No song in my head right now, but the last one was Talk Talk - It's My Life.
In other words, bump.
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That often happens to me, but I'm good at remembering lyrics, so I just google them. When I don't remember the lyrics, I try to think about where I heard it, since 75% of the new songs I find come from TV series and Tunefind is a great website for that.
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If I can get something of the lyrics, I can usually hunt a song down. It's the ones with either no lyrics or none I can remember that prove to be difficult. Try finding Love is Blue or Classical Gas using Lyrster. P
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Once I was watching a stream on Twitch, it was Kerbal Space Program with a random playlist for background music. A really calm and sweet track started playing. A few seconds later I realized that I actually heard it before! I knew that song, I knew that it was a video game soundtrack and I knew that I loved it, but I just couldn't place it! The next track was already playing when I asked in chat but they couldn't tell what the previous one was. First I thought it was from UrU, but extensive searches proved otherwise. So, after a while, I started playing the VOD (while that same stream was still going), managed to find the part with that song and used SoundHound on a short but recognizable and relatively noise-free section. And I finally got it.
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Never heard the song or played the game, but that sounds beautiful :) It's in my backlog, should get to playing it!
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Ever had that happen to you?
Yes, it's part of the human condition. :-P I rarely have this with songs that have lyrics, because I'm good at memorizing those. But I often have it with classical music. It doesn't help that a lot of those pieces have no distinguishing titles and are just Opus something or other, or some part of some cello suite. Fortunately there's Musipedia's contour search.
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Here's one I can barely remember. In fact, I only remember the intro to it.
It's a pop (possibly soft rock) song that starts with a snare beat every 3rd count and a mutl-faceted, single-note harmony. I can't remember if it's only keyboard(s), of if there is some electric guitar thrown in there, but my mind thinks it's keyboard chords (starting in D?). And then, somewhere in there, there's a male grunt thrown in for good measure. It goes something like this....
1, 2, 3, 4, (snare), 2, 3, 4 (repeat)
(chord), 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, (chord), 4, 1, 2, (chord), 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, (note), 2, (note), 4, (note), 2, (note), 4
Using phonetics...
dun...tap...dun-tap-dun...tap/Hnh!...duh duh duh, duh dun...tap...dun-tap-dun....tap....dun....tap...tap
Musically, I think the notes are D (rest) C#, D, (rest), F E D# D, C#, (rest), C, C# .
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What's the tempo? I can't really tell from what you wrote.
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About 140BPM, slightly faster than One Thing Leads to Another. Where that song has a snare beat on every second beat, the song I'm trying to find has its snare beat on every first.
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Snare on 1 and 3 or just 3 because One Thing Leads to Another sounds like 2 and 4 to me.
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Look at the annotations above. My memory says the snare in our mystery song is on every third count. [That's wrong. It's on the first count of every second quatrain.]
There can't be that many songs that start with just a snare drum and keyboard....
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Dunno what use I'm supposed to get out of that link. We're only talking one repeated snare beat.
Well, I fiddled with it a bit, anyhow. I put in the snare beat, and substituted a crash for the keyboard notes. After I put it all together, I got the following:
Snare drum on first beat of every second quatrain.
Crash on first of one, third of three, third of four, and both second and third of numbers seven and eight.
Loop it, and you've got the beat. Just sub in notes for the crash and you're good to go.
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Nice! :) I've heard that song a few times, but I wouldn't have guessed it. I can see why it reminded you of One Thing Leads To Another.
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If you remember any of the lyrics you should let us know.
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All I have is what I've listed here. The intro, which is a snare drum and keyboard.
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castle wall ???
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That's got a bass guitar, followed by harpsichord and later vocals. That's nothing like the song for which I'm searching. That, and the one I'm thinking of is probably 90's or later, not circa 1975.
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dont have anything stuck in my head as of yet but this is the last thing i was listening to The Cherry Coke$ -- Bullet For Vapid Beer for anyone wondering what language used in this song, it english :D
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Most of the songs are in my playlist so I just stream through what I've been listening to recently in my playlist, or from a specific playlist, and eventually find it.
Adventure - Poison Diamonds from just yesterday.
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This thread just reminded me of my favourite Foo Fighters song and I actually had to quickly look it up as I had indeed forgotten its name :)
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Looking for the name and artist of the first song in this YouTube video:
The song used to be one of the most-commonly used for YouTube videos, and you still hear if on the radio from time to time, but I never catch the words to it in the supermarket. All of my YouTube searches have failed to locate it.
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Something from Coldplay, can't remember which one right now.
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I thought it might be Coldplay, so I went through about 50 of their songs on YouTube without finding it. (The proverbial needle in the haystack.) Yes, it turns out to be Clocks.
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Not in that video it's not. I know they used that riff in their Superbowl halftime show, however, and then shifted into Paradise afterward.
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Every now and then, I hear a piece of a song, or have a fleeting memory of one, and then I find myself unable to find it, again. Truth be told, there is quite a bit of music floating around inside my head which remain unidentified. Every had that happen to you?
Well, somebody knows the name of those songs. On the off-chance that person is a user of SteamGifts, I thought I'd make this thread. If you're trying to find the lyrics or tunes which have so far escaped your recollection, feel free to post here and tell us about them. We might be able to help you pin them down.
Here's my latest "finally found it" song. Took me months to track it down.
Foo Fighters - Rope
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