What do you think about hatedoms?
It's the first time i heard about hatefics. It seems a pretty stupid thing to do for me. I can understand you don't like something and talk bad about it but to a point you write a bad fanfic about it. That's just beyond me. :/ But FakeNameOF could make good puzzles from them i guess.
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because they need to hate something to feel alive
hatred is the easier path
you can conjure up anything negative and don't need to prove it
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It's true that Twilight is shitty. I would prefer to watch Troll 2 (it's widely called as the worst ever movie ever) 10 times rather than watch a Twilight movie. Anyway, it's not bad to hate a movie. Just don't mock others about it and you'll be fine in everyone's eyes. Remember: Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you.
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People who feel the need to rip on others, or tear down what others like (presuming what the others like is not hurting anyone else), are sad, small people that really need to take a step back and re-evaluate their own lives. After all, it's easier for someone with the emotional capacity of a dirty potato to tear someone else down rather than work hard to lift themselves up.
Lazy, immature, emotionally stunted scourges of humanity.
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-sighs deeply as her tense muscles loosen-
That pie sounds divine, thank you. Is there... coffee?
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There is always coffee.
And in this case, I start with two parts light roasted, rum-toned fresh grind, and mix in one part espresso blend, and one part extra dark roast. The end result is a coffee that's softly sweet and light on the tongue, but rich in body and finish.
I also have a sweet cream creamer on hand, as well as cognac and single malt for added sweetness and depth.
I also have several spices on hand, if you'd like to add even more to it.
I definitely recommend adding a touch of cinnamon for this blend. :)
Sound good? :)
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I can't say I've ever heard of "hatedom" in the way you describe it(writing negative fics and all that), but I'm familiar with fanbase harassment. In my eyes it's fine to ridicule a subject, but attacking people because of their enjoyment of it is going to far.
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I don't believe I've ever come across anything or anyone I truly "hate." I thought I did once, but I later forgave her.
I just don't believe in hate. I don't allow that level of negativity in my life & I don't associate with hateful people.
Live and let live - why should it bother me at all that someone else enjoys something I do not?
99% of the time, I can just avoid it. The other 1% of the time I can turn the other cheek. :)
Having said that, I don't understand "hatedom." I do, however, support their right to enjoy whatever they like, as long as they're not hurting anyone else.
Me? I'd much rather obsess over things I love. XD
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This is something I've been pondering as of late. I can understand the concept of a fandom: lots of people getting together to talk about something they like. But the concept of a hatedom is a little stranger to me: lots of people getting together to talk about something they hate and often talking more passionately about it than the folks who like it.
Example time. When i was younger, I was in the Twilight hatedom. It was filled with people writing essays and creating fanart and fanfics, except all with a negative spin. There was even a little raid we did where we, a bunch of college folks, attacked a bunch of 15-year-old girls on fanfiction.net and called them immature and awful for liking the books. Like, its bad enough that we did that in the first place. But we were a bunch of adults doing that to emotionally unstable teenage girls (at least, if they were anything like how I was at that age, they would've been). If adults had said to teenage!me the things I'd said to those girls, I would've been screwed up in the head. And we were just doing it because we passionately hated the thing that they passionately loved.
And as mentioned briefly at the beginning of the last paragraph, we'd write stories and essays and draw pictures just as much as the fans did. Except they'd always be negative. You know the stuff, hatefics and all that. We'd read and analyize these books we hated so much. I even remember recommending one of the books to someone because I wanted them to read how bad it was. The person stopped me and said, "Wait, if you hate it so much, why do you WANT people to read it?" Which is a valid question. If the hatedom hates the thing so much, why obsess over it? Why not focus on the things they do like instead of the things they don't? That much negativity, passionately hating something to that extent, can have a bad affect on the mind. Plus, harboring negativity can sap your energy, which (as I've gotten older and realized) is something I don't want to waste.
So yeah, biiiiig long rambling post. sorry about that.
tl;dr version, how come folks obsess over stuff they hate in ways similar to the stuff they like? What are your thoughts, SteamGifts?
And to buoy this feeling of positivity, giveaway
And for the record, I am A.) not saying that Twilight is good, no i still think its an awful franchise, but i dont obsess over how much i dislike it, and B.) am aware that this post is essentially doing what I don't like hatedoms doing which is talking about something I don't like.
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