Not enough, just because there are many does not mean we dont need more, one could be better than another, or one could be different.
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Why do we need another survival game? It's all the same concept. Crafting, building, surviving.
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While not trying to give away anything that might influence the survey;
I understand this might be a sensitive subject due to the massive list of minecraft clones we've seen after the success that game had.
However, we're not looking at making anything remotely crafty/buildy/minecrafty or dayZ-ish, since that's not what we feel real survival is about.
We also believe a lot of games that say they're 'survival games' are lacking many things that make it actual survivaling (since when is eating to gain Hitpoints survivaling?), and instead are really just 'getting the best weapons/house/gear as fast as possible and kill those that were slower'-games.
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Whether a game is "survival" or not is irrelevant in determining whether or not the game is fun to play for an extended period of time. Just as "formulaic fiction" does not achieve greatness simply because it contains elements of great writing, "formulaic games" do not achieve greatness simply by copying great games. Great games are great because they entertain us every time we return to them. The key, therefore, is in understanding why they entertain us.
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Correct, but the moment a developer just builds on assumptions, hypotheses, or whatever they think players should like, they risk making a game only they, the developers, will enjoy (because it's their 'baby')
To prevent making a square wheel, while everyone wants a round wheel, we try to get a good idea of what's missing in current games of the survival genre.
In these so called "Problem interviews" we can get a good idea of what the players want, to check if we might be drifting in a wrong (square wheel) direction.
So instead of making "CoD 9, this time with extra shiny guns", we try to find out what gamers really want. :)
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IMO the problem with survival games is that the focus has widely shifted away from actually surviving to random shiat like horror elements, fantasy, and building stuff. So far, the only survival game I would recommend is Stranded II.
Also, no offense, but a lot of fresh game devs want to make a survival game. Most of them find out it's way too hard as an opening project. Just be sure you're up to the challenge, best of luck to you guys.
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There, gave you an incoherent rattling wall of text to confuse and infuriate you, all the insight I have.
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Hope my answers will help your survey. Good luck for your future project!
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I have just filled out the survey. Sorry for writing that long wall of text, just wanted to give You few suggestions or something. Thanks for giveaway as well and good luck with the whole project!
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holy molly I'm ALL ABOUT survival games, it's my favorite genre! If I see a survival game on steam it's an insta-buy. The best survival experience I had is when I played Skyrim with two mods, namely:
Realistic Needs and Diseases:
You should check those two mods out, and get some ideas :)
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awesome! then I'm sure your game will be brilliant. (hopefully you get to make it :) )
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Instead of Realistic Needs and Diseases try a newer needs mod called iNeed
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I have never seen a survival focusing mainly on the psychological aspect of a survivor. Make a game with that kind of innovation and I'm sold.
How? Human tend to have mental desires even though the physical needs (hunger, hydration) might not be satisfied. Adding that kind of variables in the algorithm may be hard but it's definitely worthwhile.
Example: you move faster when you're closer to base/ home or you tend to have worse aim when you are approached by a frightening opponent (bigger in size or have a band skulls around his neck.)
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While that's an interesting idea, I don't see it ever getting past the point of buffs and debuffs. Psychology is a hidden, "passive" thing. It's pretty hard to make it translate into a game as a game can't really effectively show you what you're feeling. Even then, many players will be disgruntled at the disparity of how they actually feel vs how the game thinks they should feel.
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that's where science comes in. Certain colors and sounds should induce some of the emotions/ psychological effects. Artificial thoughts are not rare given the movie industry has been doing it for a while with its plot twists and crowd manipulation, video game has done the same too recently. Basically, master the technique of designing the right atmosphere and you can manipulate players to do and feel into what you want.
Or you can make the player fragile like in dark souls 2. In DS2 you are in terms with the fact that death is only inches away but if the devs could also make the player scared of the monsters, DS2 would be a much better game.
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Great idea!
Something that came up in a brainstorm about 2 weeks ago was blurry vision when attacked, so we've actually slightly brushed the surface of your suggestion once. :)
No decisions were made on that subject though as of yet, so it's nice to see it suggested here, on an even deeper level!
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Do not make any survival games, there are way too many and you must be damn good to overcome them. Also most kids around here, understand survival as PvP, DM ,Shoot on sight and not the true essence of survival, see DayZ, Rust, Breaking Point for Arma III. Lots and lots of idiots and COD kids. Please stop spreading this plague.
Another expected survival game will be The Forest - Not many people know about it, check it.
My tip if you really start to develop a survival game: Do NOT add guns, rifles, automated weapons, pistols, modern warefare, instead add only melee and this would be interesting
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there aren't only multiplayer survival games y'know -_-
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Oh I agree with you, a lot of 'survival' games only focus on 'surviving' the harassment of other players.
We believe The Sims is more survival than those, really. (Everybody poops!)
While Rust, minecraft, DayZ, etc, are definitely great games, and do have some survival aspects, that's not something we want to make.
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I just wonder if you guys are planning on making a multiplayer or a single player game?
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Me and my team all love multiplayer, specially co-op, but we want the game to be enjoyable as a single player too.
This is because we learned most of our target group either play with friends, roam around solo, or join up with a small group they meet in the game.
Our current concept is based on 32 players per server, however that is just a number we feel comfortable with to explain it should not be MMO, nor a 2-player game.
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More and more people are looking for a multiplayer experience, I mosty prefer and buy games on this aspect. Also i have many friends that are doing the same, a next exemple could be Space Engineers. People are waiting for the dedicated servers to be developed but the game already exploded in popularity and sales for the devs, and its in Alpha stage. People want to think that this will be the next EVE Multiplayer space game and its awsome.
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holy sh**t the Forest is going to be an insta-buy when it's released! Just like FarSky :) Thanks for sharing it. I'm a sucker for survival games.
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You are welcome :)
The Alpha will be released on May 22, will worth $14.99 on Steam.
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In some reason i cant complete this survey so i write here:
Most of all existing survivavl games are boring (imo)!
I mean, its interesting to play at the beginning but as for me after a while its getting really boring doing same things again and again without any purpose. Ofcourse there are games with randomly generated quests but they are all same type and recurring sometimes. Thats why i think it would be interesting to add community-generated content (quests, some kind of uniqe loot with limitations probably).
For example (we are talking about MMO, right?): there is such thing in games like rust/dayz - to kill ppl just for fun. And this is really annoying when you are looking for a loot or building some structure for a long time. And then just random player arrearing and killing you in da face with shotgun. Well, this is waste of time and kinda dissapointing to loose all you have, dont you think? Ofcourse i understand that its survival game and in some measure it shoud be that way but this is still a game. So i guess it would be nice to minimize ammount of that situations, im not sure it shoud be removed at all there are still many players that like that type of gamestyle, but at least have to be added some limitations in that cases.
So thats what im thinking about it-to minimize this fact it could be done that things (just my thoughts): to prevent killing just for fun we should motivate killer with something. Some player create uniqe quest that shows up in public and after completing this quest another player who completed it being awarded with some loot that have uniqe parametres (which cannot be found while just looting gameworld). So both sides are winners - one of them recieving something from his quest and another one recieving loot.
Thats main problem for me and sorry for my english its not my native language.
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My team agrees that losing everything on death is not something everyone likes.
As of now, our plan is to add two possible server settings, a hardcore mode (restart on death), and a safe mode (some negative effects on death).
That way players will have a choice. We're also trying to make a game that at least suggests co-operation as more beneficial than killing on sight.
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TLDR - So I'll post my answers here since I feel the need to point out the need of something different and new and not a copy of DayZ, Rust or any other game that exists already, I don't want to see zombies.. I am so sick of zombies that I just can't express enough how much.
In a game that focuses on survival, surviving (talking about basic things like eating and drinking) alone should be hard. DayZ is considered a survival game but actually surviving there is easy.. The community is what makes it hard and unpleasant.
You need to have goals, DayZ and Rust and so many other games are merely a different package for PvP and FPS games with small amount of surviving added to it (Think Counter Strike where you need to eat every once in a while).
I think Rust got this a bit better than DayZ, surviving together (I actually never played Rust but seen a lot of Let's Plays and don't plan to get it because it is a lot similar to DayZ).
The thing that Rust got covered better than DayZ is surviving in company. It is stupid trying to Survive alone and DayZ sucks in that way because you can't even talk to someone because you will get shot before you even see them.
I think a survival game should have crafting(Aka Rust) but you should be able to craft only things that actually fit the time.. It doesn't make sense that you can craft factory looking pistols and rifles(Aka Rust) and it doesn't make sense that you can find factory quality guns.
Heh, as I stated in previous questions, both 1 and 2 are clearly the problem of all the survival games. I haven't noticed 3 in any game and have no idea what kind of freedom people are complaining about.
I think the overly focus on zombies and mutants is extremely stupid. For some reason that isn't clear to me, companies want to go for the same thing because they think they have the product that will overthrow the current "owner" of the 1st spot of the genre(The overflow of same Bejewled games to fight King's Candy Crush Saga, the overflow of Flappy Bird copies after Flappy Bird was released and many more examples).
If you want to make a title that will stand for itself and not try to collect DayZ, Rust etc leftovers then I suggest you make a unique concept game.
Take the movie "The Darkest Hour" and many other alien invasion movies and use it to create an alien survival game. Strong enemies that can't be taken down solo, crafting of actual hand made weapons, crafting a safe house etc..
Heck, add damn seasons to the game. I'd love to see snow covered area, I'd love to make a farm within my house and collect water to have food and all that.. Make actual surviving, not kill a zombie and get Granola Bars, Chocolate Bars or cans of food.
I really don't understand number 3 so I would leave it out but I think 2 is actually of higher importance since most survival games have just turned into Counter Strike with the need to feed. and then number 1.
Edit: If you want an example on how a survival game can be unique, check out FarSky($15 on Steam). About 2-4 hour game that I am playing for 53 hours already and I didn't even make Let's Play for it yet.
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well said, althrough the alien stuff is the same as zombies.... I dont know what different you can make, most of apocaliptic scenarios and if we can imagine would be an infection, disease, viruses, nuclear war, nuclear winter. They must think about this scene and work around it. Will have to brainstorm the realistic concept of Apocaliptic Scenarios that would happen in real life. (Nuff said, a zombie invasion would never happen, its just a hollywood ideea)..
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Well.. The reason I gave aliens as an example is because there are too damn many zombie games.. Either way, every logical apocalypse seems to lead to zombies or flesh eating mutants (What ever people want to call them). Heck, there are so many things you can make survival as.. You can even make even survival in space where you need to find new food sources in planets and make sure they are edible(A game like this would probably weight a lot unless you make it similar to "Stargate Atlantis" TV show for example where you dial a planet and teleport there).
There are so many ideas, people just lack the will to be creative or risk for a chance to be the first to bring something new(Why risk when you can copy something certain). I'll give you an example of a story a dev friend of mine told me from few months back.
They had few ideas for a mobile game but the company decided they want something safe so they decided to bring a "creative and experienced" person to lead the team. Now, creativity is probably not the strongest side of this person since the first thing he did was search the app store for the most popular game genre and then searched for a popular name combination and poof, you have amazing creativity skills and a game that has to fight a very very popular mobile game in a very popular genre against many companies as well as the company of the popular game.
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Just finished filling out the survey :), I kinda skipped the last question, since I had too many games to explain what I liked about them.
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As the giveaway will finish in less than 3 hours, i'm resurrecting this thread one last time for anyone that missed it.
After that it's time to start analysing the results. (Yes, i'll be working on this sunny saturday..)
Massive thanks for all the great response already, and I hope to bring more news as soon as we end researching and start creating the game you, the gaming community, desire. :)
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If you use my ideas, just remember to be more creative in naming it, or Electronic Arts will sue you into the ground.
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I'm a 3d-modeller and concept designer, part of a freshly starting indie 3D-game development company called Frozen Mammoth Studios.
My team and I have certain ideas for a new type of survival game on which we will be working on the next few years.
But before we start, we need to check a few hypotheses we have, meaning;
We want to find out what the true gamers (Yep, thats you!) want and need in survival games.
Because of this we've created a small survey, a so called 'problem interview'.
This is how we try to find out if the players have the same ideas about what makes good survival gameplay as we do.
If you ever wanted to get your requirements or ideas heard by a developer, now is your chance! :)
--The survey-- (it's anonymous)
And of course: Little Giveaway as thanks.
Any discussion about survival games is welcome in this topic too.
Edit; additional info from discussion below:
While not trying to give away anything that might influence the survey;
I understand this might be a sensitive subject due to the massive list of minecraft clones we've seen after the success that game had. However, we're not looking at making anything remotely crafty/buildy/minecrafty or dayZ-ish, since that's not what we feel real survival is about.
We also believe a lot of games that say they're 'survival games' are lacking many things that make it actual survivaling (since when is eating to gain Hitpoints survivaling?), and instead are really just 'getting the best weapons/house/gear as fast as possible and kill those that were slower'-games.
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