great song, and if the OP wants a different version of it with a nice videogame tribute video, he can try this made by an italian band ;D so proud
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You can, you just don't get CV for it.
(also he never said he was going to do that)
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Yeah, most users can't be bothered to read a description, and some use a script to automatically enter giveaways so they don't even see the description. This is mostly the case with low level users, a higher level requirements will get you people that are more likely to read your description.
What kind of music are you looking for btw ?
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See thats the problem, I'm low level (and truthfully don't care I find this site fun and I have way too many keys that no one trades). I want to give everyone a chance, I am also fairly new and did not realize people used bots or plugins to enter GA's.
As for music I listen to everything, as long as it's good :) Most people don't beleive that but its true and now I'm looking for new stuff to listen too. The point is to get people to link what they like to listen too, that way I may find new stuff :)
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I usually post links to private giveaways here in discussions now, generally behind some kind of crap puzzle. It at least makes sure people are paying some kind of attention to what is going on when they enter and it doesn't actually rule anybody out (except people who aren't paying any attention).
Here are some songs I'm listening to for free;
PJ Harvey - Down By The Water
Beastie Boys - Sabotage
Massive Attack - Teardrop
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If you're into trailer music and such try checking out Two Steps From Hell
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Even in group give aways you'll find that if you ask people to post a picture or link a song or do ANYTHING at ALL you'll still get a pretty low percentage.
All you can really do is /sigh and try to be happy with the participation you did get.
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I like song posting. Makes me feel like I contribute something, like loud screaming or drums. Turns out I actually did post one on an old ga of yours XD
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Kygo is a genius of music. But this is by far my favourite remix by him! Love his original songs as well. Firestone is so great! It even has an acoustic version that I love.
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I know that feeling. Most - or let's say a lot of - people just ignore the description of giveaways completely.
Also, since I have no idea what kind of music you are looking for, have one I found out about only today.
Five Finger Death Punch - Jekyll And Hyde
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No, I just heard this song. I've known this band before and I know these songs but thank you :)
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Found this recently, here hopefully that'll cheer you up
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This song has managed to cheer me up, hopefully it'll be the same for you!
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Naa that's an unofficial mix.
On there official youtube channel (wherever that is) there just normal length.
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Its ok to admit if its your new favourite song :D
here is another ツ
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Here is a song from me:
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So you all know I listen to everything, anything posted i listen to all the way through but I listen to all types of music and every genre as long as its good music ( the last 4 artists on my playlist were Linkin Park, Cannibal Ox, Riggi & Piros, and Woodkid)
Thank you all for linking music, it's all i wanted and now you make me happy, I'm making another playlist off this!!
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A challenge!
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That is usual, you can't have special rules on Public. Also the giveaways you give affect which kind of people enter. Basically costlier the game, more people will notice it. This means more "good" people also notice it and give you help.
And like everyone else already said, group and private giveaways also get nicer attention.
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I wouldn't call this a "special rule" but more of a kind request. Sure, no one has to do it but I think that if you are entering a giveaway by someone who asked for something as simple as linking a video... why not just do it?
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Yeah it is request, so no answer necessarily needed. Many don't even read descriptions, and use a plugin/bot to enter.
Besides what I said in previous post, the reason why they might not just do it is cause it requires small amount of extra effort. Like thinking about a song, then going to youtube, searching it, copying and pasteing the link.
Not saying that any of this is fair, nice or grateful. But understanding why might help. After all it is just a small chance to win for most.
Oh and here, enjoy a song relative to this subject:
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I know and it definitely does make sense somehow that so many people aren't doing it but personally I feel like thanking the giveaway creator even though I might not win. But yeah, like I said, it is understandable.
Also, the song & video is kinda good actually.
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It's not a requirement, only thing posting a link gets you is added to my white list, and the costly games I will only do a whitelist GA :) I'm more surprised that people don't want to post songs, for me it's a no brainer, lets see if they know this band, or what they think of this artist. Truth of the matter it's selfish on my part, I just want to find new stuff to listen too, but I am surprised at the percentage of people that do.
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I've been enjoying this.
Sorry people suck sometimes.
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I used to listen to this group in the late 80's while living in Hawaii.
edit: now a link from the late 90's video
edit2: bah was going to post a Korn video from offical Korn youtube channel, but its ALL CENSORED. damn. :(
Push It by Static-X
Pepper by Butthole Surfers
My Name Is Mud by Primus
From Your Mouth by God Lives Underwater (RIP David Reilly)
will add more later :P
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wow I haven't heard Savge Garden since I was a kid, Static-X love them have you heard the Hip-Hop they did with Dead Prez? Butthole Surfers I havn't thought about in ages either but love them, saw them when I was like 15, Les is my idol (I play bass) and my 3rd cd ever was one by Primus! I know I have heard of God Lives Underwater but can't place it. Thanks!!
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1,942 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by MeguminShiro
So I have alot of game keys, I found this site and decided to try it. After my first couple of GA's I really saw how many people are on it and thought to myself "Hey I've listened to all the music I have, With 500+ people all entering my GA's thats alot of people with a bunch of different music. If I ask all of them to link a song instead of saying thanks I bet I could find a buncha new tunes/groups/artists to listen too" So I asked for song instead of thanks. Worked out ok but out of I think it was almost 2000 entries I got 63 songs (this is off 3 GA's). So I decided I would add anyone who linked a song to my whitelist and have GA's for them only (first was Bioshock). Well my last GA had 3 songs linked with 588 entries.
So I am sad.
That is all
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