Getting a girlfriend isn't hard... The hardest part comes after. Which is keeping her under your mantle.
She will always be targetted by other males and it's a constant fight to keep her close to you. The longer you mantain the relationship, the harder it will be to loose her, of course it also depends on her in the end. I've seen couples that were in a relation for 2 years and half and broke up because of her giving in to another guy.
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The trick is not to keep her under your mantle, or don't make it look too obvious that you're clinging on to her, better yet, don't cling at all. A lot of people make the mistake of starting a "relationship" instead of a "partnership", you have to remember that there are two individuals and you guys are sharing a part of your lives. Also, trust is the most important thing, without it, paranoia will eat you up inside.
The thing to remember is that when you do get a girlfriend, you still need to focus on your own life. Some women will try to control you because they think that if you're not dedicated to them 24/7, then you don't love them. This is their version of clinging on to you and it can often degrade the way you feel for your girlfriend.
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I just married mine, 5 years later and still no worries!
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Lmao, wtf.
If you go for hard baits, yeah it's difficult. Like going after that one girl you want, untill she turns you down for some asshole, then you repeat this process a few more times, with decreased chances of finding someone you want.
In the end, if a girl comes to you, you should give her a chance as that might be your best bet, i've mad this mistake a couple of times and well, i'm forever alone right now, so to say. I've had my moments of glory and crap. Life needs to have it's ups and downs.
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Use a Hentai 3D Game to get a girlfriend.
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That's just a stupid stereotype mate. Getting a girlfriend has got nothing to do with you being a gamer. Also, there are girls who are gamers. :)
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Literally. They are playing co-op games together a lot :D
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so far as close as i come to a girl playing the same game as me was some kid who sounded like a girl,but i do not play a lot online
but i do agree if you fail to find a girl that would be your fault,or worse you play so much you do not have time to meet one
but yeah there are several girls on here and i am sure some of them have b/f
just wish there where more girl gamers as they tend to be better friends and more fun to play with and all around good sports and it also does not hurt to hear a sexy voice every now and then lol
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You just had two of us post to your topic and I know there are definitely more of us girls around.
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And don't forget the assumption here that everyone here is male and straight or female and lesbian. Nice exclusion of the straight women and gay men.
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WHO wouldn't like to live in a basement? "It puts the lotions on its skin"
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what basement i have never left my bedroom
i have the worlds largest collection of mountain dew bottles
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what basement i have never left my bedroom
i have the worlds largest collection of mountain dew bottles
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What's wrong with living in the basement? I like it here :(
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But what if you have an online girlfriend on Dota or CS!??!??!?
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have girlfriend
just spent the weekend here
most of our days were spent with her jerking me off while I played video games because it's what she wanted to do
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tought "to jerk off" would mean "to annoy"
did not get the sense of the statement
googled "to jerk off"
wants to have the status of not-getting-the-sense back :S
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I'm happy alone and I have more important things in my life than trying to please someone else
life is short and I have dreams
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Plot twist:
Maybe you are the 5 year old in this, not him. I share a similiar vision to what he said, people are free to be single or engaged or in a relation. People that want to be single think more about themselves and friends and try to reach high in life. You can flirt with any chick you want without having to worry about someone's feelings, you can work for YOURSELF. Hard work and you get to keep the money to yourself, i dislike the fact that alot of girls these days are "expensive".
Also not to mention the trust issues society has these days. I just can't put trust into someone so easily and be like "i love you forever and ever, let's get married!" and the next thing you notice is a divorce and you end up in a tight situation in life and highly depressed because of that someone. Sometimes it's just better to avoid it all and live your life, THE WAY YOU WANT TO.
Just because it's stupid in your mind, doesn't mean it's stupid in reality.
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I'm 20 years old and if it is stupid for you, then good for you
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I've heard incredibly ugly middle aged women say similar things.
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Isn't there lots of girls at graveyard that surely wouldn't say no?
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Not the same. The men are party animals that want to live their lives in happiness while women are like vampires that want to suck the happiness away from them. First women try to pull men away from their friends. Then, when they get married, the women drain the rest of the man's life away through the ring that slowly drinks the blood and soul of the man's finger.
Well, not really... but it is fun to think of that as an excuse when you're a single 22 year old virgin that never leaves his room because of bad social skills.
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Got my ex into gaming, then done goofed. It's not possible, just have to find the time to do it.
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Nope. When life gave me a choice, I chose video games. I could switch back to a IRL social life, but meh. I'm not very sociable (outside of my online life).
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Been with my gf for 3+ years. We had a little girl about a year and a half ago. As long as my responsibilities are met (which they always are) gaming habits are no issue, thankfully. :)
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Congratulations :) ( Assuming.. you guys wanted to have a kid that is :P )
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Well, I don't have a girlfriend because I'm female and straight.
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Just a shame that a straight effeminate guy is a pretty rare thing indeed. I've met one who was bi and he was a great two night stand, though sadly nothing came of it.
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I am a gamer girl, with a gamer boyfriend. I currently have more games on my steam list than he does, but he has played some big AAA games that I haven't. I also own several different types of consoles, including an original Nintendo with Super Mario/Duck Hunt, because fucking nostalgia and I loved playing that growing up. We gift each other games around holidays, during the summer sale, and I even recently surprised him with a few things because I could afford it at the time. We co-op often (actually, he's the only person I will really play online games with, beyond my kids).
It has to do with the circles you hang in (online or RL) and how you act.
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Hello. Middle ages called, they want their moral back.
Speaking about which, what games did you play? I'm in the same case (the other way around though), and I gotta admit coop games are a bit more rare than I'd have expected...
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+1 haha, THANK YOU! Plus, frankly, it is none his/her business anyways.
I have found that with some games that say multiplayer, what you can do is make it a private game with password and you then get co-op, because some do not differ between co-op/multiplayer.
Let me see.... I may miss one or two that we have played together... On Steam: Monaco, Torchlight 2, The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing (both them), TitanQuest: Immortal Throne (via Tunngle), Saints Row (3rd), Serious Sam (1st Encounter, 2nd Encounter, and 3-BFE), a smidge of Path of Exile (but I don't much care for that game), DOTA 2 when it was still in beta (he had it and gave me a pass). Then Diablo 3 + expansion. We've also got a few games that are co-op/mutli, just for the purpose of trying together but haven't yet gotten to it because so many other games and also, I was thinking of buying the E3 HB and showed it to him to see if he wanted any of it. He ended up passing on it, and so I passed too, but it got him curious about Smite and he's gotten into that the last couple weeks. XD So not much co-op since then, except a long round of D3. Mostly just chilling in the evenings on video chat on Skype, doing our things, him sometimes doing Smite.
If you'd like, I could go through my inventory to see what I have, that I know we bought for co-op. I am a very casual gamer when it comes to in game play, loving to fill in all the little spots on the map and admire the graphics as I go (3d artist myself). I like to find little secrets or just explore. Not one those types that plows through to never look back.
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....... to you because it was in reply to someone else who asked me a legit question that they were curious about, so really doesn't apply to you in anyway. You want entertainment, go to youtube.
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You're not really in the steamgifts demographic, are you?
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And exactly what makes THAT your bloody business? Are you my friend? Nope. Do you know me? Nope. Do you really want to hear the earful I would rather give you? Probably not.
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.......... -__-
YOU asked me something that wasn't really any your business, so I can tell you off if I want, in any way I want. If you don't want to be told off by a personal, don't ask to begin with and don't get your panties in a wad when they do; plain and simple as that. The fact you even asked, sets a highly judgmental tone to begin with; something that really has no place in today's society considering how many people out there have kids and are not married. Really do not see how my telling you off is anal, because you are the one being it with your last sentence there. Gamer-girl is a term, that can apply to females of any age. Just as fan-boy or gamer-guy is a term that can apply to guys of any age. Just as fan-girl can apply to females of any age.
Really, when asking someone something that is none of your business and has implications of such "moral" undertones, do not be surprised if they tell you off however manner they choose, and don't get butt-hurt over it. As stated, you do not know me and are not my friend, combine that with your attitude, I see no reason to share any of that with you. It is my business whether I am a single unwed mom, or widowed, or divorced; my life + my business + your nose where it doesn't below = flicked and told off
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LMAO Says the person who got in a tissy when I told them off for asking something that was absolutely none of their business. And advice? WHAT advice? There is not any advice in any of what you have said to me so far. Nor would I ever take any from the likes of you.
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You brought tears to my eyes with that part about Nintendo. When I came back from Uni during the break to find my original Nintendo with all the original game cartridges was given away by my mum when I was at Uni. I had that stuff for at least close to 17 years. At least my mum gave it away to a children's charity, so it was somewhat bearable. Take good care of those consoles..... sniff Excuse me but I need to go and cry now ....
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(pats shoulder) I am sure someone saw them and remembered how much fun they had with them when they were a kid and snagged it up fast to take home and enjoy. It does suck that that happened without any real heads up from her. I know the second I saw it in the store, I had to get it when I found mine. I couldn't believe someone had given it away; took forever to find the gun for it though. Months of patience paid off though. I need to pull it out and play it some, it is packed away with the rest my consoles and stuff, since I recently moved.
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lol Probably.
As soon as I finish paying off all my mortgages, I'm gonna get that console from some collector. Well at least that is the plan, as long as my fiance and mum don't find out. They think gaming is childish and get quite upset when I spend money on games :P
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<___< Aaaaand I would do that WHY now?.... And with who exactly?....
My bf has his own account, he is logged on all the time. I have my own account, which I am logged into all the time. I have no desire to log into his account because it is his, and same goes for him with mine. If I want a game, I will save up to buy it when it goes on sale; I do not need someone else's account to play games, I can wait because they are just games. Also, he isn't interested in some the games I am. We have our own collections, tailored to our own personal tastes, so sharing makes no sense here. And if you are referring to family share with my kids: no. I have a separate account for them, that I monitor and log into for them, only when they have earned game time on there.
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Who has a girlfriend put "+1"
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