Since we always seem to have to repeat this every single damn time. Let's reiterate



Thank you for your time.

For everyone else not reading this, enjoy you bans.

13 years ago*

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Its too late! We're getting flooded with the giveaways!

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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I thought the mods indicated they did not approve of this even in private giveaways. They indicated that we should report anyone doing this even privately or in group giveaways.

Regarding your preference for sausages, I think your charity work is totally awesome and more than compensates for a slight brain fart concerning this :)

13 years ago

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Thread about the bundles

  • If you think that it would be okay to create these giveaways as Group Giveaways or Private, you're wrong! The rules of SG do apply to those Giveaways, too.

edit: So it seems it's not allowed in any giveaways including group and private ones too...

13 years ago

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i already started one noooooooooooooooooooooooooo

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Looks like we go down together

13 years ago

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Read the damn rules then.

13 years ago

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I started it before this post was made

13 years ago

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And? The rules about bundles have been in place for months.

13 years ago

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exor125 has only been here for 2 days so there's at least an ignorance argument there.

Freaky, you have been here for 5 MONTHS. You absolutely deserve a suspension because this has come up MULTIPLE times, has been reiterated CONSTANTLY for the Humble Bundle and Indie Royales. There is simply no excuse for you posting those gifts. Especially given your first gift was a potentially exploited multiplayer MM key.

13 years ago

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Sorry about that, I'm not in to the community, but okay, I wont gift spare games then. :P

Too bad, because I bet someone would like to win.

13 years ago

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Agreed. See my thread for detailled info about SG's policy for Humble and IR bundles. This isn't new.

13 years ago

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The first thing I do when joining a site like this is to read the rules / FAQs. When rules like this are as plain as they are on this site, even "only 2 days" isn't much of an excuse.

That said, not everyone reads the forums, and unless things have changed very recently (or I missed something), there isn't any obvious mention of the rules elsewhere....

13 years ago

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Yeah, when I joined the site, there were no rules like this, case closed.

13 years ago

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"Oh Sorry. Murdering people wasn't against the law when I was born. I'm sure you can turn a blind eye on it this time." Not. An. Excuse.
You're gonna be suspended. Case closed.

13 years ago

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The rules sticky is very clear on this policy

Humble Bundles:

Do not publicly submit Humble Bundles or games from them while they are being sold.
When you submit a Humble Bundle, it is only acceptable to have an unactivated gift URL to provide to the winner. Members giving away Steam keys and the like will be warned, have their giveaways removed, and if they continue, may result in a suspension.
These rules also apply to additional keys within the Humble Bundle. Please do not giveaway separate keys, such as SpaceChem, or create a giveaway for the leftover Desura keys. Unused URLs for the original Humble only, please.

IndieRoyale Bundles:

When you submit an IndieRoyale Bundle, it is only acceptable to have an unactivated gift URL to provide to the winner. Members giving away Steam keys and the like will be warned, have their giveaways removed, and if they continue, may result in a suspension.
These rules also apply to additional keys within the Humble Bundle. Please do not giveaway separate keys, such as Sanctum, or create a giveaway for the leftover Desura keys. Unused URLs for the original Bundle only, please.

For detailed information clarifying our policy on the Bundles, please read this thread - Credit goes to BlueLegion

13 years ago

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Yes, it is clearly laid out (as I said in my post). But it's clearly laid out in the forums, and not anywhere else (as far as I could tell.)

My point is that not everyone reads forums. They expect the rules to be easy to find - such as a link in the main nav, or on the submission page.

13 years ago

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Its in the FAQ"s and it also shows up when you register for steam gifts. Also on every page of the forums.

13 years ago

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dammit so many giveaways despite , clear warnings :X

13 years ago

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This is stupid, it's not a charity. It's you buying a pack of games but whatever.

13 years ago

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I was wondering why I suddenly had all those points. this explains it.

13 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

13 years ago

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Same here. A little disappointed with this.

13 years ago

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I was told multiple times that private giveaways will remain unmonitored, even if the group giveaways are altered.

Given that many people likely posted with this information, I find that this is rather harsh.

At any rate, this is a pretty crappy bundle.

13 years ago

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Most people did not post with that knowledge. As shown by the absolute flood of public giveaways the second the bundle went live.

13 years ago

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My god people are stupid.
How do people think that's it's okay to do?
It seemed like common sense to me.

We will see lots of giveaways anyways because

1)A lot of people don't use the forums ( I didn't for awhile )

2)People will do it anyways

3)They just aren't that bright

13 years ago

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Also 4) not everyone speaks English.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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That is kind of a disadvantage on a site where English is the primary language.

13 years ago

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Grrr, wanted to giftaway some of them here too... And is it ok to give the Steam keys to my friends? (outside of Steamgifts)

13 years ago

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Go for it :O

13 years ago

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.> they are such bad games anyway im soo disapointed

13 years ago

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Meh, did it for charity at least.

13 years ago

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But i don't think the Indieroyale ones do anything to charity :>

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by satoru.