Due to character limit, moved to new location 🔚 Expired Freebies Archive
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Due to character limit, moved to new location 🔚 Expired Freebies Archive
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Due to character limit, moved to new location 🔚 Expired Freebies Archive
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You're welcome.
Ahh yep, adding Epic Games note above since it's linking only. (No code provided)
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Steamworld Heist (GOG): ZS3G5D69018#4#5B56 (hashes = number of days in a full week)
(My favourite Steamworld game but already own it and dlc on Steam, looking forward to the sequel next month)
And the Tomb Raider games as i won't play them so someone else might as well have them:
Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness (GOG): KB86B9FE7D600B6E ( = number of hours in a day)
Tom Braider Last Revelation (GOG): 3A-QF0C3--331A4A0- ( - = the first letter of my username)
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I don't think I've ever tried Prime... So I can sub for a month, claim the GOG and EPIC games, and they stay on my GOG and EPIC accounts, correct? The EPIC ones aren't bound to me keeping a Prime sub?
Nevermind, I don't think I'm in a locale that can even get the Prime Gaming freebies.
Also I see a lot of games listed, including NINE GOG games currently available, including Cat Quest II, Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, Forager, Blast Brigade, and Midnight Fight Express - are these not worth mentioning in the main list? Or is this page still under construction?
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Going to finish the list a little later, currently stucked at with some other things.
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I'll add them in a while, trying to check & complete them later.
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I don't remember where in Amazon's site it was but there was a list of the countries where just having a Prime Video subscription was enough to get the gaming freebies and where you needed an Amazon Prime subscription instead. But it was basically just dependent on if Amazon delivers physical stuff to your country or not.
I have Prime Video as an optional add-on from my internet provider and get these games on top as an extra despite it not being advertised, I just had to log-in and do some account linking.
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Here's the link : https://www.amazongames.com/en-in/support/prime-gaming/articles/countries-territories-eligible-for-prime-gaming
My country don't have Prime only Prime Video, and we can get Prime Gaming via Prime Video.
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Ahh yep, I haven't checked yet what are still available from last month, going to add them later.
Currently still finishing this month and check if posting format doesn't go wrong or not.
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I guess I shouldn't have purchased those Tomb Raider titles in the latest Fanatical bundle...
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I knew I shouldn't have gotten Hard West 2. Next Showgunners will be given away.
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I sent you a friend's request on Steam. Add me and I can send you the formatted text for my post since I haven't been able to keep up with it (ongoing health issues).
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Heya ok checking, sorry was away for a while.
And really thx for maintaining those lists, also take care, health and safety first!
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To be honest was surprised by the amount of GOG games.
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Thanks for taking over this thread too, you always do a banger job when it comes to keeping track of freebies and presenting the info in a neat way, although with the sheer amount of stuff you've taking upon as main tracker/updater not just here in SG but on other places (I keep seeing your name in various sites) I'm starting to get worried if you're not stretching yourself too thin. Like, do you even sleep?
And about the games themselves, I must say that this month they have a really nice selection, couldn't be happier about getting more Tomb Raiders for my GOG collection, even if I've already bought every TR game on Steam it's nice to have DRM-free versions as backups.
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You're welcome, was trying to learn the SG Text formtting to be sure if not exceeding character limit and if it doesn't seem too messy as well.
Still trying to see what to do with the Infos since idk if people prefer Game Links towards their original Store or just Steam, or using the Prime Gaming link for each freebie or their store link.
Going to check around to see what's people opinion towards them and then adjust to fit better and serves like a place of easy info gathering.
Btw lately due to some incident I caused I got more time to be honest, but... the outcome didn't end well for me (still being affected) so going to take a while for me to do things properly.
And yep, at least for this year, this is one of the highest amount of GOG games I've seen appearing at a single month.
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Thanks for the new thread! Oooo, some of those upcoming August freebies are on my wishlist! Nice.
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation + Chronicles (GOG): 3ABQ5?E8ECE7EDC8DD
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (GOG): KB866D208F0C2BC??0
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (GOG): V6EF40243AD??507?2
? = nine
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Thx for sharing, but someone took them all.
And seems like plenty surprises coming up later this month.
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Amazon no longer wants to accept my empty card for the free trial joining like before, does anyone facing the same problem? How do yo get the keys?
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Warning, you can redeem South of the Circle GOG key from Prime Gaming even if you already got it for free in the past.
Check your library before redeeming the key for nothing.
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No DLC, it is the standard edition, the same as the freebie. I suppose they do not use a package system like Steam does; if the name of the package is different ("South of the Circle" vs "South of the Circle - Amazon Prime") they ignore the ownership even if it is the exact same game.
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Ah, thanks for confirming it, guess I'll just offer it in the anti-ninja thread then.
If it's actually like that and they don't have a package system it seems like a major oversight, but I do remember Origin having the exact same problem with being able to activate the same game multiple times.
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damn they're offering some solid stuff these days
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Last few months have been pretty good. I can't believe Hard West II is already being giving away on GoG, Only spent 5 bucks on it but still slightly salty. Good for everyone else!
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I didn't see it in my library so thought I might missed it.
Th6 again. 💟
Sixes are actually exes.
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South of the Circle (GOG): TMCV67DC99F3C808A9
Nines are Bees! 🐝
I'll echo the reminders above to check if you already have the game.
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South of the Circle (GOG) TMCVBC7BB7200F2B8? (? = https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/letter-brush-stroke-typography-vector_34381436.htm)
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South of the Circle (GOG) TMCVDAX3F2XA3XFFCE
Exes are fours
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🔚 Expired Freebies Archive
Work In Progress for most things, but would like to appreciate all people who helped creating this.
Currently taking all previous works #1 & #2 & #3 from @typjk & @MetalfanBlackness & @Felldrizzle to see how to continue their work.
Amazon Prime Gaming offers free games for Epic/GOG/Amazon platform and more per month..
Requires Amazon Prime and a Twitch account linked. (More instructions here)
For Games from Amazon Prime platform, you need the Amazon Games App.
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DO NOT CREATE giveaways for keys that are not for Steam as this is not allowed as stated in the guidelines.
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