Well, there I was playing Dark Souls II, angry because I was dying a lot happy and content and then "Changing to offline mode" (nothing to talk about now).
I thought about how hard it is to play Dark Souls for the first time (yes, I created a new character because my main character can kill everything hahaha) and have come to share with you guys.

So, tell me, what was the hardest game you've ever played, and why. Did you beat it?

Edit: Looking in game (Dark Souls 2) here some things:
Deaths in the world: 313228072
Deaths (my main char - I'm in NG+5 at this moment): 1153
Deaths (my alt char - first playthrough): 7 (I even reach at hard part of the game)

9 years ago*

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Are there much games that you consider hard?

View Results
Of course not, it's just psychological thing
Nah, I can beat any game
I can't even beat Purble Place (windows)

Steam's down?

9 years ago

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Work for me

9 years ago

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Wasn't working minutes ago, but looks normal now

9 years ago

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The hardest game I ever played was Uriel's Chasm, I wanted to die.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Uriel's Chasm gets a lot of shit, which it deserves, but at least it's interesting. I'd take 200 Rail Slave Games over another RPG Maker game with a title like "Shin Legends of Fantasia."

9 years ago

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Classic Castlevania is freaking hard, but its something i really enjoy, so i persevered through it.
Then there's Ninja Gaiden which is the only case where i cant beat a single game in the all franchise, unless you count Yaiba, that one i can beat

Other random games, that i put a lot of effort and still couldn't finish
Contra Hard Corps, Battletoads, Ghouls 'N Ghosts, pursuit force,

9 years ago*

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Those speeder bikes in Battlletoads (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

9 years ago

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Old games are harder than new ones.... but we have some hard games in these days too

For me, Dark Souls (the first one) was the only game that I almost give up (in Four Kings battle)

9 years ago

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one of the hardest games i ever played was Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos and one of my favorites from the old 8-bit consoles.
the game was released in 1990 as i see in wikipedia but i played it around '95-'96,i was a little kid and there where no saves back then,i managed to reach only 1 time the final boss but never actually beat the game xD

9 years ago

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Minesweeper, its harder than my pp bizon ;)

9 years ago

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The game is not hard but when I was little I beat Resident Evil 2 in one sitting because I couldn't save (Played in PSOne and didn't own a memory card) now speaking of difficulty maybe the ninja gaiden games except for the third one, that was really easy compared to the other ones.

9 years ago

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Ninja Gaiden is one of top 10 in difficult list I guess
Thinking about harder games, a lot of them is old school style

9 years ago

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Prince of Persia still for good ol' MS-DOS while I was still a kid. I cried. Ironically, never got to the end of it. Rage quitting was already a thing for me..

10/10 would get impaled all over again and get absolutely no achievement for it.

9 years ago

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Do you believe me if I say that I still need to play Prince of Persia?
Is it so hard as you say? I'll love it

9 years ago

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I do, as long as you don't tell me you tried one of the late games (like Sands of Time), that would just be bad :P

Honestly I don't know if it's hard nowadays, I never tried it again (I was traumatized to the point I decided to just go and play California Games instead facepalm). I know I had a really hard time with it, but it was SO MUCH FUN at the same time!

Seriously, do try it, then let me know how it goes with you =)

9 years ago

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I'll play it some day and tell you how hard was for me, but I have so much games to finish and I started to play some games again 'cause I want to do perfect game (yeah, I like to do achievements) ;s

9 years ago

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I do too, so I get you on that =)

Except I excel at never finishing what I start, but that's me xD

9 years ago

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I always try to finish (just dont finish some game if I really didnt like it)

9 years ago

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Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

They aren't considered hard but have some challenging moments!

9 years ago*

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Wizardry IV is by far the hardest game ever created. It's an old-school RPG (think Ultima or Might & Magic, but only one person, no party) where you start without any equipment in a small room with no doors. Unless you've played the previous installments, you will have absolutely no way of figuring out how to get out of that room, and even if you have played the older games, that puzzle is freaking difficult.
Once you get out, you discover that that small square room without a door is inside a larger square room without a door, within another square room within another. And that's merely the first of 14 levels.

Also, saving the game respawns all enemies, and there's a ghost wandering every level who will kill you on contact, game over.

9 years ago

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This looks like Dark Souls (we start withou equipament in a cell)
I love puzzle games, but these days, puzzles are so easy ;(

Why a lot of games use ghosts to kills us with one hit? hahahah I played Castlevania LoS recently and there was a ghost like reapers (actually, a lot of reapers) that killed me with one hit #sad

9 years ago

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For that feeling of real dread lol. Death comes for us all; brutally and out of nowhere or comfortable and peaceful but inevitable.

9 years ago

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The story of Wizardry 1 is that a king hires a bunch of adventurers to vanquish an evil mage. The story of Wizardry IV is that you're the vanquished mage who wants to get his power back. the ghost is the king from the first game. (also, the game is old as fuck)

But, at least in Dark Souls you start with some basic equipment and can find the key. In Wizardry IV you have no equipment, but there's a summoning circle, where you can summon creatures to aid you. you then need to pace around the room and eventually enemies will attack you. Still won't help you out of the room.

The trick is that one of the weaker creatures that you can call to aid you can cast a light spell, which is completely useless in a fight. But, with the light spell active, you can keep pacing around the 2x2 room until you find a hidden passage. Thing is, you can't tell the creatures you summon what action to take. So, without a walkthrough, you basically need to be dumb and select the weak creature (or just try them all), walk around until you get into, and survive) enough fights for the creature to randomly cast the spell, then keep pacing in circles until you stumble upon the passage.

Then, while stumbling for the next exit, you need to (a) not run into the ghost of the king which will insta-kill you, and (b) survive any other random encounter.

I've never made it past the second level, even with a walkthrough and being infinitely familiar with the earlier and later games.

(on the other hand, Wizardry VII is the greatest old-school RPG, but that's a different conversation entirely)

9 years ago

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all games are hard, i can barely beat any. ;_;

9 years ago

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+1 I don't like to admit how much I suck at gaming. :(

9 years ago

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Isn't a shame to admit this in my opinion... I don't like when I have to say that I don't beat game x or y

9 years ago

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That's why we collect thousands of them: always an excuse to quit and try another.

9 years ago

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hahahahaah +1

9 years ago

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I've heard that a good way to get good at gaming is by learning how to sit on a sofa without falling off.
Practice that several times a day, and you should get better. :X


9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I'll try it someday hahaha kidding

9 years ago

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Mafia 1, the race mission.. i gived up and lowered the difficulty.

9 years ago

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Many players cursed that thing, I think that the devs were a) really good at racing b) or really sadistic guys c) or just didn't test the game enough. It was HARD, if I remember right I got it after several tries and was really almost giving up. Kind of a moment when you just need to save the game so that sudden bluescreen, power failure or meteorite doesn't make you do that all again.

9 years ago

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This happened to me days ago. I was playing Dark Souls 2 and suddenly my computer (in fact, the energy of the house) just downed. When it cames back, I had lost all my progress (two bosses' kill) #sad

9 years ago*

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I remember that ç_ç

9 years ago

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I know this felling... a lot of games with some kind of race mission looks hard (maybe 'cause isnt't a race game)

9 years ago

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I'm the opposite, I cannot play it on the patched difficulty. I am glad it can be switched back to the original.

9 years ago

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Lineage 2, impossible to beat if you dont spent at least 5000$ on items a month :D

9 years ago

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I'll never beat this one hahahah

9 years ago

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Only few french and russian people did :D

9 years ago

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The very first boss in Lords of the Fallen kicked my ass at least 2 dozen times before I beat it. In most other games I can beat anything in 2 tries or less.

9 years ago

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Monty on the Run, Commodore 64 / 128. My first game ever and never beaten it! But it is a nice thing that it didn't let me down and I still play games.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Glad you still play games! :D
I don't know about this game, is it old school ;s but looks funny

9 years ago

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1985, so a bit older game ^^ Had great music and nice graphics on it's time but the difficulty level was kind of hard. Well as you have said earlier on this thread, older games were hard! One of the reasons could also be that you couldn't google any help, you could buy some game magazines but there was never tips for everything.

9 years ago

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Oh, I wasn't in this word yet in 1985 ;/ hahaha
You're right, now if someone have trouble in any game, everything he needs to do is search in google ;(

9 years ago

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Potato ofc

9 years ago

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I've never been able to win at Eve Online. As hard as I try I keep coming back :(

9 years ago

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Star Ruler: In over 20 hours I just couldn't beat the AI (sure, I was unlucky with the world generation though)

Fallout New Vegas heavily modded, DUST-based. Best gaming experience I ever had, and really hard but in a somewhat realistic way.

9 years ago

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I like games with some kind of realistic difficulty. One I can say for exemple (but isnt't hard) is Sniper Elite e Sniper Elite V2 (these games have all kind of difficulty from enviroment)

9 years ago

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Wings of Vi play time ~6 hours death count around 950.

9 years ago

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O.o almost all deaths I have after five new games in dark souls... why so much deaths?

9 years ago

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I don't care dying much i believe in your first run you can come where i am with 300-400 deaths. I didn't die much in Dark Souls though.

9 years ago

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I died a lot, but more in DS 1 then Dark Souls 2, maybe 'cause I never played this before. Now, I'm a badass with my char in DS1 hahaha I can finish that without gear or do any kind of pvp without gear (this doesnt happens in Dark Souls 2, yet

I'm recording my ng+5 and posting in youtube... for now, I didnt die yet (but the game is just beggining)

9 years ago*

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DS 1 wasn't that hard for me but Ds 2 SotFS was a pretty hard. Especially dlcs. i couldn't even finish them Can't say much about pvp though i only played 1 playthrough in both games.

9 years ago

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I played 4-5 hrs of Dark Souls 1. Never had real difficulties. Except for the confusing level design, since I went to the graveyard first. The cliff walkway blended into the background, making it very difficult to spot.

9 years ago

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This is one of thing that make DS a little hard... we have no clue for where to go or what to do. My harder difficulty was against Four Kings (I almost gave up)

9 years ago

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