BLAEO — Backlog Assassins Extraordinaire
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But honestly i just use steam and move my played games to a collection. Blaeo is just there for me as an excuse to do stuff instead of finishing my backlog (and it is mandatory for pop)
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Hey Great question!
I manage my tiny backlog with BLAEO with an additional userscript added called BLAEO+
Check this recent post out for nice suggestions. I think Playnite will be useful for you. Maybe you will get fresher ones to add to them in this post :)
Edit: The power of BLAEO!!! 3 comments in a minute!😆
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Wow guys 3 comment on a few minute for the same site, with such a high regard on BLAEO I have to check it lol, Thanks for the suggestion :)
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Its connected with Steamgifts and specifically categorizes games you have won here.
So reading the title my first thought was "this cant not be about BLAEO".
But yes +1 for BLAEO also from me.
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Nothing is useful then. Especially if you have thousands of uncategorized games already
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The only issue is that it seems really steam focus and for my anbernic it's a bit of an issue, like specifically for it I want to be able to create my own rows like if I skraped the game for exemple, I made that on notion for exemple
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I totally get you regarding the Anbernic.
I'm trying on Playnite to see if one of the plugins is able to scan my external HDD of the games, but haven't gotten round to it yet (1st attempt had failed). Because if we can automatically get all of them into Playnite, we can pretty much do all kinds of sorting, notes, filtering, random selection, etc, on top of simply updating your play status.
Or, if you're ok with completely manual additions to your database, there are sites like backloggery (I use this a very long time ago, and recently dug it up again) or igdb (I don't use it, but it seems to have a decent library that you can add somewhat conveniently).
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We're on the same boat my friend, both site seems interesting, even if backloggery is ugly and tacky as hell, Playnite can be an option I think, but I will dig deeper on that. I'm beginning to think I'll just use a lame excel page and call it a day lol
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Since this post brought the topic up to my mind again, I tried it out with Playnite again. I still can't (actually, more like still can't figure out how to) get it working with certain plugins, but I could somewhat achieve the part of populating the database with games on the main retro platforms I play with.
Meaning that I gave up on the idea of auto-populating all the natural platforms that Anbernic supports, but simply focused on the main 10+ platforms I play with and populate the game data for those only. So while I couldn't achieve the ideal press-click-go-away-make-coffee-and-tada-everything's-populated, I did spend time using just the native Playnite features to configure the platforms and my destination folders a bit, and it was able to scan in my games as intended. So for me, who want to deal with 10+ platforms, I have to configure about 10+ profiles also. If like me, you don't want to configure each of the profiles manually, you could use built-in profiles to take the semi-lazy way out.
Firstly, we need to set up the Configure Emulators section (Ctrl-T):
So for me (see screenshot), I chose RetroArch as the Emulator specification since it already supports many cores by itself, so I won't need to create so many separate emulator configs and can just create different profiles (which isn't any less messy ^^;). For these profiles, I'll select the built-in profiles for each platform.
Secondly, after you've done above step of adding all emulator profiles for platforms that you want in your database, you can start to Add Emulated Game (Ctrl-Q). Since this is neither a Playnite nor retrogaming forum, I won't go into details for now but when you click "Add Scanner", it should be slightly clear what you'll need to configure. I think it's also best to toggle the "Save as auto-scan configuration" so that I assume we can just conveniently update the library anytime in future. Finish the whole thing by clicking "Start Scan", and you'll have all the retro games added to the Playnite database according to platforms you had configured (see 2nd screenshot for sample of data auto-populated - it's much more robust than I imagined)! If you wanna explore this method more we can chat more on it!
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You create categories in playnite representing your column headers and add games to them then filter as needed to get a list of games with your selected categories. These categories can also be seen when you select individual games.
I have added this game, for example, to the "steamgifts" category because that's how I track my wins.
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It's a premade theme called Helium. I like it because I have access to everything on one page.
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I just put wins in their own "Wins" category in Steam and randomly pick a couple occasionally. Does anyone know if BLAEO imports library categories you created on Steam?
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I use a text file that I keep on my desktop and a copy of it on my pendrive and on google disk.
I just wrote all the games that I own that I also own all DLCs for and are no longer being worked on so there will be no new DLCs and patches and updates and I pick something from my list depending on what type of game I wish to play at that time.
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Do you have a lot of games ? It's not a huge work to maintain ?
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OOh it's close to what I'm looking for honestly, thanks ! Lack a bit of customization but overall it's really what I need
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I use my brain to think about what I most want to play. I also sort games by completion time.
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I have this ENORMOUS Excel spreadsheet (43K lines and counting) with:
I mostly update it manually, because I am a crazy bastard -- have been doing this for nearly 20 years now. The sheet contains things like Developer, Genre, Date of Release, Review Scores from a few sources; then I include some columns with my personal data: if I own it (nearly 4K of them), at what Library, where and when I got it, if I finished it, my personal score. I also have a few other sheets for a few games I owned in other platforms, but PC is really my platform.
Anyway, if your library is already huge, I don't expect you to to something like that. Well, I could send you a copy of my sheet if you want to adapt it to your data, but you would probably hate it?
So, unless you want to go my crazy route, I am going to +1 the Playnite idea. It does nearly everything my spreadsheet does, it displays all the games beautifully, I highly recommend it.
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Maaaaaan I don't know if I should be horrified or full of admiration for your crazy devotion. Anyway it's really impressive and my ADHD ass could never honestly. Still if that work for you well done ! I tried to do something like that on notion and google sheet but I face shitty issues that made me ragequit :(
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Hm, while I can understand people worrying about their backlog I don't agree in the slightest. Gaming isn't a job for me where I've to keep track of chores to fulfill. It's a magical, very special moment when you find a game which clicks with you and this doesn't happen following a schedule.
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I couldn't agree more ! I'm not searching to actively empty my backlog, I don't have an agenda of game I need to play and that's why Blaeo don't really click for me. I want to be able to see what I have/want to play across different device in a simple way, most of it that's what I need. But I even if I never played a game the whole year, fine by me. But for exemple, I have a PS3 with some games I want to play, and with my ADHD brain I just forgot about it if it's not right in my face, so having a system to manage it help me remember that and also discover some I could have missed
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The cool stuff about HLTB is that you can create or subscribe to collections, which right off the bat tell you how long it would take to clear everything in there. Very useful when you want to get through a big franchise. Whole 3 rating systems you can choose from - 1 to 5, 1 to 10, and 5 to 100 with step of 5. Custom tabs are cool too, you can put selected games on your profile and it will look like a steam showcase (i have my fav games there), also you can name it whatever you want and that tab will appear alongside backlog, beaten games, retired, on hold, etc
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I wouldn't be as platform agnostic as I am without Playnite because of how easy (and customizable) it is to streamline how I handle my games. The filters are a godsend.
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Thanks a lot everyone for your kind and extensive recommendation, for now :
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I've been using Backloggery for over a decade. The site recently got a massive update in its look and it's still in the midst of this update process, so things are changing and shifting in terms of customization and features, but the core of listing your games is functioning normally. For anyone with a ton of games it might be too much work, since you add games manually, but I prefer this over other alternatives since it lets me list all of my games regardless of platform and doesn't require downloading anything.
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You probably heard many already saying, but BLAEO. What I like about it is that I can make as many lists as possible and I get to learn a bit of coding in the process to make it however I like.
Here's my profile.
Also, you can list based on HLTB lists your lists of games using extensions like BLAEO+ made by kubikill which helps you sort and list games in seconds in your backlog based on length, completion, beaten or unfinished.
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Like most of us, I have way too much game I want to play and in many device (PS5, PC Anbernic etc) and while I try to manage everything in my head, it's getting difficult to keep everything on track.
I tried google sheet and notion but everytime I face some random issue who mess up my listing or got stuck on how the site work.
I try to have a table with many rows listing for exemple in which platform I have the game, if I download it etc. And some overview by platform for exemple, I feel like it's probably too complicated.
So how do you guys manage your backlog ?
EDIT : Blaeo seems nice but is too community focus for me, my goal is not to motivate me to finish my backlog, but just listing it for many device in a same place with personnal add on depends on the device (like for my anbernic add a column to mark if I skrap it or not for exemple)
Playnite may be good but I'll look further into it
Feel free to suggest not game focus software like productivity stuff to make list with the possibility to adapt it as you like
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