me I'd get...distracted.
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Like...Lingerie League fantasy football instead of NFL fantasy football?
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That way you get to razz the loser a little bit over lunch. Very nice.
I did that pigskin pick 'em with my wife and her family for a few years. It was also rather fun.
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My Previous:
Forte Ounces to Freedom
Load the Bowe/Pass the Blount
No Fun League
The 4 Johnson Party ( Little harder to do now as it requires 4 starters named Johnson)
Auto-Draft Wrecking Ball ( after I had to work and missed the draft, got Cutler as my QB and ran This Image for my season.
Ones I've seen already this year:
Don't Deflate Me Bro
Bad Comedian Eli Manning
Fanta Sea Football
I Voted for Trump
(Running}Back Lives Matter
No Justice No First Down
Russell's Jesus Juice
Some quick ones off the top of my head
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Those are excellent, especially the Cutler one. My league is primarily composed of people from Illinois so there are a lot of Bears fans. I'm going to have to pass that one along to them and watch them all cringe.
"Over Dwayne Bowe" was one of my favorites by brother in law used Bowe for a few years ago.
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lol my boss at work is a bears fan. He bought me a drink when I showed him that team name and profile from last year haha.
Sad to say, I changed jobs earlier this year and we don't have enough people to get an 8 or 10 man league going so I guess it's just Draft Kings and ESPN free leagues for the buzz of it haha. There's always the family and friends one though, been trying to convince them to do a keeper league but they won't.
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Well,I glanced at football match once and saw a russian football player "Muzhikov" with a number 13 and read his T-shirt sign from top to bottom.
13 muzhikov means smth like 13 men in Russian.
Would be funny for you as there was a player with a surname Woodchoppers and a number 7,which could be read as " 7 Woodchoppers hits a goal!"
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I usually do something to just be a pain in the ass... was in a husband/wife league and called my team
" BDSM Lifestylers" - I'm pretty sure that shocked a few of them (I didn't know anyone, most teams were like "Tom and Sue's Team" )
also in our money league I named my team "Fluttershy's Fury" since people seem to like tough sounding names (I used a fluttershy jpg as team logo)
and the Skyrim / injury themed "Helmet to the Knee"
Other times I just mock other people's names, whomever I'm playing...
Course everyone's naming their team "Brady's Deflated Balls" (probably seen something almost like that 10x)
I usually seem to save my worst for when I used to do NASCAR though...
"Gordon Blew A Rod"
"Ur Mom Is On My Pole"
"Pissin' Obnoxiousness" (take off from Rick Bobby)
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Share your funny fantasy football (or other sport) team names and/or traditions
I'm not sure how much demographic crossover there might be between SG users and fantasy football fans, but it's nearly that time of year again.
Last year I decided to start my own tradition of changing my team name each year until I won my league (yes I only do 1 league per year as doing more takes too much of my time and ruins the enjoyment of just watching the games). I'm aiming for humorous names and I'm not ashamed to use names that other people have thought up, but would prefer to come up with my own particularly if it's a fitting name for MY team specifically.
Last year my team name was "Turn Down for Watt"
This year my team name is "Hyde yo kids Hyde yo wife"
This year's name is fitting because:
This got me wondering if anyone here on SG has a particularly interesting/funny/odd fantasy football team name or tradition
And of course the part most of your are really here for :D
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