Back in the day I had a Mass Effect 3 buddy from Scotland who was hilarious (may God rest his soul) and I have to say nobody curses like a Scotsman :D
I like a bit of british flavour in my lingo so my go to insults would be twat (or the american equivalent but both only towards men) or prick.
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I like Wanker, but it sounds best when stated by someone with a British (or similar) accent.
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Je m'en badigeonne les couilles avec le pinceau de l'indifférence
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La perfection, tout simplement.
I rarely insult but I swear a lot.
As a French guy too, I like "connasse" (stupide girl) and "salope" (bi*ch), which I often say to my (cyber)friends, females or males.
I like "douche" in English too, even if I prefer "douchebag", which cracks me up everytime, that's so surrealistic.
About swearing, it's mostly "putain de bordel de mes couilles", "mais ta soeur...", and as an Alsatian (I'm quite surprised of this spelling, but I'll trust Wordreference, and I'm quite surprised it also means a dog breed), "Gottferdom mi nor e mol !" (this one when I'm very pissed-off).
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u wot, look at the pic again
it's Japanese
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really? really? are you actually retarded or something?
I spelt Aisan =/= Asian, which if you look at the picture is right there, the only readable thing among all those funny symbols, besides including the "/s" internationally recognised in all internets
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My favorite French insults are "I fart in your general direction" and "Go and boil your bottoms, sons of a silly person" :)
I also liked some insults from the game Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator
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Too many to say. I use SO many insults because I meet SO many people that deserve it.
But my favorite thing is to make these people think. Especially when an irritating person says to me 'Can I ask you a question'. I just tell them that they already did. And when they see if they can ask another, I repeat the line. Over and over. Hoping they finally figure it out. Rarely do they ever do. The masses that don't get mad and walk away as if their lack of intelligence has been insulted.
Game, set and match.
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"La puta que te pario" or "la concha de tu hermana".
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Douche doesn't really mean shower (although it does in French). It's short from "douchebag" which is actually a sort of a vagina rinsing device, which makes it even funnier.
I think somebody on this site recently used "douche nozzle" as an insult, I laughed a lot at that one.
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Actually, it's all related. Douche went from meaning "shower or spray", to meaning "a spray used for the purpose of cleaning", to referencing the devices used for such a purpose (such as a bath shower or a vaginal douche, aural douche, or nasal douche). The insult did derive from the vaginal douche (or "Douche bag") derivative, but the French usage of "shower" does precede that by a fair bit.
I give a full background on the term below, if you're curious enough to read a bit.
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Hey, thanks. I have a degree in French language and literature, so I already know all that. :D We talked a lot about the history of the French language and how it influenced English. Many words can be traced to a common etymological root, but I treat different languages as separate entities because the "same" words can have completely different meanings in different languages. I have never heard a native speaker of English use the word "douche" for a shower, so to me the French douche and English douche are two different words. I guess it's just a matter of perspective. :) I will gladly read what you wrote below.
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All of these - mostly the "tupéd fucktrumpet"
I'm also fond of the world twat :D
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your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries
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Calling people "shower" is quite funny.
Short version:
You're actually calling them a "spray of water used for the intent of cleaning the body", and the intended implication is something far more offensive.
Long version:
Actually, douche refers to fluids directed against or into the body, for the intent of cleansing it. While in other regions the "against" usage may be dominant, such as in referring to a shower, in North America the second usage is by far the more dominant, and thus "douche" refers to internal cleansing, such as by an enema or in reference to vaginal, nasal, or aural douching. As such, to "douche yourself" would mean to clean your insides out, and thus from that perspective an insult with that phrasing could be considered somewhat comparable to phrases such as "stick it up your ass".
Likewise, working off of that foundation of meaning, the overall implication of the word as it's used as an insult can be seen to have an intuitive relation to implying that the other party is dirty or skeevy, and thus are needing to be cleaned (perhaps from the inside-out). It'd be nice to be able to just assume that or the previous interpretation formed the basis for the word, and leave it at that, especially given that modern usage [of "contemptible person"] for the insult seems to best fit to this interpretation.
Unfortunately, America loves basing its insults either in male genitalia or in demeaning references to women, and this insult is no different- "douche" is most typically used in American English as a specific reference to devices used for vaginal douching, and the foundation of the insult is based in that more general use of the term. In other words, the insult seems to be used to indicate that the other party should go clean their female anatomy instead of pretending to be a man [thus perhaps being a milder way of calling someone a "dirty cunt" or "faggot"].
Given the region where the term originated and chronological placement of its origination, this last meaning would seem likeliest to match to the basis for the insult's formation and to its intended implication
1766, "jet of water," from French douche (16c.), from Italian doccia "shower," from docciare "to spray," [..]
Meaning of "vaginal cleansing" is from 1833. The verb is first attested 1838.
Also: douche-bag, douche bag, 1893, from douche + bag (n.)
American English slang sense of "contemptible person" attested by 1967.
This is especially supported by the fact that when the term was originally used (in the 60s) it was used only against women, or against men who "behaved like women". It wasn't applied more generally until the 80s. In that vein, journals of the time noted the gender influence:
The journal American Speech defined douchebag in 1967 as “an unattractive coed,” or, “by extension, any individual whom the speaker desires to denigrate.”
Mild as that definition seems, the other references I found indicate that the more general application of the insult at the time seems to have been comparable to "bitch" or "faggot".
In summary, as with most distinct terms dedicated to the purpose of insult, the term really isn't at all funny once you realize the premise behind it. :/
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Cheer up buddy ;) If I read the intention correctly this is supposed to be a lighthearted thread so no need to look at everything through the electron microscope.
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Am I looking at something particular or just generic germs ?
Edit: Nevermind. Noticed it's right there in the url. It's pollen.
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Yep, I noticed it's right there in the url. At first the spherical structure with spikes reminded me of germs.
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this is supposed to be a lighthearted thread so no need to look at everything through the electron microscope.
I don't understand what you're getting at?
I mean, it's rather obvious that it's actually a high-powered telescope directed toward light-bending stellar anomalies.
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Please don't take this the wrong way because you know I like you but sometimes you have the tendency to take things too seriously in my opinion.
Regarding the word douche: If you think about it long enough pretty much anything can become highly offensive.
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Being French, I quite like "douche" as Americans say. Calling people "shower" is quite funny.
In my native language, my favourite would be "fumier" [fymje] (manure) but I'm a cool guy so I rarely insult anyone :)
(For yours, add *** if necessary so you don't get into trouble)
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