I know this isn't the first time, but I would just like to put some attention on it again.
I was just added by a guy that I won't name due to forum rules?. He he said his friend had a great offer for me regarding my steamtrades.com post. He said his friend couldn't add me because steam was being buggy, which it truly has been today. The link looked very, very much like a true steam link. Never seen such a great fake before, both the link and the supposed steam site. Looked 99,9% correct.

Be careful :)

11 years ago*

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I still don't know why people go to links that random people put. It makes no sense!

11 years ago

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It is not out of the ordinary to click a steam profile link when trading on steamtrades.

11 years ago

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You try to warn people but you don't say how the link looked like. I suppose it was the stearncommunity link?

11 years ago

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It was a community link like: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/ only with a slight variation.

11 years ago

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Q. which kind of variation? Not going in there, but it sure would be usefull to know what I'm looking for :P

Thanks for the info tho

11 years ago

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I've had same conversation with someone recently. The person who sent me such link have already been in my friendlist before though. Don't know what was the truth but as soon as I asked why did he link me this phising website he said it wasn't hm and that someone hacked his account...

11 years ago

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Good thing steamcommunity has no l, or else people could just write a capital I (i), they look the same in the steam font steam font

They even look the same in the forum


11 years ago

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I don't know what's worse, the people who fall for this or the people who post these threads.

The scam relies on people not reading and clicking the link. If they can't take the time to read what a random person who just added them out of no where sent, why would they bother to read your thread?

11 years ago

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^^ truth

11 years ago

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You fail to see the point. It was not out of nowhere and it was not out of the ordinary. This was in connection with a trade on steamtrades.

I don't what what is worse. The people who post random comments without reading the original post, or the people posting random comments even after have read the original post.

11 years ago

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Actually, I think you failed to see my point. Even if they aren't random, that doesn't change that the person didn't bother to actually read the link which is much shorter than your post. I realize you have 80+ rep on SteamTrades so clearly you're not new to trading, but unfortunately I've been around a bit longer.

I apologize for questioning you with some logic though. Just pat yourself on the back and think you did something special.

11 years ago

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Can only say the same thing to you! :)

11 years ago

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What's worse is that when you click on a link that's not part of the steam network, YOU GET A HUGE FUCKING WARNING EVERY TIME unless you were dumb enough to disable that warning the first time you saw it.

11 years ago

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That only applies if you are currently on the Steam network and navigating away from it by clicking a link in that tab/window.

11 years ago

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The scam being described is one where you are added by someone who then claims blah blah blah and post a fake steam community link IN THE CHAT WINDOW.

11 years ago

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So some random guy adds you and tells you that his friend supposedly has some great offer but (conveniently) can't add you himself because Steam is being buggy? A warning alarm to be suspicious should go off right there to anyone who has half a brain. Nevermind some bogus link.

11 years ago

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Not really, because steam has been buggy today, I couldn't add anyone either. In the original post I say steam indeed has been buggy. Please read the post first.

11 years ago

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You are missing the point man. That's one of any number of classic ploys that scammers use and there is always some 'excuse' for something or other, which automatically raises a caution flag. Could they be telling the truth? It's possible. But I'd rather play it safe and assume they aren't and analyze/investigate for myself.

Also, one of the first rules of trading is never trust something that someone links you and always check it out carefully.

If you honestly believe that the situation you described above is more likely to be a legitimate one than not, then I have an absolutely wonderful tropical island beach house that is great for vacations that I would like to sell you.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I won't click that as it might be a phishing link

11 years ago

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stearntrades is legit!

11 years ago

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Same thing happened to me yesterday, but I thought it was strange and checked the link.

Edit: He didn't mention any specific trade post actually, ST or otherwise.

11 years ago

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This is NOT a new scam. The whole "hey add my friend because he can't add you" phishing thing has been going on for quite a while now.

11 years ago

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You would think the world would learn.

11 years ago

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This is like oldest steam scam ever

11 years ago

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Yeah it started a few months ago for me, it's like a plague of gold spammers, except they don't affect me. I just received 2 of them at once. >.>

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Mthdraken.