I love this website, ever since I found it it's been very friendly and helpful. Just one thing that bothers me is whenever I try to look at the general giveaway pages, or recommended pages, it often shows endless lists of games I already own.

I know you can't enter to win these games again, therefore being able to see them to begin with is pointless. It would help very much and cut down on the clutter if somehow it was programmed to remove these games from the pages if you own them, thus making it so instead of having to search through 50+ pages, you could search through 20-30, thus saving a lot of time for everyone looking to get games they don't actually own.

It's also fair to the ones giving the games away, because they'll know they're not giving it to some guy who already has the game (because the system removes it if you own it), and so he can't run off and use that key for whatever purposes. Again, yes it's against steamgifts rules to enter a giveaway if you already own the game, but this would only help to enforce it further.

What do you think guys? Feel free to add /discuss my idea. Hopefully I made some sort of sense.

8 years ago

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TLDR; Basically I'm trying to say, make these tabs like the wishlist tab, where it removes the games you own.

Lack of sleep makes me silly. :P

8 years ago

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why people never read, right? ;_;

8 years ago

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This is proof I need a nap. Sorry LOL

8 years ago

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You can close the topic by clicking on 'Open' in the top right.
You can take a nap by clicking on your bed with your body and closing your eyes.
Good luck!

8 years ago

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Sorry everyone, I'm really tired and sleep deprived, as well as embarrassed now. Hopefully you can forgive me. I'll close the thread. :)

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by NatsumeKhun.