Alice: Madness Returns << First game that popup to my mind
Papo & Yo << I still believe this game is more related to mental problems rather than domestic abuse
Fran Bow
The Cat lady
Beyond eyes (maybe??)
Far cry 3 (vaas is crazy??)
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Cat Lady and Fran Bow were the first games that came to my mind. Nice list
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The Park
(I guess) Layers of fear
To the moon (maybe)
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Cahors Sunset
Soul Gambler
Always Remember Me
Sorted by current price on steam. All have been bundled at some point.
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The game is loosely based on Goethe's Faust (I think you know that). In general, it is about the struggle of the main protagonist to find happiness/love in his life and for that he is willing to sell his soul to a witch. He has to choose between the easy hedonism and the more difficult, however more rewarding options. More and more it becomes clear to him, how much he is loosing by giving up his soul. Naturally, there are couple of scenarios throughout the game of the mental struggle. One of the last scenes is pretty literal about that.
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The cat lady , the protagonist has a lot of mental issues plus the game is one of the best i have ever played
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Ah, a topic I have looked into a fair bit. Here's a few off the top of my head, I have some more somewhere which I'll dig out in a bit.
A game that explores social anxiety disorder
That Dragon, Cancer
Themes of depression, hope, faith (warning here it has some religious overtones)
Static Speaks My Name
A free-to-play game that deals with depression and suicidal tendencies
The Cat Lady
Topics that explore depression, suicide, homicide
Pneuma The Breath of Life
Philosophical narration that explores ideas of self and existentialism
Selfie: Sisters of the Amniotic Lens
Not so much a game as a social platform in which people express their inner thoughts. Terrible as a game, but some of the things that people have written are so brutally honest and it does seem to provide many with a way to anonymously verbalize their pain.
Maybe too dark, but explores the trauma behind the depths of a violent psychopath
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After reading this review - - I wishlisted Masochisia
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You can either see it as additional challenge or give up already :D My fellow countryman Konrads is on almost 1000 blacklists, I don't know what you could possibly do to beat it :D
But ok, I'll try not to tarnish your reputation here any more :D
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Fran Bow
Edna & Harvey
Forgotten, Not Lost
Sort of:
The Old City: Leviathan
Darkness Within
MIND Path to Thalamus
Stray Cat Crossing
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Actual Sunlight
"Take a walk on the thin line between hope and despair in Actual Sunlight: A short interactive story about love, depression and the corporation."
Inner Vision Free flash game
In this game you simulate talking people out of suicide
Elude Free flash game
A game designed to help people cope with depression
A game that is supposed to explore topics of hallucination, psychosis, and other mental illness
Depression Quest
This interactive fiction game was at the center of quite a bit of controversy, but it's definitely topically appropriate
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A game called "Anxiety attack" immediately pop in my head. It is not yet a steam game. However it has passed greenlight.
I watched a let's play of it by jacksepticeye, it shocked me a lot. Personally I don't have anxiety issues, but have experienced similar feelings.
It's more of a recommendation for you to play then giveaway since you said your interested.
Here's the game page link:
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Sounds similar to The Average Everyday Adventures of Samantha Browne which is a free game already on Steam
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Not quite. In Anxiety Attack all you do is walk in a woods and breathe. It's more of an experience then a game. But the feeling of anxiety attack really clings onto you and you can feel it. I really recommend playing it or watching a play through of it. :3
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I don't remember them all, but here are some of them: Neverending Nightmares, Hotline Miami, Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, Fran Bow, The Lady.
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The Archetype tries (and, from what I've seen, fails)(or at least handles poorly, considering it's a /game/) to tackle issues like schizophrenia (and abuse)
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I can't think of anything for giveaways at the moment, but there is a free to play game on Steam that I think deserves mention. Maybe you could mention it in the main post?
The Average Everyday Adventures of Samantha Browne deals with social and general anxiety disorder and the extent to which it can affect peoples lives. I deal with severe anxiety myself and I have to say that while the content of the game may seem exaggerated or unbelievable to someone unaffected, it really is an accurate representation.
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mentioning in the main post is an excellent idea. I'm just making a last check before I head to bed but I think I'll try to sort all of the suggestions into the main post tomorrow (or rather later today since it's 2.20am). thanks to all who've replied so far too, some great suggestions I'd never heard of and some that I'm ashamed to have forgotten!
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Thank you for sharing that, I hadn't seen it before and it looks very relatable to me. For all the numerous tags that Steam has, it is unfortunate that it is difficult to find a full listing of games on the service that are relevant to this topic.
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Honestly, I started playing it for the easy 100% before I realized what it was about. But as I played, it became obvious. I think it does a good job of showing how simple things that most people take for granted can be overwhelming. I'd recommend it for everyone.
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edit 10/10/16: Monday the 10th of October is World Mental Health Day and the fortnight from the 10th to the 23rd is, here at least, Mental Health Awareness Weeks. as a result I intended to resurrect this thread a few weeks ago with some new giveaways in preparation but life has been very busy and finances very unstable (many sarcastic thanks to the Department of Works & Pensions who offer employment opportunities exclusively for the incompetent, the lazy and the sadistic) so this is a tad late
I will however be launching a short train of bundled games soon which I'll tie into this somehow
InstruMental Health will be performing in a few Nottinghamshire locations, if anyone happens to be in the area and interested then the events open to the public are at Middle Street Resource Centre's Open Day on Friday the 14th in Beeston and at Renew 37 in West Bridgford on Monday the 17th
the 16th to 22nd of May is Mental Health Awareness Week in UK (there's also an International one in October) and, with my current batch of giveaways, public this time so no thread for them, ending on friday the 13th (how could I resist?) I'm thinking about trying to do some special giveaways on the theme for that week
any suggestions of games with a strong connection (or even a vague one if you feel it's noteworthy) to mental health would be appreciated, both as giveaway ideas as well as for my own curiosity. my finances are limited so I can't promise a lot, but still feel free to suggest games of any price range anyway for completions sake
if it doesn't mean spoiling the game, please try to give some details on the issues addressed in the games as well. I'll be editing suggestions into this post as time (and internet connection) permit
I'll also be doing a performance as part of the band InstruMental Health on the Monday and plan to 'officially' open our youtube channel that day as well with some of our pieces so I'll throw a link to that around too :P
edit 20/5/16: it took a little longer to get the youtube channel up and running but it's done now :D
edit June 2016: I plan to add more giveaways in October for the World Mental Health Awareness Weeks. In the meantime don't be afraid to add more suggestions for the list or even some giveaways of your own.
mental health related games list thusfar
borderline or debatable entries
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