my mom, dad, and sister had it. Sister lost sense of smell but went through it in a jiffy, nothing serious, though my dad had it rough, he was hospitalized, as well as my mom, but not as severe. They are all good now, they drank liquids, took showers and some medicine to decrease temperature. Dad was on oxygen and felt like a million bucks after 2 days. Post-covid, they are all fine, dad has some light coughs sometimes, mom has some insomnia moments every other night, sister feels like it never happened.
My best piece of advice is to check in with your doctor if your symptoms persist or get worse.
Good luck my dude
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There's always the scare if you go on vacation and have to use air travel.
Came back recently, had the chills, sick for a day, 5x to the toilet in a day,. and next day it's already somewhat normal.
But nose still running half a week later.
No coughs,. that's the weird bit - guess not covid,. but,. still.
Vitamin-D should help more than vitamin-C
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was a week in the hospital in the covid ward i came with stomach ache and soem backache turned out i had a pancreas infection and gal stones and covid as well on top. thankfully not in the IC but a high fever that didnt go down lots of sweating lots of sleeping and no appetite at all [lost 10kg´s in a week but i think this was more due to the galstones and pancreas infection myself]
once i regained some appetite again i ate a lot of soup fruit and a lot of water. besides a lot of sleep during quarintine of course..
the first few days i went back to work after quaraintine my boss noticed that i worked a lot more slower than normal and to me it felt my mind wasnt always there. but if that was a sideeffect i am not sure. one thing i can say for sure being at a covid ward in the hospital seeing waht happens there made quite an mpression to me .
My first neighbour was a 85yr odl man on the breathing apparatus. which at night an 90yr old woman arriving with a nosebleed of half a liters . so yeah my first night wasnt pleasant :). i was lucky my symptons wasnt that bad but hearing people scream for help in the covid ward due to not being able to breath properly is something that you wont forget easily...
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others have stated, listen to your doctor and go asap if it gets too worse to bear. Although every individual person tolerates things differently, so to the best of your knowledge of how your body feels.
sorry! i have no advice on how to take care of yourself, all i can share is what'll possibly happen if you need the hospital!
i work in xray, and i hope you dont need a hospital and this goes through nicely. because fuck anti vaccers. which also includes some of my medical coworkers unfortunately.
hospitals in my area are constantly in capacity, average wait times in the e.r seem to be hours for (some\most?) patients
we're constantly converting entire damn floors or sectioning off areas just for covid peoples.
and of course, some die from it, but xray is there every step of the way too, not as much as respiratory of course though!
every time respiratory adjusts a tube that they shoved down your throat, that you are tied down in your bed, because everyone instinctively tries to yank it out of their throat \ lungs asap, xray is there to take a picture to see where that tube placement is. and everytime we'll see the status of your lungs as it hopefully gets better, or deteroriates. some people have a hopefully short visit, but quite a number stays a week-month+
and if you're stuck up on one of our floors for a long duration of time, you get waken up (if youre not drugged up) at 5-6am everyday for a daily morning chest xray to do a daily check up. i had to do this recently since my shift is rarely need those hours, but almost every intubated person just did not respond as i had to move their bodies around to get my xray done. and a majority of them were tied down.
and lastly, as many have already asked, but i didnt see any answers for. were you vaccinated? in a majority if not all the cases i've seen, vaccinated > unvaccinated. and please its just a simple yes or no answer.
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I got 2 doses of Sinovac, my reason was the Delta variant, then I realize you can still infect someone despite being vaccinated, so the vaccine is just a matter of "don't die at the hospital" as a worst case scenario?. Problem is, people think that being vaccinated = no need to wear a mask anymore in here or the stupidest logic of "If It happens, It happens". Less and less people wear mask in here, I just don't get It. Around 1000 people die because of Covid daily but we have green light. Huge mess imo.
I didn't stop wearing the mask, I just thought being vaccinated would stop from infect someone else which is my biggest concern.
It's terrible what you have seen, are all these intubated persons unvaccinated? If the answer is yes I'm glad that I took the vaccine but still worried because the worst case scenario for me is to infect someone of my family.
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i usually dont look up my patients history when i do exams. those intubated ones i mentioned, its just another daily chest xray for them, same for me. xray is like 70% chest xrays everyday sometimes.
although even if i did look into a patients history, i wouldnt know where to properly look for vaccination status, if thats listed or not at all.
theres so so much paper work, physical and digital i'd go through whenever looking up a persons info. (usually a lot more relevant for nurses n doctors than xray. cat scan , mri, or nuke med on the other hand, then i'd need to know patient info)
thank you for being smart n safe about all this!
my part of america is... fuck it i'll just say it. republican /. religious so i'd say chances are higher that the intubated ones werent vaccinated.
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Hello again. Yesterday I went seeking a worker who's friend of the family, the talking was going great and he was gonna do the required job for us, but few minutes later a truck from the city hall (fire department) arrive with 2 of those blowers/sanitizers and then family from other house go out. Only at that point realize something was fishy, It was weird for me that the guy was using the mask this time, he only used It on the "red alert" period. He only told me his family (he included) and 2 more, the ones from the sides of his house got infected when I started to ask several questions. He claims that he was alright now according to the doctors, that he was in quarantine for a month, but he wasnt gonna tell me anything If I didn't saw all that. Luckly his mother is getting better he was hospitalized. I had a discussion with him months ago, he claims covid is induced on the people by fear, that fear to covid creates all these symptoms, that the virus doesnt exist. You should have seen his face when I said to him "I told you about this, I was not trying to fuck around with you but you didnt want to listen". His face of shame...
You know this better than me. I just find hard to believe people hide this kind of deal after 3 families get infected. I went back with a bit of fear to be honest, because of my mother.
Let's keep awareness, this thing aint over despite people lowering the guard, specially here with a " green light" and no authorities to obligate people to wear masks.
PS: sorry for the bad grammar.
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Get well soon, bro!
Americans are all vaccinated already, right? So I guess you guys will recover pretty fast. Drink a lot of water, have an aspirin if you need it, keep your room ventilated, don't go anywhere unless it's to the ER and keep your blood oxygen in check. There isn't much else you can do, and it sucks, but you'll be fine. Don't take too many vitamins or too much juice, water and rest are probably enough.
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Just wait for a little bit. When omicron is everywhere in full power, vaccinations won't say a thing indeed. Countries like mine (we don't even really how how many people are vaccinated here because every statistics in Russia is basically a lie (plus many people just buy vaccination certificates), but the number is obviously obscenely low) and Lugum's will be in the same situation yet again. And this situation worries me immensely, I'd love to be able to get a booster shot every 6 months and be relatively safe. But looks like that's not nearly enough anymore.
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The first results for Pfizer/Biontech suggest that two doses reduce infections by 30% and severe cases by 70%. That's still a whole lot better than nothing. And in March they should have an adapted version ready for Omicron.
Anyway, I don't get what his intention was. I only had informed andraste that not all US Americans are vaccinated. Not by a long shot.
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Frankly, I don't really follow news about other vaccines since Sputnik (you know, that miraculous vaccine that has no noteworthy side effects at all, the one evil people from WHO refuse to approve because our side can't be bothered with providing necessary documents) is pretty much the only one available to us. And its developers have already admitted that it's more or less useless against Omicron (without any exact numbers, of course). So yeah, I hope you guys will be ok. Not so sure about us though.
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Our own specialists considered Sputnik quite reliable against previous variants but I'm also not aware of any specific comparisons, let alone its efficiency against Omicron.
I heard how Russians mistrust the vaccines/government and some cheat the system in return. Tragic but ultimately that's the result of lasting large disinformation campaigns. Best wishes to you though.
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Two times already, for the first it was super easy, but the second time I had to lay in bed for almost 2 days, as my throat was exploding
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It's hard to give any advice... Different people have it very different... And now there is multiple strains, which makes it even more different. For me it was just like a mild cold, I could have not notice it at all. And my father almost died form it. And it was before delta strain appeared, and this one seems to be even more dangerous. Take care of yourself and your family, and get well soon!
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My step father caught a bad cold about 2 weeks back (which he's still fighting), then my mom caught it, and from occasionally being around them I caught it too a few days ago. Just got some test results back and it turns out we all have Covid. Let me say, it is miserable. I've been having convulsion-level shakes in the middle of the night the last two nights in a row, joints seizing up, random cold spikes happening all over, and all sorts of other problems. Even though I've only had it for a few days it already is starting to feel like an eternity.
Anyone who has been through it have any tips? I've been drinking lots of water, orange juice, and eating bananas. Been using a heating pad and doing minor physical exercises to help with the cold spikes (tried just keeping my room hot but that made me feel infinitely worse). Was planning on picking up some Zinc pills, but now I'm supposed to self quarantine so going to try and avoid going anywhere unless absolutely necessary (might end up going back to the doctors if things get worse).
For those that came for giveaways, here's some random keys:
Automachef - ??YMM-NBAYD-ZI?IN (??? = a common abbreviation for story driven games)
Tower 57 - T8DQM-???3Z-KPQ2C (? = ARAARA)
Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages - W5N?C-LVGME-MJDYB (? = 321?)
STASIS - FQ8EZ-IHV??-DNGWC (? = Initials for where the US president works)
Geometric Sniper - FNIH5-LN?H?-YYG4E (? = frogs&dogs)
Glass Masquerade - Halloween Puzzle Pack - YLN??-FE6QP-N68N7 (?? = hours in a day)
Guts and Glory - ELHTX-JXQ??-5RVTW (? = a six cylinder engine)
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