Take a look at the backlog of unsuspend requests: https://www.steamgifts.com/stats/community/support
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Also take a look which level of support are allowed to handle which kind of tickets: https://www.steamgifts.com/roles
As far as I know tickets are solved in order, so if there have been a couple of hundred tickets submitted before yours, there are probably still a couple of hundred tickets left before yours is seen.
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well... part of it is not all moderators have the permission to handle all ticket types.
junior mods is the rank there is most of and they largely handle giveaway related tickets(which are the most important ones for a site like this tbh)
look at what permissions each role has here
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Oh but they are instant if you post something that could maybe almost be implied something else. They were quick for that -_-
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I am not sure if this would be good. I have also quite a lot of unsolved user reports, most suspected multi accounting, but have learned to live with the fact. If there would be the information of x solved per month, I probably would be on the edge why my ticket was not one of those.
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If there are genuinely only 2000 tickets per month I fail to see how even only one moderator could not handle that in spare time. It would only be 67 tickets per day, how long does it take to address a ticket? I would assume you would learn to address them faster over time, recognizing patterns and such. Say on average 5 minutes per ticket, which to me seems generous, and that's less than 6 hours a day. Increase to 2 mods less than 3 hours. So how many mods are there? And why are they more concerned with reducing and removing cv from the recent past instead of handling tickets? I certainly don't have all the information but to me it seems bleak.
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So you would be willing to spend 6 hours a day to solve tickets?
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Easily, yes. For anyone without a full time job and actually enjoys/supports a site 6 hours is nothing. And there is obviously more than 1 mod so your assertation is redundant to be honest. With 6 mods, and again I think there are at least 6, that number becomes 1. Is one hour a day asking too much for support? I mean heck, if the guy doing CV reduction put in 1 hour a day then everyone could experience the thrill of losing 90% of their games sent value instead of just the new people. And yes, I'm going to keep kicking that dead horse.
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I'd guess that most of the mods have full time jobs.
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You were unbanned, and now you can keep those games private since you were already punished. What more do you want?
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That was good advice and a genuine question. If you are this mad about a temp ban on a silly website maybe you should Minecraft yourself.
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Yes. It's a new feature, still in beta, and for some reason accepting Steam gifts would set the game as private by default. You don't need the beta client to un-private a game though, you can even do that on web.
Just check the above link, lol.
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Probably happened automatically, see here: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/mvfZF/psa-games-gifted-directly-on-steam-are-getting-marked-as-private-giveaway-added-ends-feb-21.
But yeah, now they could just toggle it off again. Or don't use beta.
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Wake up, mods
I love you mods. I made you breakfast mods.
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tbh if the mods are so overwhelmed, they should set up some sort of automated "you have an unredeemed win and have 2 days to fix this" warning system or something before a mod handles it and you get timed out. That would reduce mod overhead in general - they wouldn't need to even look at people who fix the issue in those two days; no timeout, no appeals. It'd be a better experience for everyone involved.
That way they only need to deal with the non-accidental cases... which wasn't a problem before because it was hard to have an unredeemed win by accident, but the new default to private makes it an issue.
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Mods and Support are the unsung heroes of SG.
They are volunteers working for free on a site that had massive ad revenue and they struggle to keep things moving because they are swamped in tickets created due to abusers, rule breakers and bots.
And on top of all that, there are threads like these.
Mistakes happen. And they are also only human.
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What would this site look like if mods weren't asked to do this ungrateful work unpaid? Ad revenue. Patreon. No reason not to have some paid moderation.
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I was a community moderator on several forums and I never did it for money but it was an hour of "work" a day and it was mostly about making sure everyone was getting the help they needed and keeping people happy.
Support here is doing hard work and they are drowned. Some form of compensation would not only be fair but it might also help get more people.
Not that it solves the fact that they are toiling on stuff that could be taken care of upstream by automation... but it would help
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Same happened to me. Got suspended for making a won game private, managed to open a support ticket in 10 minutes, still spent the remaining 5 days suspended for nothing.
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I got banned for five weeks for not activating the games, I actually added them to private on Steam as a new option. I forgot my mistake. But I sent an unban request and seriously there wasn't a single mod in five weeks to look at the request and unban me?
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