Am I missing something or is the game statistics page where you could see how many giveaways have been created for a certain game gone?

Is the option to see who has replied to your forum posts gone as well?

If these things are true then I am very disappointed in the site for choosing aesthetics over functionality.

Also, contributions appearing as a level instead of a dollar amount is trash.

10 years ago

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Also I just realized you can't see how many giveaways a person has entered from their profile page. I am sick of websites taking away functionality in favor of looking good.

Also why is there no still report comment button?

10 years ago*

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Have you tried reading the announcement before posting?

10 years ago

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I did read the announcement. It says nothing about statistics.

10 years ago

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BTW, what is this cake like thingy next to your name? Is it your birthday on SG or ?

10 years ago

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Taken from here:

A couple of pages are disabled at the moment until they're further optimized, and we'll try to bring them back soon. Most noticeably, the page listing replies to your comments and posts.

I believe statistics page is one of those.

Formatting on a phone is hard.

10 years ago

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That announcement says nothing about statistics. The page listing replies to your comments and posts was broken months before the update came out, I don't understand why they would update the whole site with out fixing features that were broken.

10 years ago

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A couple of pages are disabled at the moment until they're further optimized, and we'll try to bring them back soon. One of the pages that is currently down is the page listing replies to your comments and posts.

Is that better? The disabled pages could still include statistics. Also, what do you mean the replies page was broken? It was completely revamped for SGv2, but was taken down to optimize.

10 years ago*

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I like the new updated site.

10 years ago

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Wow stop being such a cuck

10 years ago

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Nope :p

10 years ago

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You do realize that it is still a work in progress and has only been live for a few days? Show some appreciation instead of complaining and feel free to make a suggestion without bitching at the people who have brought and have allowed you to use this site for free.

10 years ago

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That's what the jews said.

10 years ago

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The site functions as its meant to. QOL "patches" will be nice as and when we get them but aren't at all necessary. If it's that bad though you're free to stop using the site... or you could, you know just enjoy the potential free games.

10 years ago

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Don't tell me to enjoy free games, as you would not tell a fish to swim. I have enjoyed many free games in my time, enough that I wish for my websites to not lose functionality when large user interface changing updates are pushed out.

10 years ago

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Even though I can't see your face or hear your voice I'm sensing a bit of anger/hostility. Try approaching the situation more friendly and cooled down. The whole thing is being build (code wise) mainly by one person (if I'm not mistaken) and with the contribution of members for other things. It's not a project from big ass corporation with 654316 people on it.

10 years ago

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With all the respect, some of the functions, i'll repeat myself, some, are not so hard as they seem. I'm not sure if you've coded/programmed/scripted before, because if you did, you'd know what I'm talking about.
But main issue is, I'll just be guessing, some stuff that the cg has to deal with in real life is making him busy, and leaving him less time to work on site, or it's just harder to do something right, and please people, when you start having this huge community, so it takes time to make sure everything is fine, unlike shit that's going on these days with games.

10 years ago

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I do know what you are talking about.

10 years ago

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Stop acting so tough for no actual reason.
Why in world would those functions be removed for aesthetic reasons?
I guess they'll be back after they make sure site is stable and running fine, and of course, after they're(functions) polished.

10 years ago

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