What should I do?
Son why is there even another option on the poll?
The correct course of action is already outlined. "Wait the 7 days, then if no response request new winner."
Send it via e-mail. If he doesn't redeem it then you can request a reroll.
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Find out where he lives! Visit him and personally deliver the key!
But really, just wait a week I guess and request a new winner. His fault if he doesn't respond
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It's a HB Link. I could send it by email, but I really don't want it that way (there's no human interaction, like talking with someone) also I clearly said in my GA description that i'll add the winner on steam.
Btw already 4 days passed, was just asking what you guys thought.
Edited: For the people asking why i need to add him on steam: My GA was private, I just want to check if it is a legit winner.
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I'm not sure that you have right to reroll according the rules. There is no rule that winner must add you in Steam... You have 2 ways to deliver HB link - email and in site (add it like a key), so he have right to report you for undelivered gift after 7 days... :(
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I tried to contact him by different ways. If he's unresponsive it's not my fault. I did my job, now it's up to him. And if he wants to mark it as not received, well, then he'll be for sure in my blacklist. He knows how the site works, has been here for over a year and has won more GA's than me.
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First option on the poll, obviously
You can blacklist however you want but thats a terrible reason to use it
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Terrible how?
Do you want to spend 7d of your time trying to contact your winners all the time? Or else he might report you back as "he didn't tried enough to contact me". Blacklisting ignorants, rudes, auto-entering bots, is vital to a healthy community.
There's rules and there's gifts. In real life winners go to donators to claim their gifts, not vice versa. Here in SG we spend more time contacting ignorants than opening GAs.
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it happened to me only once, tried adding the guy but he blocked me, on the 4th, sent him an email telling him to add me on steam(which OP hasn't done yet), so i could sent him the gift.
yes, some people seem to be frightened of human interaction(both on giving and receiving gifts) but i've made maybe 2 or 3 attempts contacting him, and if he had no interest i would just ask for a new winner.
Maybe if it was a usual thing, but my giveaways have either level requirement or are group restricted, so i have less problems with rude people.
As for blacklisting thank bots, there are so many im not even going to attempt it, you are never 100% sure, and it's not against the rules of the site
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I can see your point of view, i start both public and group/ invite-only GAs. Restricted GAs need little attention where public ones required my time and effort to contact the winner more than once.
Anyway, what i had in mind when i replied, is those people who seem online on steam & SG (and entering new giveaways) while they don't bother answering emails, invites or claiming their gifts. These people are definitely not frightened of human interaction, they take advantage of other people's kindness. I have names for them, but i'll stick by the rules. ;)
Auto-thank bots never bothered me, I was referring to auto-entering bots who don't claim their gifts.
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Yes i was talking about that one, the same script that gives a thank you message can also auto-join giveaways, but how are you 100% sure they are using it
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Blacklist him. The other is trivial, wait 7d and ask for a re-roll.
When someone wins a gift and doesn't want it, well, it can be fixed. But when you try to contact him for 3-4-or 5 days using a couple of emails and a couple of invites and he's still ignoring you, when on the same time he is online on steam and on SG entering more giveaways, then i suppose there's a need for a doctor.
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Many people don't want to add people they don't know to steam. If the winner didn't know he won something, he just blocked you.
I have had same kind of a situation and I just sent an email the guy to unblock and add me.
I also had a situation with HB that I won, HB never sent me an email. Luckily the guy sent me an email if I could mark the giveaway as received already. I responded that I hadn't received it. He gave me the link to the game and when I logged in to HB site, it asked if I want the link to be resent....
Things happen sometimes, not that much of an effort to try the second option.
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I had the same thing happen to me the last week, I added them on steam to gift the game and they rejected and blocked me
I left a note on there steam profile saying, "I take it you don't want the game you won on Steamgifts?"
They soon unblocked and added me for there game....ignorant people
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The winner has not redeemed my gift, and I'm unable to get into contact with them. How do I proceed?
If you've been unable to reach the winner of your giveaway using e-mail and Steam after seven days of your giveaway ending, and they have not yet activated or redeemed any keys or gifts you attempted to send, please contact support to request a new winner. When creating a ticket, we ask you to include data that suggests you made an adequate attempt to contact the winner, such as screenshots of e-mails, friend requests, or gifts pending on Steam. If the request is approved, a new winner will be generated by the site.
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But from HB you can see the key, and send the key using steamgifts.
Why you must add he on steam?
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Anyway, rules are subject to discussion and suggestions, if they dont work as expected or users keep exploiting them. ;)
Imho, winners must be blocked from using SG at all, or blocked only from entering new giveaways, until they receive/claim all their previous gifts, provided that the donator already marked the code/gift as "sent". A typical procedure would be something like:
That way, those 7d are reducted from the winner's online lifetime and not the donator's.
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Well, rules can change. ;)
In my scenario, the winner may have to right report the donator before 7d, if the donator marks the gift as sent and the winner makes the necessary effort to contact the donator, as FAQ states. That way the effort to contact the other end goes to the winner who -may or may not- want the gift. If he doesn't, he stays locked for 7d, fair enough!
On the other hand, the donator need to respond to the winner's attempts for communication, that the only way he'll get the received mark and CV points. ;)
The system as it is now can be easily exploited by malevolent or ignorant winners.
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I would get extremely intoxicated and drive over to their house. Kick down their door and take them hostage. Forcing them to accept my game and my friendship. But that is not what you should do, you should follow whatever the FAQ of this site tells you.
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The winner insta-blocked me on steam. I didn't even had the chance to speak with him nor anything.
I know there are a lot of scammers out there, but dude, just look at my profile: Public profile, 400+ games, Lv 28 and stuff in the inventory. Do you seriously can mistake me with a scammer?
PS: Excuse me for my bad english. Not my 1st language :P
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