Hi guys I got SLI 2x Gigabyte GTX970 4GB Gaming
And the only thing I don't get is why doesn't anything detect that? I see 2x 970GTX in my device manager yet in games it only says GTX970, when I run UserBenchmark the test also shows only a 1 GTX and when I also run system systemrequirementslab to test if I can run the game or not it also shows like there is only one GTX. So I say to this, wtf is wrong? Is this normal or am I missing something big here? Thanks

8 years ago

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Have you tried the Nvidia control panel?
I think there's options for setting the default card, so maybe there's the SLI option for setting both to run at once.

Otherwise, good luck

8 years ago*

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Exactly, open Nvidia Control Panel and activate SLI.

8 years ago

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if was activated as it should be.

8 years ago

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In control panel under 3d-settings you can click show sli indicator.

Run furmark or something. That graphic test will show temp and other info of your two gpus. If the indicator is there, then SLI is activated.

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8 years ago

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am I missing something big here?

maybe. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

did you hook the two cards up with an actual SLI link cable, or just stuff both the cards in the slots and not link them together with the sli cable?

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8 years ago

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they are connected with the sli cable.

8 years ago

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i kinda assumed you did, but it wasn't something said/covered already so thought i'd mention it.

only other thing i can think of is make sure you have the latest drivers downloaded and installed. (then double check sli is still enabled if update was needed)

on your latest question, no i'm not on sli personally, but i do have dual graphics cards (kinda) with the physx running off intel

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8 years ago

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I don't use SLI any more, so maybe things have changed recently. But first I'd check SLI is enabled in the Nvidia control panel. Every time I updated the driver, I needed to re-enable it... Oh, and make sure you connected them with the SLI ribbon cable thing...

8 years ago

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Nah, don't have that problem. Strange, so everything is as it should be yet problems.

8 years ago

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Anyone running SLI right now who can check those things out for me and see if he has the same problem?

8 years ago

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Dunno, I have 2 GTX980Ti and have no issues running games in 4K on my system. Not all applications can detect a second graphics card so benchmarks apps might be off. I understand SLI is an old-fashioned way to use multiple graphics cards.

8 years ago

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My Monitor is max 1080p so not like I can try 4K, but yeah I think it's the apps then XD

8 years ago

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If you have a game that shows available memory then you can check if SLI is enabled. I have GTA 5 which shows double the amount of memory on a single GTX980Ti, so that for example is an easy way to check from within a game.

8 years ago

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Red John, huh? =d

8 years ago

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Isn't this like Crossfire? Some motherboards don't have this feature... did you already check yours?

8 years ago

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CF is AMD Radeon, SLI is Nvidia. Yeah I got everything working on the board.

8 years ago

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Sorry, honest mistake. I was thinking about mine when I wrote. I was trying to talk about SLI. :P
Well.. I hope you figured out what was the problem.

8 years ago

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Running 2 x 980ti's right now, no issues. Connect them with SLI connector and enable in NCP, that is it. Why anyone would SLI 2 3.5gb cards though is beyond me.

8 years ago

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well, if he had one anyway and got the second one very, very cheap or as a gift from someone - i can see how this makes sense, kind of. i personally would sell both, add some money and go for a 1070, though.

8 years ago

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Got the second one for like 50€ from a friend...

8 years ago

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wow, that's a really good price. i sold my 970 last month for 150€ to a colleague, and that was already kind of cheap (would have gotten ~180€ on ebay).

any luck now? sli working?

8 years ago

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Well Nvidia Control Panel says all is working and even the ingame indicators show it work. But like I said games don't detect two of them and sites that I use to benchmark my PC also don't find both of them. So I guess the problem is not on my part...

8 years ago

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what if you use a tool like Afterburner or PrecisionX, that can show you a HUD with GPU load while playing. if you then play a (definitely SLI-supported) game, does it not show load for both GPUs?

8 years ago

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Just sell those 2 pieces of crap, and buy AMD Vega when it comes out :3

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8 years ago

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glorifying something that didn't even come out yet is kind of stupid, don't you think. ^^ Vega might very well suck. let's wait for the release and the benchmarks.

8 years ago

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True, and I really do not like AMD at all.

8 years ago

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yeah because AMD sucks, just like people where like "ahahahahahah RX480 sucks compared to GTX 1060", look at benchmarks now lol. (TL;DR: in long term AMD always better, even if at release nvidia cards are a bit faster, they will get rekt in ~6 months via driver updates [amd greatly stepped up their driver dev team])

You know whats stupid? Glorifying a company that gimps their own cards and comprimises the competitions performance with their shit "gameworks" a.k.a Gimpworks, that even gimps performance on their on cards sometimes lol.

8 years ago

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he wasn't glorifying anything here (and neither did i). he simply stated he had 2 970s, one of which he got super-cheap, and wanted some advice on a technical issue. the glorifying started when you came. you praise a product that's not even out. i still think that's pretty stupid. and you also constantly feel the need to insult nvidia and call their products crap. that's what people call fanboyism, and it's just unnecessary. we should be able to have adult discussions about this without taking part in a stupid war. there are good arguments for both companies. you are right about the 480. i was once corrected on this, and that's not a problem. the 480 was worse, but it seems now it's easily on par with the 1060. that's nice. i as a nvidia user can appreciate that. i don't feel you would ever do the same vice versa. a good argument for nvidia on the other hand is that they have the best highend cards. amd has absolutely nothing in that area. i have a 1080. amd doesn't have anything to offer me that comes even close. so nvidia is the obvious choice. as i said, both companies have good products, and you can give good arguments for both. that's maybe something you should think about. no need for "amd forever! nvidia is total crap!" it's in all our best interest that both companies succeed.

8 years ago

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