SO much reading, lol, thank you very much for the giveaway!
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I love the game moonbase alpha. Too bad only spammers play the game. If anyone wants to play the game legit with me please add me. :)
Will try the hunt later. Thanks for the challenge.
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dunno if I'll tackle it or not but love the idea - pretty dang slick
and while I'm thinking about it - how is the giveaway link changed to a custom one, as in
...giveaway/actual name of game selected from drop-down gift list
...giveaway/bunch of random letters and numbers picked by the gifter for potential giftees to try and figure out
I've made a couple of giveaways and I didn't notice any option to "set" the giveaway url
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Suilad Mellon!
As mentioned in the title, the game is Lunar Flight, which is on sale until the 25th of May. I made the giveaway end 10 hours before the sale ends, which hopefully gives you all enough time to both buy it if you wish to purchase it and don't win, and to do the scavenger hunt.
You may be tempted to ask "Why do I need so much time to do the giveaway!? Is it hard?" But fret not, space cadet, it merely requires you play Moonbase Alpha. The system requirements aren't too bad, and it will only take up ~1GB of space for a few days at most. It's free to play, if anyone hasn't seen. You can play solo and there is no skill required to complete the scavenger hunt. These are the settings I used, all answers can be obtained through playing the game on this setting.
Playing and working on the giveaway with someone else is okay, but as long as all parties are working on it together. I'm even fine if you clarify something on this thread, as long as you don't post the explicit answer, as this is merely a scavenger hunt to make sure people are playing the game and putting some effort into finding the answers (Really, I am doing this in the hopes that people who are willing to play Moonbase Alpha and enjoy it will also enjoy Lunar Flight).
Fine print note: A certain group chat helped me edit, refine, and test the answers, so the entire chat got a free pass to the giveaway if you are wondering about any early posts on the giveaway.
The 'Scavenger Hunt':
The end result is a 27 character code placed at the end of a link. The code is alphanumeric, the case should always be specified on each particular question.
The Moonbase is at what moonmark (like a landmark!) __ __ (first letter of each word)? What year is the game set in? (Output: XX####)
At the Equipment Shed you can create two types of robots, a RCU Attachment robot and a RCU ____ Attachment robot. First letter for each answer, list them alphabetically. (Output in upper case)
Enter the Command Center. Upon entering, turn around and face the door you just came in from. There are three stickers on this door, one is an American Flag, another is "Hatch Exit", what are the letters on the third sticker, as they appear? (Output in upper case)
Behind the Command Center (as in the side opposite the the hatch), there is a satellite on a stand, as well as a small box underneath the stand. One side of this box has two blinking lights, what are the first letters of the colors the lights are blinking? Alphabetical and lower case output.
(Note: I'm talking basic colors here, the answers are also some of the colors in a rainbow, so if you come up with aquamarine, you're wrong. Note 2: If you are color blind, contact me when you have all the other answers, and for those of you who think you can get an easy answer out of me by just claiming to be color blind, waiting for me to respond is going to take longer than finding the answer in game :P)
At the Life Support System, there are three types of objects that need repaired, what are they, and how many of each object are installed and operational when the Life Support System is at 100% efficiency? List them alphabetically by the first word. The output will be the first letter of each word in upper case + the #. (i.e. if there are 6 Banana Splits, 3 Grape Vines, 5 Orange Juices, the output would be BS6GV3OJ5).
Your robots won't need to fix _ __, the only other object you can interact with that has not yet been mentioned attached to the Life Support System. (First letters of each word, output in upper case)
(Note: Bridge Circuits are a part of the Power Distribution, not the Life Support System, I believe the Settlement tab in the F1 Menu will show you what is what as far as these names are concerned)
When you get everything running at max efficiency, your O2 Rate is what? (Whole numbers only)
In the words of Vlad,
Good "Luck"!
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