I wonder how many 'prizes' are actually going to be given away, I'm kind of sceptical about the whole thing tbh, specially since there will be no way of validating if anyone got anything
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erm - idk where you live, but right here 2-3 hours of PC running in energy save mode and with Moniotor turned off surely costs much less than 60$ (heck, PC running 24/7 for whole month would still cost less than 60$) ;p Let's do a quick calculation - 1 KW/h right here costs more or less 12 cents, I have a 500W PSU but obviously it won't be working in full power, let's say consumption for just stream running in lowest resolution, system etc will consume grand total of 300W. 300W = 0.3KW, (0.3KW3hours0,12$ per KW/h)=10.8cents, 10.8 cents is 555,55 times less than a cost of brand new AAA game, so you may just consider it same as buying 0.1$ lotterry ticket with a chance to win 20-60$ ;p
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you can use this to make a shutdown timer
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this is exactly what I do every single night ;p I live next to a busy street, cars driving 24/7, I basically cannot go to sleep with all that noise, so every single night I turn on some TV show I already know or some music and I fall asleep listening to that ;p I simply don't use shortcut (because I use different timer based on what I am going to watch/listen to), so I input it into cmd ;p Just this time instead of leaving PC on for an hour I will leave it for three hours ;p
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cmd: shutdown -s -t 3600(or more) - f ? xD
Watching "Scrubs" over and over again. Even turning off the monitor since i already know what the scene looks like xD
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pretty much this ;p I am even ultra-lazy so I input it from my smartphone while lying in bed using Unified Remote app ;p When I go to bed but not to sleep I will watch something, when I decide it's time to sleep I go to cmd from smartphone and set up shutdown ;p Just not watching Scrubs - usually I put on random episodes list from SouhPark.cc (but same reasoning, after going to sleep like this for years I already know all the episodes back-to-back, don't even have to look at screen, can just listen to dialogue), eventually I put on some music or a podcast, monitor mode switched to no-blue-light and this is how I go to sleep ;p
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it's the best thing ever for lazy weekends of Netflix'n'chill (or anything'n'chill) with missus ;p You can operate basically your entire PC over WiFi without getting up to put on next episodes or changing what you are watching/listening to ;p Plus there is free version, and while it does not cover all the options (like separate remotes fopr all programs you may have) it's more than enough ;) I basically use only cursor control via touchscreen and keyboard emulation ;p
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definetly will give it a try :) Thanks for the great tip!
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nice one. guess my pc will stay longer awake than i am tonight
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Wonder if they will consider your "type" of game and if it's on your wish/not interested list.
I mean I'd be pretty pissed to get a copy of NBA 2K18 for example. Plus it would be a complete waste, and shame for someone who may enjoy it, as I assure you, I'd never play it.
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+1, but at least playable. I'd be even more pissed if I got Super Hot VR.
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Good, I hope they also throw in a surgery for my right eye, so I can play properly. :(
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Really? Because people say it's quite like how 3D glasses work, and if I put on one of those red-blue glasses I only see the red part.
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I don't remember if I tried 3D glasses but I'm almost sure they wouldn't work for me, and I know for sure the 3D of the 3DS doesn't work for me.
Just remembered this article I read a while ago : https://kotaku.com/playing-occulus-rift-with-only-one-eye-1074765790
Also 2 reddit threads I found just now :
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My, that's reassuring. O:
I'm feeling it kinda beats the purpose of immersion, like not enjoying the 3DS's 3D which would be the main feature, but it's good to know it's at least playable. I would give a chance for VR anyway if I have the oportunity, but now I'm more inclined to try it out. Thanks for sharing. :D
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jajajaj well i join, are like 3.5k ppl... now are near 10k <.<
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And of course my ISP goes down city-wide before the stream.. They've still got 1 hour to fix it but I doubt anyone's out there at 1am
Edit: also, from what I understand, entering by postcard gets you into a separated giveaway so that might actually be worth checking out
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I'm always logged in. OP says "you may want to watch on Steam", so what I got from that is that I need to watch it on the client, because where else can you watch it other than Steam?
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does having it on the steam browser while playing a game counts? xd
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You can apparently win games if you watch The Game Awards on Steam
If you're watching The Game Awards tonight, you may want to watch on Steam, or at least have the stream open on Steam. If you do, you'll apparently have a chance to win a free copy of a nominated game—so, a bunch of the best games of the year, including Divinity: Original Sin 2, XCOM 2 plus the War of the Chosen DLC, and Prey. You can see the full list of prizes here
According to the rules, viewers can participate in more than one drawing throughout the show, and Steam will auto-select a game you don't own as the prize if you win. It's not entirely clear from the wording on the main page whether you have to click anything during the show to enter or if it's automatic, but the official rules suggest the latter. Hilariously, and presumably for legal reasons, you can also enter by mailing a letter to Valve.
link to the show
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