Seeing the same games in here over and over and over again is becoming a bore. I've been stuck at 300 points for quite some time now D:

I suppose I shouldn't say much since I have yet to start a giveaway myself, but that doesn't mean I can't be completely bored seeing only the humble bundles, TF2, and Portal over and over and over again.

Would be nice if people started putting up less known games or just games that don't get put up often if ever. There are PLENTY of games out there that could be shared with the steamgifts community.

1 decade ago*

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That's a great idea. You start.

Seriously though, everyone is free to give whatever they like. You can't force anyone to give away games that you like.

1 decade ago

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Wasn't trying to force, just suggest :3

1 decade ago

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don't suggest, do. Be the change you want to see in the world.

1 decade ago

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Do or do not, there is no try.

1 decade ago

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lol fail^

What if you did it but then it failed. Then you tried, no?

1 decade ago

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It's a line from Star Wars. -_-

1 decade ago

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Indeed, but he still has a point.

1 decade ago

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If you actually did do it, then you wouldn't have failed.

1 decade ago

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It's called a modal verb.

1 decade ago

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is anyone just as fed up with this inane drivel? send me a link showing me that you changed the world. you jackass. quit acting so superior cause you memorized something off the internet

1 decade ago

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I read it in a book about Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. There was a time before the internet and a medium of information exchange did exist.

Oddly enough, Gandhi was a little racist.

1 decade ago

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Changing the world around you, even in little ways, is something that is within everyone's reach. Being a little bitch about something on the internet won't change anything.

Ask not what SteamGifts can do for you, ask what you can do for SteamGifts.

1 decade ago

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>Registered 6 months ago

>No giveaways

>Barely comments

>When she finally does, complains that giveaways are not exactly what she wants

Go away

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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You're getting another bloody +1!

1 decade ago

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He is a she, and she already stated that yes I haven't started any giveaways lol.

1 decade ago

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Suggesting something whiles you are also part of the problem doesn't really help your case. Especially with 0 giveaways and more entries than comments over 80% of all the members here are like that. S

Be unique for once and change yourself Plum!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Burn him

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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+1, just go.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Some people... To have the nerve to complain about the lack of unique gifts when not having gifted a single game. Disgusting

1 decade ago

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i know right :S

1 decade ago

Comment has been collapsed. serious?

1 decade ago

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Get the SG Enhancement Addon and filter out Humble Bundles or whatever games are bothering you. You'll never see them again.
And feel free to make a more unique giveaway yourself anytime.

1 decade ago

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I never see TF2 really.

Also, you can't really complain about FREE stuff.

1 decade ago

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Apparently you haven't been on the internet before, where people complain about everything and everything. And lately I've seen it come up a few times, but not that often. I suppose the main reason for them being so gifted is they're cheap and a lot of people have extra.

1 decade ago

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I think more people gift just for being generous.

Not many people buy an extra copy just to have an extra copy.

1 decade ago

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People just have to much of a sense of self entitlement.

1 decade ago

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You people really take this too seriously lol. I was merely making a suggestion.

Oh well thanks for the giggles all you srsbsns people.

1 decade ago

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It's not a matter of taking it seriously. You could have phrased the post a bit better so that it doesn't sound like you're bored of all the "free" stuff.

I'm surprised this site is still going, but it just proves me wrong that there are some generous people out there willing to give away games. Just take it as it is and keep the comments to yourself.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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who is a bison?

1 decade ago

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"I was merely making a suggestion."
Then help put it into action.
Make a unique giveaway.

Don't be a person who can't take their own advice.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I might make a suggestion that generous people offer Rochard and Sideway: New York as giveaways. Both are cool new indy games just released and both are only $10. More importantly, both are pretty darn fun and haven't been offered much at all (I think I've seen one Rochard out there but no Sideway.)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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May I kindly suggest you to give me a thousand bucks or two. Please don't get me wrong, I am not complaining about a lack of funds, just suggesting that my direction might be a good one to funnel some cash.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Ha, laughed til my sides hurt :P

1 decade ago

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I hate the Humble Bundle giveaways. Is it really that hard for people to just buy it? Also, most of the people giving them away only payed a penny for it...

1 decade ago

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Not all people have credit card, debit card, paysafecards, or other ways of having online financial transactions.

1 decade ago

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Maybe they should work harder in life and get one.

1 decade ago

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It isn't even working harder, since getting a debit card is like an hour process, and it allows you to not only buy games but just about anything off the internet. I guess people are just lazy.

1 decade ago

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Some people are also not of age or miss the bundles...

1 decade ago

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Why use an online service then where the only way of getting new games is using the aforementioned means of transaction?

1 decade ago

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Not sure if either dumb or just a troll.

1 decade ago

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If they had paysafecard, I would be so happy.

1 decade ago

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Based on the amount of entries for the giveaways, I'd say plenty of people would be more than happy to win those games.

1 decade ago

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This thread is the reason why I most likely will never do a public giveaway.

1 decade ago

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Same here. Was going to make a public one this evening but I guess I'll just do another group giveaway. Shame that there is so many freeloading whining douches like the OP

1 decade ago

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Yeah why bother being generous to thousands when a couple of them complain about it.

1 decade ago

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I agree. Why bother with people who complain about free games and aren't thankful for other giveaways.

1 decade ago

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I humbly suggest you start commenting occasionally and thanking people for giving away free games.
If you will not or cannot contribute to the site via giving games, then you could at least contribute to the community. All that costs you is your time, and not much of it.

Critiques of the games we give away fall a little flat when the person criticizing us appears wholly disinterested in even typing "thanks" on the rare occasion.

1 decade ago

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Why don't you start by giving away something?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I kind of like seeing some of the same games since I still want them.

Terria, Half-Life 2, Magicka, etc...

1 decade ago

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Well people tend to put up games that are cheap or free with video cards etc. Just deal with it. sunglasses

1 decade ago

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This. It makes little sense to buy games that are not cheap just to give them away to random strangers.

1 decade ago

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If seeing free chances to win games is so boring to you, why don't you try it from the other perspective. Try giving something away. It actually feels pretty good when you know you've made someone feel happy.

If I had to complain about this community, it is that people sometimes don't seem happy or privileged to win - like they're entering giveaways just because they can and not because they actually want or care about the games - but that is something that I can personally do nothing about in contrast to your complaint.

1 decade ago

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People are GIVING AWAY games, you know, FOR FREE, it costs them and they are giving them away.

In short, as they saying goes, beggars can't be choosers.
You got 300 points?
How about inviting a few people to the site who would actually appreciate the free game chance?
Or just look for a few random games.

Its not like there's NOTHING to do with extra points.

1 decade ago

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The site is open now, no more invites

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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C-C-C-Combo BREAKER!!!

1 decade ago

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And then there's this faggot.

1 decade ago

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The faggot. That very faggot. The one faggot everyone hates.

1 decade ago

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Implying that there is something wrong with being gay...OKAY!

1 decade ago

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There's nothing wrong with being a faggot, faggot

1 decade ago

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I am glad you see my point :-).

1 decade ago

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I see a lot of lines going down lol.

1 decade ago

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I like the choice of games that the donaters generously give away and I won't complain if the selection are not on my top wishlist. I don't see the point in complaining about free stuff that people are nice enough to give away.
I can't afford many games like some people so I have larger selection of giveaways to choose from.
Thank you to everybody who give away games!

1 decade ago

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And look, what have you contributed in this?

1 decade ago

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Yeah sure if I had $100+ to spend on game to give away for FREE every month then yeah I would so do it but I do not have the time nor money to do so. I come here to converse and to try and win some games. I have not complained once nor will I ever complain about FREE games.

Good day sir.

1 decade ago

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Just because you're rich doesn't mean everyone owns 50% of all Steam games.

The website isn't made for you.

1 decade ago

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Why dont YOU break the chain

1 decade ago

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so get the addon for firefox/chrome (does IE even have addons?) and Ignore the ones you dont want to enter.

Be a poweruser, punk.

Edit: Note i have given out a few odd games myself.

1 decade ago

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I don't see many games I don't own already either, but this site is where you go to get free games. Not sure you can come here and complain on the forums that the games people are giving out (and likely paid their own money for) don't suit you, especially when you haven't donated a single game. There are many other people like yourself willing to complain about getting gifts, maybe you guys should make your own site where no game is donated and everyone complains about everyone else not donating.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Plum.