We should start a Twitter campaign about this. I suggest #GamerGate, who's with meβ½
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Boo. I wanted to keep that game I was never going to play.
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I actually wanted to play it... some day... T.T
p.s. so far it's still in Steam library... hope it will stay...
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In a genre I don't know if I like.
Seriously. I picked up both Civ 5 and Warlock when they were free. I still haven't got round to playing either of them.
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Reading comprehension here would pay-off.
The statement indicates that the bot-attack preceded the pricing error. Gamersgate is not suggesting that their site struggling under a high traffic load from people rushing to take advantage of the error was a bot attack.
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Just a BS excuse for an error by someone who works for the site, just say it was a mistake don't lie about it. If it was what they said it was, why did it only affect one game? That or it was just a way to get some people to find out about the site and maybe use it at some point.
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I find it interesting that the moderator's profile specifically states "My opinions are my own, and do not necessarily represent those of GamersGate. Please do not quote something I said as coming from a GamersGate official, because that is not what I am."
Why is he suddenly the one delivering official responses?
EDIT: It's not that I doubt him, but I feel like he must be getting his info from someone else. The keys will probably still be revoked, since moderators don't generally make up stories.
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We shall wait and see, This is getting annoying already :D
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It's getting annoying not knowing if you're going to keep the game you got for free by error?
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if they are going to remove it, i hope they do it fast "i don't like dilemmas" :D and I'm talking about the situation in general
Im not the bad guy here :D
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This bit makes it sound as if there was some massive attack on multiple services / sites by bots. I haven't heard of any such event - has any major "thing" happened recently?
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Well, a week or two ago there was an incident where someone gained access to my Gamersgate account, accumulated a bunch of blue coins (looks like mostly from making LOTS of reviews in a matter of seconds), and then days later bought games with those coins as well as attempting to buy something with a credit card.
Someone on this forum (DeltaBladeX I believe) mentioned someone using their account to buy something with blue coins around the same time frame. I also had my GMG account and some bundle site accounts compromised around that same time (as did a couple other people I know).
So... their story seems somewhat plausible.
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good luck with that i never had u prolly click phlishing site i doubt it or it was ur family give to online frined or something so it must be ur own fault that only two people u just failed in pw protection
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Oh hell no, I'm sensible enough to avoid such myself, and it still happened on that site. I'm putting the blame on GG, since the only other place that password is still used is my army of GameFAQs trolling accounts.
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Nice assumptions but all wrong. Try again asshat.
I am not so stupid as to click on a phishing link. I do not pirate anything, and only download from reliable sites. I do not have any family, nor have I shared my passwords with anyone. I am fairly confident my friends are not idiots either.
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Yeah, happened to me. Fortunately, my other accounts use different passwords, with my 6 character password I used on GamersGate being used only for low priority site accounts I barely use. Most sites have 11 - 16 character passwords for ages. GamersGate isn't one I frequent though.
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im saying is that that not attack that like two people so gamersgate blamingg something that much not happen is prolly untrue bot attack my ass it call we fuck up attack lol
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There were password leaks related to something called Heartbleed (if I remember correctly), which is likely the reason both me and ceildric had our accounts accessed by others. While their attempts to fix this likely aren't the reason for the price error, the problem mentioned did exist.
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Was this perchance Heartbleed related?
P.S. that icedragon kid is now suspended, but for a laugh, check out his Steam profile, click on more info. God, so ridiculously, mind numbingly, brain meltingly obtuse rambling. It's one of those "I don't know whether to facepalm, laugh, or rage at this kid - or all three at the same time while I lament the current state of humanity" kind of deals :D. Also, I note that he keeps double posting. Rage-kid spamming the Submit button because "ITSNOTLOADINGFDOMGGUYSITNEEDBETOFESTER" :D
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I don't think his posts here deserve a suspension though. I guess he did something else.
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Yeah not ban-worthy posts as they are, but definitely supporting evidence of shitty demeanour in case of - indeed probable - more egregious stuff he's done.
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They suffered a DDoS attack from whoever it is that's on the opposing side of this whole gamergate thing because they thought gamerSgate was somehow affiliated. I wasn't aware of the Warlock 2 pricing issue and I've long ago stopped paying very close attention to the whole gg thing so I only know they were attacked but can't comment on the timing of the two, although I suspect that this is the attack they were referring to.
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I still have 0 idea of what this was about :P
Also, kudos on the nickname :D
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they removed the game from the list of owned games on gamersgate.
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"Worst digital video game retailer" because they don't let you take advantage of them?
I tend to agree that the Bethesda Pack situation was somewhat unjust because money had changed hands, even if it was an extreme discount. However, in this case people walked off with something completely free.
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that gamersgate own fault amazon newegg/amd steam and plus warlock 2 will be future bundle so not much difference
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go suck ur eggo. huge difference digital and brick and mortar are huge difference dumbass
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What wonderful punctuation, what eloquent verbiage. What lovely, rational argumentation. Thank you so much for your insightful, thought-out comment.
Are you even old enough to be on a PC?
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Not taking sides here or anything, but not a very good analogy. No one left GG open and unattended for people to loot.
What happened was you, albeit mistakenly, put up a sign saying "take one the product is free" and then call foul when people take the product for free.
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You're right, it was not a very good analogy. Was a bit lazy on my part.
My contention though is that most people (I dare say well above 90%) knew that this was not an intended discount or offer. They were knowingly taking advantage of other innocent human beings.
Perhaps a more apt analogy would be if I had a hole in my pocket, and I was dropping money on the ground without being aware of it. People behind me, rather than returning the money and warning me of the problem, are pocketing it with a sly grin.
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My analogy is still much closer to the situation.
Look, sometimes a store puts the wrong price on a product into their computer, just like like putting a price up on a web site. The difference is that almost always a brick and mortar store will honor the wrong price since it was their fault. Being that this particular product was listed for free brings a little more complexity to the situation, but it is NOT akin to having a hole in your pocket (unless you had a sign on your back as well that stated free money dropping go ahead and pick it up), the error was listed/advertised in their store and your hole in the pocket was not.
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The error was evident to those that looked, just as me dropping money out of my pocket would be evident to anyone watching me as I walk by on the street.
Analogies aside though, the "I'll do whatever I can get away with, even at the expense of others" is not the attitude of a decent human, at that is exactly what is in evidence here (not talking about you, to be clear, but about others). As I said before, almost everyone knew that this was a mistake and not intended. Despite there being a "sign" indicating it was on offer for free, no one really believed that to be the case. Thus I don't believe that a sign can be used to wave off moral culpability.
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Tell me why wouldn't somebody believe it was free? If it's a store and in that store it says that the item is free why should i think that it isn't? BF3 was free on origin and it was not an error, Sniper Elite V2 was free on steam and it was not an error, L4D2 was free on steam.... lots of times there was price glitch on steam and games were sold for a few cents and those were not revoked. This is the same thing, so it was free as an glitch but still people that took it are their customers that bought an product from a store for a price that that store put up
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Well, I'm recalling the other situation now, one with Dead Rising 3. They haven't revoked keys after all the rage ffrom customers. That was a good move imo. What GG did is a really bad thing imo and because of them I will never buy anything from them.
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You are calling these decisions "good" and "bad" entirely based upon whether it benefited you or not. That's not how morality works. Nor does bowing to the rage of "customers" prove anything. There is nothing logical or objective about an angry mob. Just stupid, animal behavior.
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Then you don't even deserve to have the luxury of being able to play videogames. If a store correcting an honest mistake they made to prevent loss of income off a product that is still selling well and is likely earning them a fair bit of profit is enough to make you say "they're so mean, I'm never buying from them again", then please, never breed. I'm sick and tired of this entitled generation of simpletons.
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I am "purchasing" some air right now with my lungs, too :D
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It's not about taking advantage. It's about something as common as paying for one's mistakes. You know the saying "you made your bed, now lie in it"? All I'm saying is they should have let those people keep the game. As far as I remember when Steam makes price mistakes they never delete those games from people's accounts (Sleeping Dogs, Tropico etc.). They have something which is called "honor".
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Honor? The honorable thing for people to do would have been to email Gamersgate and warn them that there was a mistake on one of their pages, not to take advantage of it. If anyone was dishonorable here it was these "customers".
It may be nice that Valve doesn't revoke the activations from their price mistakes, but that's not something they HAVE to do. It is not something that is either legally or morally justified. They do it to avoid the irrational ire of the animal mob, as seen from some in this thread.
As for that saying you referenced, that is used when a person (or organization) has done something willfully that they later regret. Same with the idea of "paying for one's mistakes". That's a different kind of mistake than what we have here.
There are basically two kinds of mistakes:
1) Something one chooses to do and later regrets
2) Something that happens unconsciously and outside of an individual's control - these are also called accidents
The former are failures of judgement, and people that commit them must own them, as you say. The latter are so beyond our control and so universal (everyone can make typos, for example) that you cannot reasonably hold someone accountable for them.
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i must agree on most of what you said celidric
but one thing i must disagree upon at least here in the U.S if you walk into a business and the shelve price says 99 cents and when you get to the check out it is 5.99 they have to eat it and give it to you for the price on the shelve
online they can get away with it but to call everyone that got it s dishonorable is a bit of a stretch as not everyone is like that just because they got it for free i am sure some where not aware it was some kind of glitch
not everyone lives on steam or forums related to steam or other sites that post all this stuff
none the less regardless of if it was a glitch or not i still think they should have just left it be and chalked it up to a mistake but they have every right to revoke it just like everyone has a right to be angry over it being revoked telling someone they do not have the right is wrong in so many ways because no matter if someone is right or wrong they still have that right to be right or wrong
like i said they choose what they wanted to do and had just as much right to revoke said keys just as much as people have a right to be angry over it if they so choose
unless it is only your idea of how the world works that matters
none the less i still think they would have been better letting it be as it is as to me the risk of losing business for revoking to me is far less then letting them keep it as if they like it they might buy the dlc for it but they made there choice
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ting is that usually when you make that kind of a mistake you bite the bullet and let those that got the keys keep them. If you just remove them from the users library's that for me you lose all credibility. it's not about if those guys got something for free that shouldn't be free, it's how gamersgate treats their customers and those that got warlock 2 are still their customers!
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Bullshit. You know it is a mistake and go in to make use of it. Whatever happens next is up to the seller.
Grabbing a game for free due to (obviously) a mistake and expecting no reaction is at the very least naive. You should go in with a: At worst they take it back, at best I get to keep it! attitude. That is allright! But whining about getting it revoked is very childish, no matter what reason you dig up to keep the game.
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yeah it's a mistake but thing is that everybody doesnt have to know its a mistake so removing it from the users library isnt an ok action. for me there would be 2 normal actions, 1 let the users keep it, 2 send every user that took it while the glitch was active email with explanation what happened and apologize for removing the game. First thing is more professional because it's their mistake and not users mistake, users shouldnt have to worry if some price is glitched or not and web stores should learn to live with their mistakes. this is obviously their error, when you make a web store implement an no 0.00 price check and add special free price for promotions, to big discounts are not so easy to prevent but giving stuff for free is
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You are not a customer if you don't give them anything in return and it wasn't part of a promotion. Not sure how you lose credibility by correcting a mistake. Advertising it was free and then revoking causes a loss of credibility. I strongly suspect that there ToS allows this so anyone who has a real problem with it should never have agreed to it and in doing so have removed any credibility from their argument.
What happened to the days when you saw a glitch like this, tried it, and then were happy if it fell in your favor and just said "Oh well" when it didn't?. Sort of like finding $100, you have to (for people with any moral compass) ask anyone likely to have lost it, secretly hoping it isn't theirs. If you get to keep it then fantastic if not you haven't lost anything and would be foolish to be upset. Used to happen a lot more in the early days of e-commerce, now people feel entitled for some reason
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I have precious little sympathy for people that take advantage of an exploit and have their tainted goods removed. If you find a pricing error and you manage to keep the game, chalk it up to a win. If not, then nothing's lost. But don't act like your rights have been trampled because you weren't able to get something for free (or just about free).
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I wholly agree with this statement, only the first sentence needs a bit of nuance. I mean, people can be bummed out and bitch a bit about losing a game they got for free due to an exploit, without feeling or showing any form of entitlement. I didn't get the free game, but if I had gotten it and it was revoked, I'd also be like "eeehhHHHH MAN, this sucks! Dammit :P." But, I would in no way act like an entitled jackass about it and throw a hissy fit, or act like I had a right to anything. I'd just lament the fact that I didn't have the game any more, albeit in a far more light-hearted way than most. I started with nothing, I gained nothing, but I also in effect lost nothing :P. It would just be mildly annoying to lose the game. But no cause for complaining at Gamersgate.
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Couldn't be happier.
Now let me scroll down and read all the "hurr, durr, I got my free copy cos of a glitch on the store page, they should honor that cos.. cos.. hurr, durr" comments. It's not like the store/dev would loose money cos of that, yer must hiv yer copi.
Ah, what a great piece of news.
inb4 "x honors stuff like that" Good for them but afaik, stores are there to SELL stuff, not to give it away for free. If a store chooses to honor things like that, great PR, however it's still them loosing money. Don't even try to bring up Valve and glitched prices since they have an infinite amount of funds...
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I always liked to see happy people, who're glad when someone else unhappy or in trouble
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When those unhappy people are being irrational dicks, can't lie, it puts a smile on my face.
Also, "or in trouble".
BTW. How's that definition of "greedy" going?
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All who got their free keys in Steam are irrational dicks, yeah
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No, not everyone. The picture painted in the previous thread contained quite an amount of people, though. Then again, I'm completely fine with calling them all irrational dicks, we all can be ignorant once in a while.
Also, are you going to cherry-pick all my posts apart now? You're doing an excellent job of being a brick wall and just bypassing that, well, the game you got... how can I say this... you got, as you said yourself - for free. Please don't reply to my posts ever again, it's a waste of time to for me to read that shit and then try to respond in a normal way.
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It's hard to tell but it might even be in their interest to let people keep it, in the hope they'll buy up on their DLC for the game. As with many other Paradox games the base game ends up dirt cheap pretty quickly or bundle fodder while the DLC bandwagon is flogged for all it's worth.
In other words it's becoming more common nowadays for a base game to be in effect a loss-leader.
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If I'm not mistaken both are owned by the same company. I think for the purposes of seeing where money might be lost or gained you can sort of think of them as one.
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Depends on certain countries' laws. In some it is and they (the people) could fight it. Gamersgate is the only company that I know of that would try to do that. Steam, Amazon, and even Origin would not touch that with a 20 foot pole and just cut any losses.
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Please, and just in case, DO NOT CREATE MORE GIVEAWAYS for Warlock II with Keys obtained from the GamersGate "deal", because they're going to be revoked:
" Official response
Unfortunately, after the forced update of the web-site due to the bot attack that happened all over the web, we had a small glitch regarding the pricing for the game on our co.uk website and this game in particular was wrongly priced for 0.00. We have fixed the bug promptly and had to revoke the keys due to the obvious wrong pricing on it. Unfortunately, this will result in the keys being deactivated. We apologize for the inconvenience this has brought anyone. "
SOURCE: GamersGate Moderator "m661", http://www.gamersgate.com/gametutor?issue=252430
UPDATE: And indeed the game has been revoked on Steam: http://www.imagebam.com/image/291a5b362743432
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