Neither. Point spent to enter GAs of the game you've just won were refunded to you, you'll be back to 400 point limit after you spend those extra points.
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So, You say if I won the game A and I have entered more giveaways to this game, I got the points added above the limit?
Because it's actually the first time I've encountered this. All the time, I got refunds I still got 400 limit. it could be because I haven't got the limit already so after few more hours the 400p hit.
I assumed If the game is refunded it won't hit about 400p because of that.
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When you sync any giveaways you have already entered, that you are no longer qualified to enter (through ownership or recently won or deleted giveaways) will be refunded to you, this amount can exceed the 400P cap.
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But I didn't hit the sync button. I just had above 500 points soon after I've won the game. I just waited few minutes, maybe an hour, so I may have the steam key already in the won ga's tab. After that time I went to the SG and seen 542p or so.
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Syncs don't require you to hit the button, the button is to force one, but SG syncs periodically regardless (and i'm guessing also when events like winning a game happen)
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Isn't it once a day? Or maybe it was coincidence it happened between those two things - winning the ga and entering the site. It it the time it could happen. I think it is around that hour...
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He said he won a game. His other entries automatically get removed when he wins. Has nothing to do with a profile sync.
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You enter 15 GAs for "Zombie Apocalypse"
Each game is 15 points to enter.
You win one.
10 GAs for this game are still active at the time of winning.
You get refunded 150 points for those 10.
Now you have 550 points.
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Sometimes if you win 1 giveaway and you entered in a few other entries for that game, all of the other entries' points are given back to you.
Also if you entered a giveaway that was then subsequently deleted for one reason or another before it ended, you get your points back as well.
Likewise, you can remove yourself from giveaways (say you entered two giveaways that were 50 points each), then your points accumulated back to 400. You then removed yourself from the giveaways, your total would then go up to 500.
I often see my points in between 400-450, because there are plenty of days I don't use them, and with some refunds, they go up above the 400 limit.
Actually I think what happens with me is that I activate a few games on Steam, and then I come here to Sync my account, and there may be a couple of entries for those games, and they are automatically refunded because now I own the games.
That limit is still there, so if you use your points and go below 400, it will only accrue up to 400 and stop.
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Deleted giveaways give the points back? Because I know it didn't in the past.
Good thing that it can go above the limit. But it could bee some standalone limit. I mean 400 points of normally obtained points and additional, maybe up to 500 for refunds. So if You got 200p normally obtained and 250 refunds, You can still get 200 more points. Because You can't predict that You get sudden refund of 250 points. And entering like 20 ga's of 30 points each is already 600 points.
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I am pretty sure that only refunded points can get you above your limit. If you are at 200 and get refunded 250, you will be at 450 but the automatic accruing would stop. It would not give you another 200 if you wait.
If you enter for giveaways that last a long time, they are points that can sit in there for a while, and if the giveaway is deleted before it ends, you will get those back.
The usual limit of 400 only applies to what you have in terms of liquid points, not one stuck in giveaways. You will be able to enter a lot of long-term giveaways, essentially banking your points, and still accumulate to 400. Then you can remove yourself from those giveaways to get your banked points back. Looking at my entered giveaways right now I would say I have probably 400-500 points in those, plus the 400 on my account that are liquid right now. If I just removed myself from all of those giveaways, I should see my total go up to 800-900.
I actually don't know if these extra points refresh at some point and go away as well.
At the end of the day, the normal accrue rate and automatic restock limit are the same, those haven't changed.
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Your account receives 6 points every 15 minutes. The automatic points generation will only give you up to 400 points and then stops until you reduced your points below 400.
There is no points limit on your account, you just stop getting points added to your account automatically every 15 minutes once you hit 400. If you are removed from a giveaway for any reason or a giveaway is deleted, your points used to enter are returned. If you win a giveaway, you are immediately removed from all other giveaways for the same game and if you were entered in a lot of giveaways for that game, you might get a large number of points back. Let's say you win a game that costs 10 points to enter and you were entered in another 30 giveaways for the same game. You will be removed from those 30 giveaways and be returned 300 points. If you currently have 95 points on your account, you will now be at 395 and at the next 15 minute cycle will only receive 5 points instead of 6 because that will bring you up to 400 points and you will not receive anymore points until you drop below 400. If your account already had 350 points when you got the 300 point return, you will now have 650 points and will get no more till you drop below 400.
If you constantly use all your points entering a lot of giveaways and then remove yourself from all those giveaways at the same time, you can have a few thousand points on your account. You can get a bunch of points back if someone deletes a bunch of giveaways that you were entered in. People shouldn't be deleting many giveaways, but sometimes it happens.
Edit: Also, if you activate a game on your Steam account, steamgifts doesn't know that you own that game until you sync your account or it syncs automatically. If you activate a game (or many), the next time your account is synced you will be removed from all giveaways for those games and the points returned to you.
I believe this is the last official thread about the points system update. You can find other discussions about the changes to the points system over the years if you search cg's created discussions for the word "point", like this.
Also, from the FAQ:
How many points (P) can I receive?
You will stop receiving points once you reach the maximum of 400 points. At that time, you will need to spend your points on giveaways before receiving more. In the below situations you might exceed the maximum point value.
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Well, I know about the 400p generation limit. Just didn't know You can get it above the limit after getting the refund when You win giveaway.
Also I didn't know there will be something useful in the FAQ for me after all these years, lol. It seems. Good You knew about that line. Thanks.
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Did anything changed recently? I just opened the site, as I've won the game and had 542 points or sth like that. I used them immediately. But I can't find any announcement saying about increasing the cap.
Was that a technical or visual bug? Or...?
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