User didn't respect specified rules :
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This. But for special rules you need mod approval in advance.
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You need mod approval for any rule, be it for private or group giveaways.
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^ this
I had a re-roll request approved because I couldn't contact the winner. I had to send a screenshot to support, showing the mail I had sent to the "winner".
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Did you send mail with keys or just contact e-mail?
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I've been trying to add the winner on Steam, after 3 days of him/her not accepting my friend request I've sent a mail. The mail was only to contact the winner, no key/gift was sent - otherwise, if I had sent keys, the re-roll request would probably not have been granted, because the risk of the key being used in the meantime would be too great.
After 9 days I contacted support and uploaded a screenshot of my mail.
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What was your reason for asking for a reroll ? No wonder they ask for proof.
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So it should be sufficient to post (i) your group rules stating that upon leaving the group, people must also leave any group giveaways and that otherwise GAs will be rerolled, and (ii) a screenshot showing that this person left the group before the GAs ended. Simple, no?
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Sounds like this should be a learning experience for your group :)
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No we got a group running where we use the ratio system. Our rule is to keep a 1:1 ratio. So people are required to make the same number of giveaways as they have won. This is our main rule and we kick people who break it.
At any moment in time we got a lot of active giveaways, currently we got 200 giveaways running.
So if someone joins the group there are a lot of giveaways he can easily enter. They are not supposed to, because that would be in violation of keeping a good ratio rule. But a leecher / thief obviously doesn't care about that.
Now as an admin, we take action if this happens. We inform the people to not hand out any of the games to him and do rerolls.
So the question remains, what if the user has been kicked after the giveaway has already ended. How do we prevent from having the provide such a thief with more games?
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If the giveaways ended before he was kicked from the group, I think there's no way to avoid gifting them to him unfortunately. Sorry duder
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if you had mod approval for group/private Ga rules - and he broke these rules you will be granted a reroll. If it's just group rules not approved by SG staff, just written on your group page - you will not. Only case when group GA reroll would be granted is if user would leave / be kicked from group before he won a GA. It's Group admins/mods job to manage their group members, not SG staff to clean up your mess. Harsh but true - sorry :( Take it as an experience for your future group management.
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The only other detail is that the winner of the giveaway can request a re-roll (for various reasons). If the GA creator agrees, the mods will allow it.
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Yup, but the same goes for all kinds of GAs - Public, Group and Private ones - I was talking about group specific ones ;)
Plus in this particular case - I don't think "join'n'run" leecher would request reroll on his own for all 20 GAs he leeched ;p
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I'm afraid you have misread what I posted.
Luck certainly was no factor in this.
But instead of confusing this general situation I'm trying to sketch. Can you actually answer my question?
Where are the rules posted on which situations are allowed to reroll on private giveaways?
Comment has been collapsed. person asked me one time if he can reroll me because i win 2 of his giveaways(with near 200 ppl anyways)...Well... he get rerolled because i didn't have problems..but we can say that i recjeted my luck and the gift so he can reroll...
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Well, if you really think somebody is a leecher and/or doesn't deserve the game he won, just don't give him the game.
You will have one "not received" game but that won't kill you. After that, just add that person to you blacklist so you never face the problem again.
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I found these re-roll reasons in another thread, posted by Rinarin:
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You pick the reason, the mods decide whether or not the reason is valid.
I guess that's why they are requesting a screenshot.
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If your winner has been kicked from the group, I figure the reason for a reroll here would be "Did Not Meet Requirements", since winning a group giveaway requires being a member of the group.
Apart from that list, there is no official list that lists what are valid reasons for a reroll. If you previously set a special rule that has been approved by support (e.g. "winner must have never won a giveaway on SteamGifts"), and if the winner doesn't comply/meet the requirement, that makes a valid reason for a reroll.
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Go back through the guy's account and see if he didn't activate any of his games before. You can sometimes use that as an excuse for not wanting to give him the game.
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Doesn't look like theres anything specific on the FAQ regarding leaving the group before the giveaways end. Also, it doesn't seem that's a part of your group rules too (should probably add that).
But, regardless, try giving them a screenshot of when the guy left the group and a screenshot of when the GAs were set to end. Just ask support about it
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Dyna, last time a leecher did the same, I just submitted a ticket "no longer in group" and uploaded a screenshot from group history, showing he left before won. I didn't even got a letter back with questions, they just rerolled it in a few hours without any problem.
Is this case is different for some reason from the last one?
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Well the only people who can actually help you are support.. state your case with them by explaining your group policy.. give them whatever proof you can give and show the user was trying to hit and run. Then hope for the whole thing to go your way..
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Two re-roll reasons: No Longer a Group Member, Suspended or Inappropriate Behavior.
He's no longer a group member so that's a reason to ask for a re-roll. Leeching games and breaking group rules is considered as inappropriate behavior so that's another reason to ask for a re-roll.
He should be banned from steamgifts as well considering he agreed to abide by the rules when he joined the group and he failed to keep a 70% ratio (20 wins, 0 giveaways)
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He should be banned from steamgifts as well considering he agreed to abide by the rules when he joined the group and he failed to keep a 70% ratio
Are you even serious? SG ban for breaking group rules? lol
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This was a sweet read except my avatar has nothing to do with anarchists :)
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@1 if he got kicked AFTER he won - no reroll will be granted
@2 leechoing is not considered inapppropriate behavior. SG staff cannot be bothered with checking if group members from all groups follow the rules. If they don't it's group staff job to deal with it. Entering multiple GAs in group is not against SG rules.
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No, you're wrong, leeching and breaking group rules is inappropriate behavior, it isn't something that should be encouraged, is it? It may not be against SG rules but it is definitely inappropriate behavior. Since inappropriate behavior is a re-roll reason, anyone can ask for a re-roll if the winner is simply leeching games. Plus, I don't understand the need of all this bureaucracy over a simple re-roll when I have support tickets pending for months. It's not like people are trying to get CV while keeping the games for themselves. The games will still be given away to contributing group members who follow the rules.
This guy agreed to abide by the group rules and knowingly failed to do so, I don't understand why you're trying to protect him.
if you think that leeching and breaking group rules is appropriate behavior as you wrote above, invite him to one of your groups so he can leech dozens of games without giving anything away. I know you won't do that because you're driven by your schadenfreude
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you're talking about your personal definition and what you "feel like" - i'm talking about how it actually does work on SG. OP asked about particular situation on SG so he's more likely expecting answers about particular SG situation solving, not opinions how it should or shouldn't be done.
EDIT: Also you give OP false information. You CANNOT request a reroll based on someone being a leecher or not (especially as it's very subjective thing - someone could consider you a leecher, as you won twice as more GAs as you created - just saying).
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Really by this point I'm almost hoping they refuse to give the games, and get banned for that. That would be icing on the cake, it's people like the op that make me sick.
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noone will get banned for just one not-received game. Also it would be the most stupid idea ever - any troll would just make your GA marked as not-received just so you get banned. If you fail to deliver for a several times you may face consequences - one time? Nobody cares.
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Yeah, I know, doesn't mean I can't dream right? Never thought it would really happen. Just would be a nice turn around, for someone making a fuss, because someone got lucky and hit a jackpot.
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You're the one giving false information, people CAN ask for a re-roll alleging inappropriate behavior and leeching/breaking group rules is inappropriate behavior, it's not my definition, taking advantage of others IS a bad thing, it doesn't matter how you look at it.
Regarding your accusation, I have positive ratios in all groups I'm part of. Anyway, it's not a matter of quantity, a person with 1 completed giveaway can have more CV than a person with hundreds of completed giveaways. Plus, there are ways to manipulate CV so I'm glad it's going to be removed in SGv2.
I only join bundle groups so I can win games from expired bundles I missed. By principle I don't join non-bundle groups because gaming is a hobby to me, not a business and most non-bundle groups are businesses. I don't care about CV, I can afford my games and I like to choose them so I don't see the point of non-bundle groups. My steam library is as extensive as yours and I haven't had the need to join non-bundle groups for that.
Creating giveaways in SG or buying games from HB is not charity as you're getting something in return. FYI I'm a volunteer, I give my time, money and effort without expecting anything in return, that's charity. It's funny how I've seen people with high CV's on SG leeching games from well-known charity streams without donating a single dime because there were no ulterior motives for doing so.
Don't think that just because you have a high CV you can spew nonsense like "leeching/breaking group rules is appropriate behavior", "you're a leecher because you haven't exploited the CV system" or "people can't ask for a re-roll if a leecher wins one of their giveaways".
Since you went the ad hominem route this is the last post I'll be addressing you
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yeah, yeah - tell me more. EXAMPLES - give me ONE single example of a reroll accepted for "leeching". Don't call out - just tell the name of a mod who approved it - I'd gladly check your onformation, especially with you accusing me of giving false info aka lying.
EDIT: and I mean actual example of reroll/suspend for leeching itself - not a reroll for breaking PRE-APPROVED rule (user can request rule approval that person must have a specific ratio to join GA - but it counts as approved rule, not as rerolling because of leeching itself).
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Having high CV has nothing to do with anything. I don't see anyone here claiming anywhere that he/she has high CV and therefore is more right than you. You are pulling your assumptions out of thin air.
I and Zelghadis can assure you of the fact that you cannot request a reroll because you think your winner is a leech. The reason? Both of us have been on sg well longer than you have, are very familiar with the rules system due to high activity in most parts of sg, and we are both, along with a number of other users, helping FAQ development for SGv2.
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Rinarin (mod) posted inappropriate behavior as a re-roll reason in another thread. Leeching and breaking group rules is inappropriate behavior.
So what are you saying? Rinarin provided false information or SG moderation considers leeching and breaking group rules as appropriate behavior? I'm just curious, I don't care if there will be a re-roll or not.
I've been here since September 2012, my "SG birthday" is in a few days. zelghadis has registered 1 year ago so he hasn't been here longer than I have, get your facts straight
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Lina copied and pasted from this thread, so she's not lying or incorrect. However, I do believe that particular line is worded incorrectly and/or ambiguously. It's not inappropriate behavior by itself per-say, it's in combination with suspension. Basically if someone displays inappropriate behavior that warrants a suspension, you can get a reroll and the person will get a suspension. I'll try to get this clarified.
You are probably correct about zelghadis. I thought he had been here 2 years already. My mistake.
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You are completely and utterly wrong. Support will never grant a reroll request just because you feel the winner is a leecher. This will never happen.
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Re-rolls will only be approved for "no longer a group member" if the user was kicked/left BEFORE the giveaway(s) ended. If it was after, he's considered the valid winner.
Inappropriate behavior would refer to a violation of site rules that the user has not yet been suspended for. We do not hold users accountable on the site for their actions in a group. It is the responsibility of groups generally to police their own members and enforce their own rules by ensuring that members who violate those rules are removed from the group, and to ensure this is done in a timely fashion.
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He should be banned from steamgifts as well considering he agreed to abide by the rules when he joined the group and he failed to keep a 70% ratio (20 wins, 0 giveaways).
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Reason for reroll:
his quest has ended prematurely
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Sounds like the conscientious is, your screwed, and honestly the way you seem to be going on about it, couldn't of happened to a better group of people. the rules state, that if he's kicked after he wins, the games are his, deal with it and move on. If that's a problem, be more proactive in making sure your group doesn't enter so many at once.
Personally, I think he made out big time, lucky bastard, but you can't fault someone for luck, on a lotto based site.
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It's not about luck. Groups like this one are set up as trading groups that use SG as a tool to trade games. They have rules that members agree to when they join, most of these groups I know of require members to give one game away for every game they win. From their point of view it equals a trade scam, theft basically, if someone takes games but doesn't keep up his/her end of the deal.
Maybe SG is ill-suited to ensure the fair exchange groups like this are aiming for and they should find alternative ways to do it.
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Exactly, basically SG rules are not set up for Fair Exchange groups, if anything they need to find/create a service for that, asking SG to do it for them, when SG has their own rules, and the winner has not violated SG rules, wither the violated a groups rules is immaterial, since the SG rules trump group rules, without prior exemption, which it seems like this group failed to get.
Edit: basically, the group failed to dot their 'i's and cross their "t"'s it is petty and childish to think they can retroactively correct a mistake.
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So given the high profile nature of this so far, will the determination be posted?
Because so far, it seems like the group is out of luck on a re-roll.
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Thanks, basically it had been said, by a Lot of people but none of them had had the (Support) sub tag, since the OP obviously wasn't satisfied with those responses,I'm hoping the OP will be satisfied with your response.
Basically, someone "officially" stating it for the record.
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SGv1 FAQ is no longer being developed, as chronic and other people concentrate on making better and much more detailed FAQ for SGv2, but you do have a point, it would be important to specify re-roll scenarios in details. I'll poke chronic about it to be added to SGv2 FAQ.
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Steam Gifts isn't a trading site. Those groups are basically just set up to boost CV. They invited a guy in their group, he won a bunch of their giveaways, and now they probably have to either give them to him or take a hit on their percent of gifts received. I really have no sympathy if a bunch of leechers got leeched back.
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This is where I wholeheartedly disagree with you and AlexandraMoldovia. (And I fail to see what this has to do with CV.) The fact that the platform chosen to trade cd-keys is not intended for that purpose and doesn't prevent scams does not make the honest traders "leechers" and the scammer a "lucky bastard" who did everything right.
If you agree on a trade of cd-keys through Steams chat (another platform not intended for that pupose and Steam doesn't support trades like this either), you hold up your end of the deal and the other involved party doesn't he is still at fault and stole your key. You deserve no sympathy and deserve to be stolen from, the other guy did nothing wrong, just some lucky guy who got a game for free. Makes sense.
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Support has already come out, and said No reroll will be granted, so I wonder why people are still saying it should. The guy got the games, or he should. Wither the group chooses to gift the games or not is another issue. But he is the valid winner, why are people still discussing this?
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It shouldn't. The man legally won, and I salute him.
Wouldn't do it myself, mind you but... they didn't even give him a chance, from what I've read, to work up on keeping that ratio.
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well - most of groups, especialy ratio-based ones, have a rule that says that you have to create (and usually also deliver) GA before you can enter any. So you earn a base for your ratio first. Yet even then - it's still group staff and users fault then. If guy won 20+ GAs without creating any he was mass-entering everything he could, not just sniped all these GAs ending right before he got kicked. If a new user mass enters without creating a mandatory welcome GA, they should kick him BEFORE GA ended. If he won 20+ of them (I guess they were not all ending at the same time) they had plenty of time to do so.
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Nope. We (I'm in this group) have around 200 open giveaways at any given time and most of them have very few entries, even giveaways without entries are pretty common. If you don't have a huge Steam libary and enter as many giveaways as possible you can easily win 20 in a very short amount of time.
I'm sure he was kicked as soon as it was noticed but... as I said, it's possible to win a lot of giveaways in very little time.
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I agree with you, it was just the only reason I could think of for them to keep coming back :P
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Could someone tell me what the rules are for a reroll?
I've requested a reroll for a group (small private group) giveaway.
But now the admins are asking for screenshots and proof.
What are the rules for when they grand or deny a reroll?
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