Thanks for the support :)
My mom has it too, but she's actually doing the best out of the three of us.
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EEP, sorry to hear that!
I dunno if this will help, but I had a bad case of pneumonia over a decade ago, and I felt sapped of energy and miserable the whole time. The doctor told me to stay active and exercise a bit even then, that it helps the lungs. Even if all you can manage is just, like, IDK, walking around the house for 20 - 30 mins or so, anything is better than nothing. I don't know the details of how or why it works, but I did get over the pneumonia after about two weeks or so. Again, IDK if any of this will apply to you or your family, but maybe it's worth trying if you or their symptoms get to be like pneumonia.
Oh and if you're talking antibiotics, remember to take ALL of them and never miss a dose until the meds are all completely gone, otherwise it might not work!
Other than that, just remember you and your mom and stepdad are all sick and need to recover. Don't do more than you have to to get better, and be patient with them too. Rest is their AND your best friend right now.
But again, thank you for the giveaway, and I wish for you and your family a speedy recovery!
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So sorry, it sucks to be sick.
Not much to do now, I think -- if things work out ok, your body will do its thing. Of course, isolate yourself from others, keep your windows open to air up the places you are in (lowering the concentration of the virus in the air). I imagine you already talked to your doctor, who knows you clinically and can get you better advice than I can, for sure.
If possible, it might be a good idea to get an oximeter -- if your blood oxygen gets too low, you might not notice naturally, but then it is time to worry and look for even further medical attention.
Get well soon!
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Its tough to keep windows open for very long due to the temperature atm, but I'll see what I can do.
I'll definitely look into getting a oximeter asap. I had my blood oxygen checked at the doctors and they said I was ok, however my step dad and mom haven't had theirs checked yet.
Thanks for the well wishes :)
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I have a crock pot I use sometimes that'd be perfect for that. Will have to check later if I have enough veggies to put something together :)
Also have a ton of chunky and cambels soups, which I've been eating quite often last few days.
Congrats on snagging G&G, have fun!
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i try automachef and stasis but say already taken,at me happen same you but with vaccine pfizer at second dose bad reactions strong convulsions too ,fall down too 2 times,and fever 39.4,now i'm ok,but 3 days very not good.
call doctor but you must take med for low fever,paracetamol or something like that is not good stay high fever long time can make problem theet,brain etc.
when fever go up very fast,make people tremble a little bit same convulsion but less,must take med for low it,then fever go from39.4 to 37 half,then back up then take med go low,then back up then take med go low etc. until finish,it's a fight,and must drink eat and think positive,watch happy things make u smile and not must do things that overfatigue your body,must keep energy for fight fever.
This i talk is for vaccine pfizer reactions or normal fever, for covid19 i don't know it's a different thing,because it's same but add try damage lung etc. so you must go talk doctor\expert.
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I'm guessing no, since if you do get it, it's much less troublesome.
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Don't refuse hospitalization if doctors suggest it's necessary. Just don't. My mom and me couldn't persuade my moronic father to go to the hospital for 2 days straight, and who knows, maybe his doctors would have managed to save him if he hadn't been so stubborn.
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Keep in mind that the body is expending a lot of resources in effort to fight the infection, keeping your food and fluids up will help you stay physically able to fight it better than simply laying in bed for days without refueling. Keep an eye on your fever and try to keep it below 102 with ibuprofen or acetaminophen. If you start getting close to a fever of 103 you should probably talk to a nurse or doctor for advice. Try to get as much rest as you can, but be sure you are getting up and getting a little light exercise and mobility here and there, avoid doing anything too strenuous. Breathing too shallowly supposedly can contribute to, and or be a sign of pneumonia.
An oximeter would help in trying to make sure your oxygen levels dont reach dangerous levels (Below 92 is where you generally start to be concerned.) If you feel like you're struggling to breathe, breathing very rapidly, cant control your coughing, or feel like you're going to pass out you should definitely talk to your doctor or seek treatment. (Recommended not to drive yourself if you feel faint.)
Try to keep in touch with your family in case you wind up needing some help and consider asking friends to deliver needed supplies to the front door if possible. And past that try to keep yourself comfortable and entertained, distracting yourself from the fact that you're sick and miserable will help keep you sane and make it pass by a bit quicker. If you have the energy or focus to do so, find a game, movie, book, or just a chat with someone, but take breaks frequently to attend to other needs.
Hopefully you're not in a position where you cant just take 'a sick day' and try to focus on your own recovery. It goes without saying, but try to avoid interacting with pets and other people directly if possible while sick, wear a mask when you need to (try to change it somewhat frequently to keep it dry and make it more comfortable to use), and do all the standard hygiene things like washing hands and changing clothes before you leave / after you return. (IE: Try not to take your germs elsewhere, but also try not to bring back any new ones from say the hospital or whatnot. I always try to shower or at least change clothes when returning home from busy public spaces just as a general rule.)
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Sorry to hear it. Hope you are all better soon.
Were you and your family vaccinated?
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I wish I could say I know what you're going through, but when my wife and I got it it was literally just a cold with a fever. The only reason we even thought to test for covid was because we lost our sense of smell. All we used to treat it was Theraflu.
My parents got it around the same time, and their symptoms were even less than ours.
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from my experience hearing many person I know who was getting Covid, you need to prepare oximeter (oxygen level are the most concerning), vitamin, and sunbathing every morning, usually the rest will go easy or bad depending on your fitness level, my 65 yo father who regularly cycling only get a bit fatigue and lost smell for 2 weeks. My 25 yo friend that didn't exercise need to be hospitalized. Hope you got speedy recovery
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Had this crap twice now. Kinda hard to avoid in Sweden :P
Healthy food... Much Water... Multivitamins.. Much Sleep.. and Circulating air 🙂👍 If you are one of the very few that has trouble breathing... go to a doctor. Otherwise, just ride it out, you'll be fine.
I treated myself to hot (potato, sausage & vegetable) soup for the chills. And ate Ice cream for the hot-flashes. Also took regular Ibuprofen when pain/fever got too annoying.
Hope u all get well soon.
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How is it hard to avoid in Sweden? Seems like I should have had it multiple times now if it was easy. I use public tranportation every work day and only managed to get it because my family was sick and I caught it from them a year into the pandemic.
Havent had a sick day from work since last december (when I had Covid) after I started taking vitamins and take a 10km+ walk almost every day.
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Because 90% of us lived life as normal.
No masks.. no regulation.. and everyone still using public transportation and ignoring distancing.
And if we get sick, we are used to it right? I've had a cold for 38 years now 🤣 Most ppl go to work anyway.
Just be glad you/we are healthy 👍 And nothing serious happened.
only managed to get it because my family was sick and I caught it from them
Yes.. exactly 😉
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I have no Idea why you say
Yes.. exactly
like you proved a point. I literally didnt catch it from a stranger but from family members who I live with. Who wears a mask at home.
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I just asked a question because I havent heard that people repeatedly get it multiple times in Sweden because its hard to avoid. I was fine with the answer because I understood that you probably ment get it in the first place from your answer. I wasnt going to ask anything more until I read your end comment wich I dont have any idea what you ment.
No matter, I was just curious and you have already answered so lets leave it at that.
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Can I ask if you are vaccinated? A friend of mine just got it the other day but she was vaccinated and it didn't manage to hit her too hard but I know she is among the lucky ones
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i also had covid. it was a pain in the ass. i could feel the damage in my lungs getting more severe and sometimes my heart ached. also my body was in pain. drink lots of tea with honey and ginger and rest a lot. i also lost my taste for a couple of days which was also very unpleasent. not to taste anything is terrible. luckily i recovered and my taste came back. good luck and hope you stay healthy.
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This may sound funny, but really good advice to train your lungs is that you can do it with improvised means, such as inflating a balloon or just blowing through a tube into a glass of water.
but this is all later, first you should consult a doctor, he will prescribe the necessary medications, and also most likely must send for a computed tomography of the lungs, with covid, the lungs are damaged and it is difficult to breathe, you cannot start this moment, since then or you will have to use more complex methods of treatment and stronger medications, or even worse, to miss the moment and get into intensive care. and do not pay attention if you do not have the most famous symptoms - the loss of smell or taste, they are not always present, only a test in the clinic will give an accurate result.
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I wish you and your relatives good luck, and I hope you all can get well soon. Take care.
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My step father caught a bad cold about 2 weeks back (which he's still fighting), then my mom caught it, and from occasionally being around them I caught it too a few days ago. Just got some test results back and it turns out we all have Covid. Let me say, it is miserable. I've been having convulsion-level shakes in the middle of the night the last two nights in a row, joints seizing up, random cold spikes happening all over, and all sorts of other problems. Even though I've only had it for a few days it already is starting to feel like an eternity.
Anyone who has been through it have any tips? I've been drinking lots of water, orange juice, and eating bananas. Been using a heating pad and doing minor physical exercises to help with the cold spikes (tried just keeping my room hot but that made me feel infinitely worse). Was planning on picking up some Zinc pills, but now I'm supposed to self quarantine so going to try and avoid going anywhere unless absolutely necessary (might end up going back to the doctors if things get worse).
For those that came for giveaways, here's some random keys:
Automachef - ??YMM-NBAYD-ZI?IN (??? = a common abbreviation for story driven games)
Tower 57 - T8DQM-???3Z-KPQ2C (? = ARAARA)
Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages - W5N?C-LVGME-MJDYB (? = 321?)
STASIS - FQ8EZ-IHV??-DNGWC (? = Initials for where the US president works)
Geometric Sniper - FNIH5-LN?H?-YYG4E (? = frogs&dogs)
Glass Masquerade - Halloween Puzzle Pack - YLN??-FE6QP-N68N7 (?? = hours in a day)
Guts and Glory - ELHTX-JXQ??-5RVTW (? = a six cylinder engine)
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