ok people, new rule cause i didnt think/realize this was a problem.
do not delete your GA comments when you make them. thats so people on your blacklist can feed you the next GA.
as in , when you make a comment with the next GA (your GA) on a cart, do not delete that comments. you arent obligated to provide skips past your section nomatter how long or short it is. but it would be welcome.
but seriously. it would be a problem if the train stops cause people cant feed you the next GA link, so please do not delete your comments.
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so, i didnt think i would have to make another edit and certainly not to say this. but i was wrong.
the reason the reason i made that rule is so people can give others the next GA so they could hook it to their cart. NOT SO THAT YOU CAN HARASS AND INSULT THEM IN THEIR COMMENTS! its really simple. dont insult people on the train. dont harass people on the train. i dont give 2 shits why you are doing it. just dont. got a problem with someone? blacklist them and move on. i will jump in if i think i have to.
so again. the new rule is as follows
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+1 on this!!!!!!
If you really want ask the creators privately somewhere why are you BL by them. On Steam, their topic or smth. There is no need to be rude and uncivilized during these hard times & situation everywhere in the world!!!!!!
Be kind and friendly & #STAY SAFE EVERYONE!!!!!
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Anyone has like 2-3 deleted gw in line I can take in middle of train?
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Why not put your carts on the end of the current train? The cut-off isn't for another 20 hours.
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I want a bit in middle so more people enter, honestly. 😂😏😉 And I'm sure abt those 3 right now.
Making adittional 6- 15 carts in 12 hours probably, can I ask for some slots pws? 😜
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I want a bit in middle so more people enter, honestly.
I think it more likely that people would be looking at the latest carts rather than going back to search for stuff added in the middle. However, do as you like.
Making adittional ones in 12 hours probably, can I ask for some slots pws 😜
If you need slots, create a ticket for it.
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oh , i ment reserveing a future number.
cant help you with inserting your carts in the middle of the train cause it would mess with the numbering of all subsequent GAs. anyway, its almost 4am now and i REALLY need to sleep. so if someone hasnt helped you or you havent figured out how to do this by then then i will help you. but for now i'm off to sleep.
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IH, I thought there were some empty ones. Going to sleep soon after I make these few too
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OK, I'll reserve 2750 for now through 2755
2777 maybe
or 3333 if we reach that many lol 😂
3016 or 3160 My Birthday if we reach that many.
Will look for empty carts
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You say that as if you can stop people from adding carts. What is so bad about people giving away more games? Maybe they want to have fun and add some short running carts at the end of the event for people to get lucky and find. Or maybe people will add some carts after the event ends to see how many people are still checking.
Also, why are you yelling at us. This just makes me want to add more after you say not to. I feel like these community trains were more fun years ago when there were less rules.
I don't like the rules about not adding certain value games. Why not allow $1 or even free games and let the train grow to 6000 carts or more? Clicking through thousands of carts is part of the fun. You don't have to click through the carts to police everyone to make sure they are following rules and put links in the OP to the carts because this is a community event and the community should be able to manage it. You are just making more work and stress for yourself.
When I see comments from you telling people what they can and can't do, it feels much less like a community event and more like it's your rules and your event. Why can't we just say, here's a community train, add carts to the end and lets see how long we can get it in a month? If people keep adding carts after the event ends, who cares, that's fun, be creative.
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Fiddler is not yelling at us. He is writing in caps to increase the chance people read it. That's it.
The restriction on the value of the games is a compromise. It's true that we get less carts, but lots of people do not take part in the community train cause they don't wanna click through hundreds of games until they find the ones they want. For you and me it's part of the fun, but for others not. You can not make everyone happy.
Same with the time limit rule at the end. Some people are happy for last minutes carts, others will complain cause of time difference and so on. So stopping it early and give everyone the chance to enter all carts is not a horrible decision.
Rules are mostly the same than the old community train. The two new rules this year were cause of a special case and to keep the train running. i think most mistakes were solved this year again by the community and not by Fiddler. You can not avoid some mistakes like people adding carts at the same time or wrong cart number and so on. So someone has to check every cart.
In the 4th train by Drago we had less rules and no restriction on game value. It was not bad, but less succesful (if we look at number of carts) than Fiddlers train. But a train with nearly none rules and no time limit (endless, people just keep adding to infinity) might be what people want, i don't know
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It feels like yelling because it's not only in caps, but also an order. It would be better to use formatting to get larger text, but I guess that can be easily overlooked because formatting isn't often used on SG and it isn't the easiest to use since you have to look up the code.
I know users won't agree on point restrictions and time limits, but that is why the community should be able to do what they want because it is a community event. One person shouldn't get to decide what everyone else is allowed to do.
Nobody one person has to check every cart. If a mistake is made, people will fix it. If two people post at the same time, one will get linked and the other person will have to move their carts a little farther down the train. The users creating the carts can work things out and fix issues, it's not a big deal.
A never ending train would be kind of interesting, but I think it would become meaningless and most people would stop adding carts. I don't mind having it only last a month. I think more people add carts knowing that it is an event that doesn't happen often and want to be part of it. I know saying I would only want it last a month would be a rule and I am saying there should be less rules, but I wouldn't have the rules set in stone. If someone wants to make their giveaway last longer or shorter, whatever, they will some people happy and some not so happy, and that is fine, it makes life more interesting and fun. If the train ends and some rebels keep adding new carts to keep it going only for those that still check it, great for them, they are having fun. A wall of rules and people policing others actions makes it less enjoyable.
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caps were to grab attention
stopping submissions a full day before the end is so people would have time to check things before it all ends. and its been a rule for the past 3 years since i started doing community trains.
the point limit on the other hand is to keep the train a bit from going too fast and too crazy and to also try to on enforce a bit of quality control (not saying games less than 5 dollars are bad)
you are right , people mostly do fix it themselves before i even notice the mistakes. but i'm still obligated to not only jump in but to also look for the mistakes myself since i'm managing this event.
and the thing is. i'm just not willing to spend time on a never ending train updating the table and trying to jump in when needed. so that is why its a month long yearly event and not a never ending train.
in the end, the rules were actually asked for by the community. (look for the 3rd and 5th train which are the ones i made to see how it evolves with new rules every time) and the rules are also there to make everyones life easier , including myself.
there are really only 3 rules that affect people "negatively" time limit , point limit , and no DLC. so calling it a wall of rules is unfair cause the rest are just guidelines on how to make carts.
seriously tho , if people want a different kind of train/event then they are welcome to make one.
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I don't remember if I did that but it's a great idea, cause of timezones and how complicated that makes the train
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This feels so ironic. This event and how it is organized is the result of the community's wishes.
Heck, I did a poll some months ago, asking if there should be another train. There was a debate how frequent this should happen and a majority decided that once a year is best.
What you do request here is that an event, organized by someone else, should adhere to your anarchistic interpretation. You are even aware that people wouldn't agree with you and simply expect them to ignore the circumstances they dislike, something you obviously don't like to do?
As Fiddler mentioned, you are free to do your own event. But with the previously mentioned poll in mind, you probably shouldn't expect enthusiastic participation.
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This. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ All of this.
(And you just made my whitelist for being a voice of reason [plus having a good ratio]. 😎)
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There seems to be some confusion about what the "Community Train" is. This event is a recurring one, and its name comes from the fact that it was an event created by the SG Community, with rules decided upon by the Community, and participated in by the Community. Those users who have organized it every year since its inception are not "deciding what everyone else should so." They are following the format laid down by the Community at the very start. If you were here at the start, you would have had the opportunity to voice your opinion at that time to help shape the initial train. After the first few trains, however, precedent is a major factor in how the train is organized.
You are still free to voice your opinion, but keep in mind that hundreds of people have voiced theirs before you.
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I have been here for and participated in all the community trains. I was actually the first person to start numbering the carts on the first community train and I was the first person to add a cart to the second train. On the first train I suggested in the comments twice that we should continue adding carts to the end after the event ends. I also commented on the 4th train that I liked that the game value rule was removed. On the last train there was a couple people that said they didn't like how the train had a set end and there were a few "outlaw" carts added after the official end. These didn't get a lot of traffic though because the link was buried half way down the page in the middle of a discussion and didn't get linked in the description.
You are right about the confusion though. I thought these events were much older than they are, but it seems like the first one was in 2017. I must be thinking about older events. I know there were some really long trains with over 1000 carts that were created by a bunch of users, but I don't remember exactly how they worked and if people were adding new carts or if they were setup ahead of time. There was so much more going on in the community back then with many more events.
I still remember the old community trains in my mind as having almost no rules or restrictions, but after going back and looking at them, I guess my mind is playing tricks on me and I am wrong.
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I still remember the old community trains in my mind as having almost no rules or restrictions, but after going back and looking at them, I guess my mind is playing tricks on me and I am wrong.
That would not be surprising when you consider how there have been other trains that involved the Community. If my memory is correct, there have been at least two other non-Community-Train-while-still-being-Community-sponsored trains, both of which had a staggering number of carts. (I forget which train set a new record for "Longest Train," but that could actually be the name of it as length was a major goal.) It seems that every year has a Community Train and two to three spin-off trains, making it difficult to keep track of them all.
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Yeah, I found this one linked in a comment while looking through the previous community trains, it had 2016 carts. It was created by a lot of different users that were part of groups, but it was created ahead of time. I'm pretty sure there were other events where users were able to add giveaways similar to the community train, but I don't remember them and haven't tried searching.
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I also remember this train, but it's a shorter one.
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A shorter train, but it took many times longer to get through. I remember drawing all over that map trying to find my way to all the stops.
I also remember the massive labyrinths that people used to make where there was a bunch of links in the description of each giveaway and all but one went to an old giveaway. The number of links would increase with each giveaway until there was like 50 or 100 to search through to find the correct one.
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It seemed like a good idea at the time, but then people started to give away free games and I don't really like that when people could instead just get the free game for free. Humble bundle messed it up >_> If it wasn't for that I actually wouldn't mind the idea of no point value restriction
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So I didn't put that time limit, that explains a lot. And yes, I didn't have a restriction which worked alright until humble bundle came in and then I realized I made a mistake. This year, and probably every year after I'll let fiddler do it unless he doesn't by October or something, he's way better at this
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3 years of own experiences at sg and that the esgst script and the script that list which games you own are very known and often used are no secret. Feel free to question all you know and you see how much of them use esgst and the other script (both allowed ones and not bad ones to be clear).
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+1 You just made it to my WL, friend!!!
I had reserved a few spots several hours ago, people ignored me & made 100-200 carts of their own, later on a certain individual started insulting me for reserving, while not making gw for 3 weeks (in which time I was sick with Corona & asking for last cart nb, while others were doing the same ( check top of page 26 for all this) and FidlerontheWeb, did absolutely nothing abt it, when he was the one who said no bulling & insulting. Now they are telling me that we need to stop k, the train finished & that I once again can't get a lucky cart number I want.
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Uhm, I just checked and didn't see even one insult on page 26. Actually people were extremely polite, explained to you what is supposed to happen and even offered to remove their parts of the train for you. Just two told you that a dramatic scene wasn't needed and they were right.
And I'm sorry that you were sick, but if everyone insisted on some lucky numbers for their giveaways, there'd be no community train.
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Umm there is no calling out but what's behaviour on 26 & underneath called then?
Nice & civilised chit chat? I don't think so. 😾🕵🙄😏🙉🙊And to think that person was on my FL & WL not long ago. You see how people show their true face in these difficult times & events like this . 😒🙄😿
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I'm sorry, but she is right. Your phrasing was weird and you constantly reserved numbers, but had nothing prepared.
In case that you don't understand, the efficient method is to create your segment of the train in advance. You create all the giveaways and connect the parts with each other.
Only after you connected your segment with the rest of the train, you modify the cart numbers.
If you had done anything like this, you could easily have grabbed one of your lucky numbers. You wanted wagon 2777? Seven connected giveaways would have been enough to secure you 2777, right after canis' 2770. If you wanted to be 100% sure to get a specific number, you simply prepare a larger segment. The larger your segment, the better your chances to get what you want.
If specific numbers matter so much to you, it's also up to you to secure them with such approaches. It's not the duty of everyone else to look out if someone might have reserved anything.
And exactly all this is what Khalaq tried to explain to you here.
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I was making them, I was reserving any available carts from 2777 to 3000?! Is that a crime??! GGPkayers were doing the sane, took parts of my carts too. Tgey annnounced & only then posted gibs 1 hour later.
I almost made 10 of them from same bundle when I finally found the one I was after.
Is asking which slots ate available next a crime & is that the reason to insult me for simply asking what cart is available?!!!!
On no, I don't think it is!!!! 😾😒
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See, and that is why the people were right when they expressed that you are overly dramatic.
Did I say anything about a crime?
Does it matter what you "almost" had done?
Does it matter what you found out about whatever bundle?
Once more, just prepare a large segment. Lock it to the current end of the train, whenever it pleases you and when you are in the position to secure a number you want.
If you want more than that, you need to be able to communicate and organize with others. And for some reasons it seems that others did that a lot better than you.
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Thanks for the WL, but unfortunately I don't think there is much that can be done. I don't think there was ever meant to be much order to these events, people just add carts to the end of the train and take the next number. Reserving carts is really difficult because 99% of people creating carts won't read through all the comments first and make sure a certain number isn't reserved because reserving carts was never really meant to be part of the event. It's more of a first come first serve and try to get lucky if you want to grab a specific number.
When people make big blocks of carts, I think they are all premade and connected. Then they just add their first cart to the end of the train and take the next however many block of numbers. They don't know if other people may have wanted a number in the block because almost nobody is checking for reserved carts since that wasn't meant to be part of the event. If we are up to cart 250 and I create 100 carts, I can start numbering them at 270 and wait till someone posts creates cart 269, then add the link for my first cart. This will then take 270 through 370. Someone may have wanted to reserve some random cart in that block of 100 somewhere, but there is no way for me to know that. Or you can create the carts not numbered but all linked together and number them later.
I know some users were able to reserve certain numbers, but they managed to get in contact with other users ahead of time and they worked together to try and get that number. There was no guarantee they would get the number, but they managed.
I don't think support should get involved. I don't think any rules were broken and I don't think any of the conversations were anywhere near being bad enough to be considered personally attacks or harassment, just some disagreements.
Honestly, I don't think it's worth getting too worked up over. It's just some giveaways to random people on the internet that most people will probably forget about in a week. Most people just click through the train quickly without paying attention to the cart numbers, descriptions, or who is creating the giveaways, so I don't think there will be much recognition for trying to do something special. I know someone reserved cart 2500 and said they would give away a good game if they got it and then gave away Cyberpunk 2077, but it's only been 2 says since then and I already forgot who that user was. It will never be possible to get along with everyone on the internet and trying to will just add unneeded stress to an already stressful life.
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It is currently 19:43 UTC (Co-ordinated Universal Time). Maybe this could be used for future trains to say "let's end it at midnight UTC" so that everyone can use that instead of their timezones? No arguments then. =)
I know, some people would probably still not be happy, but at least it takes the responsibility away from you. Not your fault that UTC was decided by outside forces. XD
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It wouldn't matter about when people's GAs end. I'll explain:
If the person running the train said "Last giveaway must be up by 12am UTC on the morning of 27th September (end of 26th)" but the deadline is anytime on 28th September as was originally in this thread. Then it wouldn't make a difference to when GAs end. It would just mean less chances for people to be rude to FiddlerOnTheWeb (who has done an amazing job with this) about the ending time.
So, when there's another event of this nature, it might be something to consider, purely to keep things simple. Surely people can google what time midnight UTC is for them and just not add any new carts after that time. =)
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29 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by Channel28
156 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by MagnificentOne
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260 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Adamdoodles
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301 Comments - Last post 55 minutes ago by UncleDilbert
127 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by matsalkoshek
Hello everyone its almost September again. which means there is a train about to start coming through .
The OG behind this event is Xarlor who came up with the first community train .
it was done again by UserCar007 with some changes that i have decided to keep. which were disallowing DLCs and adding a game value requirement .The Third one was done by me .And I was greatly helped by Canis and icaio.There was a 4th one byDragoZeroNova. 5th was again done by yours truly with the help of Canis and icaio.
well then , i havent thought of something smart , funny , or anything really to say so lets just jump right into this starting with the rules.
do not delete your GA comments after making them. this is to allow people on your blacklist to give you the link to the next GA even though they cant join your GA.
Must Start on September 1(your time) on the earliest
Must end sometime on September 28 (again , your time)
No region restrictions
Set to "Invite Only"
Game value 5P or more
Set Contributor Level no higher than 4
Post URL in the comments of the last cart in the train.
If there is already a link for another cart in the comments of the last cart, wait until a new cart is added.
Number your cart in the description.
In case of games that haven't been released yet and games that were just added to the SteamGifts database. they will have a 0P cost until release or the Database catches up. so the rule for those is that as long as their cost wont be 5P once that happens , then the game is good. it is easy to figure out what the price range is going to be by simply look at the store page.
No Games that are currently being given away for free (that means at the time you make your GA)
just delete and remake if you make a giveaway public on accident (Mods cant change it to invite only)
you can always make a ticket asking for more GA slots if you need those. mods are normally happy to do that. (not the reading your ticket part)
Check your GA comments regularly until you get a link for the next cart. You are responsible for adding the NEXT link in your GA description to keep the train
to make things easier here is a sample template for carts that you can use and alter in anyway you want.
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