Which theme would you like to see for August?
I briefly saw your post about it on BLAEO but didn't get the chance to reply. I hope you manage to get it fixed/replaced soon :/
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All my tops contain some sort of anime or gaming reference. Like current one has attack on titan while the other day i had the dog from fallout. I do have some tops that aren't like that but then they are youtuber related instead. I got way to many tops compared to my trousers but im excited to find out what top ill get in my rick and morty crate in the future so it will continue to grow slowly
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Not so sure about the animal heads. You have to kill some rats and spiders I think 🤔
Not sure if that counts as hunting. Other than that you might get farther with the love/hate theme. But it's been a while since I played that game.
You know if you don't have a fitting game from your SG wins you are always welcome to join with your normals backlog.
But first let mouse weigh in on the matter.
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Going off what Samwise said: you can put it under animal hunting :)
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Probably not going to finish any of them (though I did play a little The Hive and Mr Cat's Adventure).
I did play The Well, which is a very nice (simplified) RPG, and NPCs there are animals. Probably won't finish it this month either, but I expect I'll finish it next month.
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The first giveaway (Bridge Constructor Portal) is up on the site available for the people who already beat at least one of their wins, the rest will come as time goes on :)
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Giveaways for
Offworld Trading Company + Jupiter's Forge Expansion Pack
LEGO® City Undercover
Subsurface Circular
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
are now up for grabs on the site too :)
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And last 3 promised giveaways are up too:
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Dead Rising 4
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Hi, I just beat my game for this month. Is there something else I need to do apart from changing its status on the event page?
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Nope, you are all good. You can request to join the group here if you want (although I will accept it tomorrow since I am going to bed now) and the giveaways should now be visible for your on the website. Here explains where they are if you are having trouble.
Note: you will have to login again because I just pushed an update on the website that logged everyone out.
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Game | SteamGifts/Backlog | Achievements/Screenshot | Status |
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration (DLC) | SteamGifts | Achievements | finished |
The Stanley Parable | Backlog | Achievements | finished |
Limbo | Backlog | Achievements | finished |
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice | SteamGifts | Achievements | finished |
Virginia | Backlog | Achievements | finished |
Legendary Mahjong | Backlog | Achievements | finished |
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam | Backlog | Achievements | finished |
Grand Theft Auto V | SteamGifts | Achievements | in progress |
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Ugh ohhh ummm... Very good question. Since I already voted for one of the themes that it is in the tie, I would probably just use a random generator to pick one since it wouldn't be fair for me to "vote" 2x. But hopefully things change till the end of the month :)
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Ha! That is a good idea too tho logistically a bit more of a nightmare :P Seems like your idea has now taken the lead ;)
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Oh god lord, I need to know now (mind messaging it to me privately?). Because I kinda had a crazy idea for it too, but I already scratched it off the list because it would be too much of a pain in the ass.
Also what Kyrrelin said.
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Yup, also the most themes we had so far I think. That works :)
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I play Reventure now (awesome game, btw, especially for 100% maniacs, it have 100 endings and they are all hilarious), and I can use chicken to fly (0:45 in trailer), and in the middle of the game I unlocked cat & dog characters so I can play as them if I want (1:05 in trailer). Well, I did play as them until I died and unlocked another character. So, the game fits this month theme then, right?
Some endings to lure attention for this little gem:
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What the fuck o.o that is a lot of endings. How long does one playthrough take? Because it sounds like fun :D
And yes, you can count it for the theme under "Games where you play as animal" :)
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In the first half of the game you get endings pretty fast, for example, my log:
Unlocked 12 Jul @ 12:59am #20
Unlocked 12 Jul @ 12:58am #13
Unlocked 12 Jul @ 12:51am #19
Unlocked 12 Jul @ 12:51am #30
Unlocked 12 Jul @ 12:46am #67
Unlocked 12 Jul @ 12:35am #5
Unlocked 12 Jul @ 12:32am #59
Unlocked 12 Jul @ 12:28am #2
Unlocked 12 Jul @ 12:25am #16
Unlocked 12 Jul @ 12:25am #4
Unlocked 12 Jul @ 12:17am #9
Unlocked 12 Jul @ 12:17am #35
Unlocked 12 Jul @ 12:08am #1
Unlocked 12 Jul @ 12:05am #7
Unlocked 12 Jul @ 12:01am #14
That one from screenshot about tripped over a rock was less than a minute 😂
After 50 or 60 endings I was started thinking and explore map more careful. Map is pretty huge and has many secret passages that are reachable only with special gear, and you can't grab all gear in the game at once (it's heavy, lol, you even can't jump high with it). But when you have a plan to where to go, it's no more than 10 minutes, I think.
Now I have 87 endings and playtime is 13hours. So far the average time is 9 minutes.
And it is fun :D
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I just bought the game since it was on sale. 5 endings in I already love this game :D Thank you so much for making me aware of it :DDD now excuse me while I go murder some more people with my sword to see what happens :D
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I'm very happy to see that you like it :D
Interesting that without SG I'd never have known myself about its existence :)
And you reminded me that I wanted to create GA with it for August event. I guess I'll add you on steam without playing Portal after all ><
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Just play the damn game >.>
And sure, but I will accept it tomorrow as I am akeady in bed sooooooo good night!
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"Bendy and the Ink Machine™" is the first person puzzle action horror game that will forever ruin your childhood love of cartoons."
will forever ruin your childhood love of cartoons
I'd say "yes", but you need Mouse's or Kyrrelin's approval, I was just passing by :D
edit: and sorry, haven't played
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Based on what Kyrrelin said I would say putting it under "Games about any kind of animal" would work best :)
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Feel free to start playing now, don't need to wait. :)
Any playtime from July 1st-31st counts, even if you don't add your game to the site right away!
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As JaffaCaffa already said, you don't need to wait. I will get around approving things very shortly :)
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Samwise added a nice surprise to the list of games being given away. You can now find the giveaway for
Life is Strange: Before the Storm on the website :)
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Thanks :)
To tell you the truth, it was easier than expected :)
That wonky physics made it easy to "cheat" and use less objects than expected.. all one needs is a bit a patience and some/several* retries.. it was even fun in the end to find those alternative solutions :)
not always, just sometimes ..the rest was frustrating as you would expect. =P
* luck based
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Sadly I did not have such a "great" experience with it myself. It took me like two weeks of playing it 10 minutes at a time to beat it because I could not stand to play it more than that :D
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Oh yea, I know what you mean. I definitively played worse than that as well. I guess that comes from the time when Steam wasn't so full of showelware as it is today and that game was actually one of the worst on Steam.
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I sure hope so :) we have more people and games submitted than last month :)
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We already beat that and I have 5 more games in the queue to approve as beaten/completed :) After I am done with that I will update the leaderboard comment to show that there too ^^
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Hi. I have won june 25 "Epistory - Typing Chronicles", and i have 22 of 55 achievements obtained. Can i partecipate if i tryng to finish the game?
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Hey, sorry for the late answer. Of course you can :)
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Hi, i've finished the game. The achievements for finish is "Desert Dream".
Now i'm tryng to achieve the 100% completition!
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Congrats on beating it and best of luck on the 100%! :)
If you add the game to the website you should be able to instantly (well once I approve the playtime in the next 24 hours) see the giveaways available for this month, otherwise I will give you the links at the end of the month.
You can also request to join the Steam group here if you wish :)
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A second giveaway for Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice by Tidhros is now available on the website :)
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Thanks for this month-event.
For sure, it helped me with motivation to clean vn-backlog >_<
I've completed Sweet Fantasy and planning to beat Highway Blossoms.
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*looking at my place on leaderboard: Oh my, what a month.. They say it's summer outside, lol
Anyway, I've beaten Super Panda Adventures; have 2 screenshots: steam, imgur,
and have a question: Would it be okay if I upload screenshots /for games without achievements/ on imgur instead of steam? (Like this one above). Or better upload on steam then delete after your verification?
I know I asked similar question earlier, but last time was the case when I couldn't take screenshot at all ><
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Congrats on beating the game and the place on the leaderboard! :D looks sadly at place 50 :c
I am not picky, you can upload wherever I can actually load the image. You can send it via carrier pigeon too :P
Playtime approved :)
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The poor penguin would probably melt considering how damn warm it is over here :(
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63 people have beaten their wins so far, I hope by the end of the month we manage to surpass last month :) And it is also a healthy mix of old and new people too :) I couldn't be more proud of everyone who participated and puts a smile on my face every time I update the leaderboard :)
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However long it takes to beat the game and whatever achievements you get along the way. Beaten is enough.
And your submission of Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2 does not count. From what I can tell that is not a SG win so I removed it.
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Hmmm was trying to complete the main story line of My Time at Portia for this event, but after being 50 hours in (29 this month), I don't see that happening haha! I must say this event has been great, made me complete a fair few games. Have already decided what to play for the next months theme :)
Maaaybe I can complete the last 2 Staxel achievements in the next day or two.. Maaaaybe.
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Hope you are enjoying your time with My Time at Portia at least :) I been playing it a bit in the last time too and so far it has been pretty nice :)
Glad to hear you are planning to join in next month too ^^ If you want to "pre-submit" the games the event should be live on the webpage sometime tomorrow already.
Best of luck with those ^^
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Haha yeah it has been fun! Might be time for a break from it though.
I'll probably add games one at a time as I did this month. It then doesn't make me feel pressured with a set list. Plus it allows for me to add things as I complete them which is more encouraging :D
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22 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by Formidolosus
13 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by moronic
34 Comments - Last post 26 minutes ago by VahidSlayerOfAll
355 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by aumeilo
331 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by MyLittlePoPo
915 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by Insound
15 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by Sooth
15 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Carenard
285 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by pizzahut
10,141 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by Sno1
1,913 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by DufWhite
55 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by pizzahut
117 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Devirk
12 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Fluffster
Wow, Junes event beat all possible expectations I had. The website also turned out great with a few minor issues here and there that got quickly fixed :) Amazing work to every single one of you who participated, you did amazing!
Hope to see you all again this month :)
Due to timezones/people not being online 24/7 I am still accepting any edits/applications for June for the next couple of days (till the June thread is closed).
The theme for this month is
Lion's heart
(Thank you to Kyrrelin for the suggestion!)
Games that qualify for it are:
Games about any kind of animal - wild, domestic, marine, space...
Games where you take care of animals (zoo, farm...)
Games where you hunt animals
Games with animal names
Games where you play as animal
Games where you have animal as a companion
Games with surgery theme
Games about love / hate / romance
Card games
Visual novel games
Yes, imaginary animals do count.
Don't have any game that fits the theme?
For this month I have decided to let people play their normal backlog games in case no win qualifies. Please use the "Note" section when submitting the game to inform me of this situation. Still don't have any games that qualifies? WTF, let me know and I will give you one.
You can submit this months games you are going to play here:
While the test run last month was successful I would still appreciate if you list the games you are going to play bellow just in case something goes wrong (yes, I do have backups of the site, but it only backups once a day) and so I can quickly reply you to the comment in case of any issues with the games.
Don't want to login into the site?
No worries, you can just leave the names of the games you are going to play in the comments bellow and I will add you into to the site myself at the end of the month.
Theme for August
In the poll below you can vote which theme you would like to be the theme for next month. You can find the original comments here:
Fridays For Future
Games with great soundtracks
ummer has not ended yet!
It's Harvest Time
Caesar Divi filius Augustus
I thought this game would be easy peasy lemon squeezy but instead it was difficult difficult lemon difficult.
Theme for September
Do you think you have a good idea for a theme for September? Leave it in the comments bellow. If I get more than 1 suggestion I will list them in the poll next month and the one with the most votes will become August's theme.
Everyone who beats at least one win this month will get the chance to win:
Bridge Constructor Portal - from me
Offworld Trading Company + Jupiter's Forge Expansion Pack - from Samwise84
LEGO® City Undercover - from Samwise84
Subsurface Circular - from Samwise84
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - from Samwise84
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - from Samwise84
Dead Island Definitive Edition - from Kyrrelin
Dead Rising 4 - from Kyrrelin
ETHEREAL - from Kyrrelin
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - from Tidhros
Have already completed all your wins?
Then feel free to participate with your normal Steam backlog instead :)
Useful links:
Steam group - please don't bother requesting to join unless I told you to do so, you will get denied.
How Long to Beat
Do You Even Play, Bro? – kelnage’s script
BLAEO website - BLAEO application thread
Source code of the website.
Steam Library Filter
Previous months:
2019: January - February - March - April - May - June
2018: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2017: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
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