dont trust them with an empty prepaid card as far as im conserned
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I already see some live GA's of these titles... has anyone verified this 'deal' is actually legit?
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Legit, I know the lords of the fallen devs have been cooperating with g2a for some time.
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Not much to be skeptical about. The majority of stuff on g2a is sold by individuals, ala eBay. The vast majority of these individuals have always been legit, shrug.
Why wouldn't you trust some G2A "bundle"? Do you really think they'd peddle some fake bundle for €2.50 w/ all the revenues they get from these individual sellers?
Like another comment states, they do have a lot of tacked on charges and shield is rather intrusive w/ how much they try to push it.
The junk for buyers:
G2A shield has to be disabled twice (once on the main purchase page, and it again tries to activate it during the payment process -- or at least this was the case ~9 months ago. I accidentally left it on and just decided to keep it. I guess that's what they count on though, laugh)
'Selected offer' is just a way to con you out of money. I told a friend to go buy something there and later found out he had used the 'selected offer', instead of scrolling down to the individual sellers. I have yet to find out why, but on some games, eg Fallout 4, the 'selected offer' tacks on an additional $5. You can scroll down to the individual sellers and see it for $15-$17. For most games it adds ~10%, for the convenience of using that big button on the right side.
Undisclosed until you get to payment screen is that there is a fee w/ (I believe) anything other than G2A wallet (and maybe bitcoins?). I guess they call it a 'handling' charge, as 'payment fees' are a violation of Paypal's ToS.
There's a whole bunch of fees that are damn near hidden for sellers. Not going to go too far into that except to mention that "shovelware"/bundled out titles will have many listed by sellers with less than 10 transactions. I suppose it helps G2A keep prices lower on these games (but also results in a lot of duplicate keys, probably since a lot of these accts are abandoned). They offer the first 10 auction listings 'free' for new accounts but fail to disclose the other fees. Any game sold @ ~$0.44 USD or less even w/o the listing fee results in the seller owing G2A money (a 10.8% commission (rounded up) that it charges BEFORE an absurd €0.35 'auction processing' fee.)
So, don't use the "Selected Offer" and look at an individual seller's FB (specifically the negatives). (generally) Most negatives have nothing to do with the seller, and more to do with G2A (the g2a shield, paypal fee, taking 5 minutes to get the key, whatever). What you don't want to see is someone complaining about revoked games, or an excessive amount of region restricted stuff. When I buy there, I try to stay away from sellers with under 100 transactions and over 20k transactions (or any account that only has FB going back a few weeks). From my experience, the 100 or less (or less than a couple weeks of FB) are the ones you may have key problems with, and the ones with ~20k+ are the ones that if you do have key problems with, they don't respond to resolution center, so you have to wait for it to time out to get your money back, laugh. Outside of maybe 50% of stuff bought for 10 cents or less not working, I've had very few problems on there... but, I have always checked the individual seller's FB and never used selected offer.
They do a horrible job of collecting VAT, but I guess this isn't too uncommon for places outside the EU. Don't think a place like OpSkins even tries to collect VAT.
Maybe it's a personal thing but I also think their website design is awful, laugh.
................... summed up:
I wouldn't have any issue buying their bundle if it was some games I wanted to play. Also no concerns with G2A being 'legit' or not for other game stuff. It's the seller that matters, not the medium.
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Yeah, its true.
G2A is only trying to suck money from the hidden (or almost hidden) fees. A lot of fee in every steps you do from starting select the game to complete the payment. Some buyers pay almost 5 USD for an item cost only 90 cents, that's sucked.
G2A blocked all the way buyers and sellers can be connected, that's because G2A afraid seller can give a good advise to the buyer and bypass their shit.
And yes, most of the negative feedback is nothing to do with seller, but G2A. They do a horrible job but sellers is the one who gets shit from buyer for them and buyer is the one who lose money.
Selected offer is SHIT.
G2A shield is a BIG SHIT.
Support team is a HUGE SHIT.
Be a smart buyer when using G2A. Its not a paradise but an acceptable place to buy a cheap game, as long as you know how to do that.
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€1.5 is some sort of subscription (I'm guessing like Humble, where you can buy Monthly for $12 or get Yearly Plan and then you pay $11 for each Bundle, but you pay for 12 of them), one-time purchase if €2.5 .
Yeah, still sounds pretty too-good-to-be-true.
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Adam & Cowmoobaby, I just bought the bundle. It cost me 1.50 Euros. I'm in the US, but I didn't see a way to change it to USD. I got Superhot, Lords of the Fallen Digital Deluxe, Dirt 3 Complete Edition, Syberia and Syberia II. I already had everything but Superhot, but it activated just fine. :)
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G2A charged me recurring fees that I don't ever remember agreeing to and they kept charging even after multiple "support" people told me it would stop. Luckily the card expired before I had to cancel it, but that's just one of the many negative experiences I've had with G2A. Wouldn't surprise me if people who sign up for this end up paying long after they wish to cancel.
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Yeah, I have to echo this. I decided to disable the optional 'shield' thing on a purchase, but not only did the site automatically re-enable it without my consent, it didn't prompt me that it did. Worse yet, it wasn't a one-off shield for the purchase, but a subscription. I manually halted the subscription and just decided not to purchase even bundle chaff from there again. Didn't bother contesting it because I already knew they'd fob me off with excuses or placing the blame on me, but whatever.
I mean, this is on top of being a suspicious grey market at the best of times. Why would developers even want to cooperate with G2A given their history? I'd be more concerned about giving the site a sense of false legitimacy in allowing the sales of non-legit stuff.
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Very different reasons I would assume, because cooperating with G2A would be a major net loss in profit, both in terms of immediate loss in game value, but also by giving the site false legitimacy in their later sales of your property. Crappy games on greenlight are for cash where they can't get it anywhere else.
Though the definition of 'crappy' depends on exactly how low you're looking, opinion factors in too.
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I guess that's sort of the last way to gain some profits from the game that is not providing anymore money income for the developers. I just hope that these keys are not stolen from some server or other place and will be later revoked. I mean keys can be revoked for various reasons by the developers any time of the year, but Paypal protection is 60 days. >.<
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Sometimes marketing goes beyond logical reasoning, because of how complicated it is and how many theories people have about it.
Just like big companies sold game consoles, in the past, at a lower price than they were costing them just to get them popular, the same might be happening here, with G2A making good offers to developers/publishers just to get their new platform going and popular, which is what is happening (I mean it becoming popular).
So this all is just opinions and, to me, worthless efforts at trying to explain why this G2A promotion could be considered as suspicious, while in fact all that matters is real experiences from people purchasing this bundle, which doesn't seem to exist here (or maybe are just buried below tons of these theories).
Also, to people worried about Paypal protection: don't worry! Paypal protection has always been a lie, and some time ago it didn't even work on non-physical purchases (like digital downloads, keys, etc.). Not sure if now it does support that kind of products, but even then, it would not be as easy as people may think to get the money back. Sometimes it's hard even on ebay.
Anyway, the best way to purchase this kind of stuff is to create a virtual debit card with just the right amount of money in it, if your online banking website allows you, otherwise just wait for the humblebundle which will give you whatever game you're after for $1. I'm sure you have enough games in your backlog to live happily until that happens.
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Just like big companies sold game consoles, in the past, at a lower price than they were costing them just to get them popular, the same might be happening here, with G2A making good offers to developers/publishers just to get their new platform going and popular, which is what is happening (I mean it becoming popular).
Console makers (Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo) get a cut from every game sold on their platform, so even though they don't initially make a profit on the hardware sale, they make up for it in sales of games. Publishers legitimately selling their games so cheap on a shady, grey market site doesn't make any sense.
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No, I'm pretty sure the fact that places online can't sell Grid 3 due to license expiration makes selling Grid 3 in a bundle suspicious, especially from a site with a bad history. Superhot is an established game that sells for a good price despite the steep sales often found online, so being bundled and at a bottom-tier price is also another red flag. Marketing is a pretty tricky beast to nail down, but it would only appear to be a loss on the surface.
The only other thing I can think of is that G2A might be offering stocks / partnership to the Superhot devs in exchange for using their high profile game as a springboard towards "we're totally legit now!" stuff. It may indeed be a totally above-board bundle, but showing caution is always a good thing.
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the steam trading cards and 'developer' tax associated w/ them makes it beneficial for a lot of these shovelware games to just bundle themselves out over and over or give away free copies.
there are better examples, w/ 500+ volume per card in last 24hrs, but this one springs to mind. horrible reviews, and bundled/given away/discounted on steam some crazy amt of times.
the developer take varies depending on the currencies involved in transaction, but the higher currency "pays". eg, i can look at a card for this game in south korea, and see a listing at 14.65 KRW, equiv to 0.01275 USD. If someone else in South Korea buys it, the dev will get only 1.9 KRW, or about $0.00166 USD. If someone in the US buys it, the dev will get $0.01 USD, if someone in EU buys it, the dev will get $0.01065 USD, in GB even more, etc (ed: whoops, forgot to mention.... the formula is 0.02 + 15% (tiered, starting at 0.19). It "double dips". If I list something for 0.02 (0.04) USD, it shows as 26.40 KRW (which is about $0.023 USD) -- you'll only see that if it's over 0.19 in (whatever) local currency)... yeah, complicated
Equivalent to dozens or hundreds of the game selling on Steam (figure in regional discounts).
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I do not think you're making any sort of valid point here RainBoom, Uroboros is saying that legit devs with "real" games hurt themselves by dealing with G2A given it's history and rep. Where as you are talking about no name people trying to get a quick buck outta dumpster materials or steammarket junk. Simply throwing a question back at someone else's query is not repartee.
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guess I didn't get, but I also didn't mention triple A. oh well
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No, that's the PER GAME price. People are missing that it says DAILY DEAL, and what they are telling you is that over the course of multiple days, each of those games will be available for that price. So it's 1.50€ PER GAME not 1.50€ for all those games. The language is poor and imprecise, hence the confusion, but I get it.
Also, as others have pointed out, you only get that price if you sign up for a subscription, but if you wait and buy the games as they are released, then it will be 2.50€ PER GAME.
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I don't think so. It says daily reveal, not daily deal. The games are revealed day by day, but they speak about "a pack". Or they call it "a deal each month". And a "per game" would be missing in "price is only €1.50 for five wonderful games", if you were right.
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Aaaaahhhhhhh! What movie or music video is that from?! :-D
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It doesn't say "daily deal", it just says "daily reveal" in the title and it's probably intended to mean "today's reveal". It will be something similar to Humble Monthly and it will be 1.5$ for all games. Contrarily to Humble Monthly though, you will also be able to buy the current bundle for a price of 2.5$. They seem to imply that the price will vary, though.
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Well, if the total bundle price is only $1.50 (even $2.50 is crazy), that is insane and there has to be a trick or catch. That's why I don't believe the language and description, it's too good to be true.
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Well, I think that's the way it is. Probably someone at G2A is buddies with the Superhot devs and asked them a favor to give their new project a strong kickstart. In terms of insanity, you're basically paying 1 buck for a one-year-old, very well received indie game, so on par with the best Humble Bundles, so... pretty good! ;)
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Nope, I paid 1,82€ for whole bunch of them so it's just 1,50 + transaction fees on Paypal for SUPERHOT and Lords of the Fallen. Hell, I'd give 5€ for just SUPERHOT. I guess next month bundle will be complete crap. But 2,50€ for checking out what crap comes next is not that big price (unless it's full of free games).
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Yeah, that was speculation I made before the bundle went live.
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Gentle whisper in the dark. It asks: "Please stay next to me." I respond: 'It's great to be here quietly."
Buy Mountain
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I'm not sure if supporting G2A is a good idea, but DIRT 3, Lords Of The Fallen™, SUPERHOT, and two more games for 2,50€ is a very nice deal. It would be great if atleast one developer would confirm that it's actually a close cooperation with game developers.
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" February G2A Deal’s subscription price is only €1.50 for five wonderful games. And if you don’t want to subscribe just yet, you will always be able to test the waters with a one-time purchase for €2.50. "
I don't get this statement. Are they selling all those games for 1.5 this month and starting next month gonna be 2.5? Or it's 1.5 for each game? Confusing...
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From what I understand, there is some subscription (for few months) for €1.5 or one-time purchase for €2.5.
I'm guessing it's somewhat similar to Humble Monthly - you can buy each bundle for $12, or buy yearly-plan which will make each bundle cost $11.
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I take it to mean you can subscribe for €1.50 per month on some sort of a plan - or you can just buy this bundle for €2.50 without recurring charges.
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Probably, subscribe for a lower price point, or buy it as a one-off with no subscription commitment.
But with this phrase -- "Future Deals may come at different prices" -- it makes me wonder if they won't just say, "Nope, you're subscribed now, and this month's price is $5.00, but $7.50 as a one-off, so you're still getting a deal! No, really, you are!"
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The safer and more legally sound version would be to lure people in with a good deal, then the follow-up packs will be padded out with the usual array of garbage 'random keys' filler.
I do wonder if their version of "working closely with the developer" is actually more like "Hey Developer, we just acquired 10,000 keys of that game of yours thats selling pretty well. We're going to sell them whether you like it or not, but if you greenlight us to make it go smoother, we'll actually give you a small cut of what you're owed."
I honestly don't have any faith in G2A, no matter how much they seem to be trying to shuffle into legit business. So long as they keep up being a willingly blind middleman for bad codes and have the gall to charge for moderation on the issue, I won't hold my breath for anything.
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That's a PER GAME price with subscription. The words "DAILY DEAL" make that clear.
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If you read what they say literally, and not with context, then you'd think it was that way. Their language usage is poor and unclear.
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Dirt 3 maybe isn't that fishy - I seem to remember old Codemasters titles that have been removed from the Steam store popping up in a few bundles previously.
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I hadn't heard that before, what licenses expired?
Edit - Nevermind, looks like it may have been related to Toyota cars being used - so presumably G2A have their own deal with Toyota now...
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I know, but still - if it was removed because they lost license to sell it, they would be breaking law by creating more cd-keys.
Maybe it's old cd-keys, but then bundle would be in limited numbers?
Or they simply didn't want old Dirt to compete with new Dirt, then all would be all-right.
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Well, generally Valve doesn't allow selling keys if game is removed from Store. Not that everyone follows, but you'd expect big publishers to respect deals with Valve.
So it sounds very suspicous.
And this is without accounting for superhot, which hasn't even had deep sales, so G2A bundle with 1.5€? lol.
Unless it's like 1 bundle for fasted or some other catch.
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Has anyone tried reaching out to the Superhot Team for a comment? I think that would answer a lot of our questions
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Nope, actually you cannot even buy it directly from Codemasters. That's why they were giving it away for free on HB few months ago in November.
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I'm not sure of the legal ramifications, I meant it more in a way like if there's any fine print, additional fees, security issues with the site (someone below me mentioned getting hacked), if the keys get revoked, etc. I always stayed away from G2A, so I can't vouch how reliable their support is in the event something goes wrong.
It seems like an awesome deal if true, as long as nothing fishy is going on.
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Actually, most bad rep comes from G2A's management appearing to be scummy as hell- between G2A shield, their seeming not-paying-of-taxes yet gladly willing to accept 'donations' under that tag, past interactions that were extremely dubious (including having people that seemed to be affiliated with the site who were trolling SG back when I joined it, trying to convince people to use the site yet being unwilling to address issues it has- just broadly calling naysaying of the site lying and defamation, and then going back to preaching its benefits), and perhaps most well-known, its support of illicit sales that damage developers, supporting those users in such situations rather than the developers, and blaming the developers for any revocations.
G2A management has a laboriously developed negative reputation that has nothing to do with it being a marketplace. Add in fairly consistent narrative of G2A allowing scammers to exploit the system so long as they keep their overall feedback ratio high, and of occasionally charging extra fees or not paying seller fees, or so forth, and even their marketplace elements seem deeply troubled by dubious management.
Then you've got HotRandomKeys, which falls under the G2A banner, that has its own negative reputation for other elements..
Games'll go back on sale given enough time- so the prudent buyer would probably wait until it's confirmed that G2A has moved in a 'legit' direction before trying to trust anything they put out. :X
As far as positive interactions go- most users don't have issues with GMG or IndieGala, either, and I can personally attest to the deep issues of both sites [and many users have also given testament to similar experiences]. Just 'cause a company manages to generally not cause issues, doesn't mean it doesn't have some serious problems that only get bumped into occasionally.
Given that no other well-known marketplace has the kind of issues that G2A has, it's certainly unlikely there's not some degree of truth to the reports. Given how poorly G2A has publically responded to developer claims and revocations, and the rather obvious issues of G2A shield and their tax evasion and whatnot, there's definitely some obvious truth to the matter, as well.
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Situations like this are pretty commonly reported, and G2A staff is notable for how rude they are in public interactions. ( Like Talgaby mentions below, their AMA is pretty well reflective of their issues. )
Some users'll swear by their G2A experiences, but we've had those many of those same users eventually post a scathing thread when G2A issues finally bite them in the ass. And, past personal market issues, there's all the negative public interactions and base issues present in G2A, that I mentioned above.
At the very least, G2A has a ton of issues to work through. At the worst, they're an utterly disreputable bunch.
Whatever the case, there's no doubting that some degree of caution should be used when engaging with the site.
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it's word against word and most people just seem more inclined to listen to what the reddit user was saying rather than from personal experience.
Pretty sure the underlying issue didn't really matter too much to most. The issue is that G2A staff was blatantly rude and themselves claimed to have banned the guy's account after calling 'em a liar, all without actually addressing the issue directly. That's a constant theme of their interactions (you can see similar in the AMA), so it's hard not to take the thread at face value, especially since it's one of several such interactions that've popped up over the years.
It's like Steam Support- everyone knows what kind of interactions Steam Support provides, and those interactions float around similarly, and even users with flawless experiences with Steam Support don't negate the fact that it needs some significant changes.
Make no mistake, the core issue is with how G2A presents themselves, being reliably rude, evasive, and manipulative to customers and developers/publishers both. Any willingness to give benefit of the doubt tends to fall apart in light of such things. :X
I dislike this 'it's only disreputable because it's a grey-market' shtick, though. Ebay and Amazon marketplace technically are grey markets, and they're both quite reputable. Ebay has some annoyances to work with, but they adhere to all the basic expectations of respectability, and while Amazon does have certain issues, their customer support and care generally is considered to be well above-average.
Now, with the use of 'grey market' to refer only to more disreputable markets, then yes, G2A is a shining example of the issues and risk that come with such sites. But G2A isn't disdained or thought to be high-risk because of what it is (an online second-hand marketplace), but because of how it's managed, and the reputation it alone has built up for itself.
In a similar fashion, bundle sites aren't disreputable by nature (and Humble, for all that some people get upset with its unreliability in listing region-restrictions and its sometimes-slow customer support response time, has a stellar reputation), but ones like GMG and IndieGala do exist.
The fact is, G2A, and IndieGala, and so forth need to have caution given to them because that's what those companies have a reputation for needing- not because of what the services they provide inherently are. So yeah- even if you've a good experience with G2A, not taking any risks with them is generally a good idea, at least while their reputation remains as it is.
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Not just in Sweden. I'm pretty sure it's in the entire EU at least. And I don't doubt there are more countries where it is illegal for companies to lie.
And their support is indeed surprisingly good. The times I've had issues it was usually resolved within a week (only once it didn't get resolved, but that was also partly because I couldn't provide sufficient proof (forgot to screenshot the key revoked message...)).
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My G2A account was hacked and over $100 was spent on CSGO items. I never used the account or put info on it, but after that, I'm not going anywhere near G2A. I didn't to begin with, but it was less likely now LUL
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Wubba-dubba-whatnow? How did they spend a hundred dollars without your information on the account, let alone without you ever having used the thing? (o_O)
Or are you saying you registered some username and a password, but someone else got into it and actually spent $100 of their own money? (O_o)
Well, probably a lot more to blame on a weak password than some systematic issue. Though this scenario, I do wonder... can you even really know that someone else had broken into your account, and not that, in fact, 'twas actually you whom hacked the account of another!? (O_O)
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No idea. Only found out one time when my email was spammed with messages from G2A saying purchases were made. All of them looked like CSGO items.
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My account got locked anyway when I did try doing that, so I can't even access it anymore.
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You still have to put in the security 3 digit code on the back of your debit/credit card every time you make a purchase, so no.
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I've never bought anything with G2A and never will. I have a ton of emails from when it happened too, cuz I was spammed with them, if you need proof.
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Pfft. I didn't make this up. I have a lot of emails as proof. I can post a couple if you're that distrustful of me.
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the wording is a bit off to me... i read that as "watch out for these games in the furture " not that all 3 will be in the feb bundle.
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I agree with mieekaserra, nowhere on the site it says that ll of these three games will be in the Feb bundle. It could also very well mean that those three games are spread over several months and are supposed to sell the subscription.
Edit: Now I see what you mean... And the post is three days old, so that would fit. I'll just keep my eye on it :)
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My friend knows the dev of SUPERHOT, I've just asked him if he knows anything about this deal. I'll let you know what he's answered.
EDIT 1: So far my friend (who is also a game dev) says it is impossible SUPERHOT team would make such a move but he's gonna ask Iwanicki about it to be 100% sure. When there'll be an official answer from Iwanicki, I don't know.
EDIT 2: I didn't manage to receive any information.
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+1. Really curious about this. SUPERHOT would be the only reason I go after this bundle if it's true and if they're aware of this. Seems odd that they barely ever had a sale on their game, and it's just suddenly ending up in a very cheap bundle.
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1.5€ for Superhot, Dirt3 and Lords of the Fallen ?
I mean, they'll give steam keys or wallpapers and torrents ? :V
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Dirt 3 was free on humble bundle, so only Superhot and Lords of Fallen are good.
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SUPERHOT, a game that never was in any bundles or had more than a 50% discount, in a €1.50 pack, and on G2A, with the developer knowing about it and being okay with it? 0.o
Edit: Hm, comments are closed on that article. Is that common for G2A News?
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Maybe they are doing this without profit, maybe even in loss, just for this time, to create a solid user-base, they somehow admit it
February G2A Deal’s subscription price is only €1.50 for five wonderful games. And if you don’t want to subscribe just yet, you will always be able to test the waters with a one-time purchase for €2.50
Also they are shady as fuck, but I don't think that someone with a working brain would lie so blatantly with something like:
Each Deal is created in close cooperation with game developers and publishers
I mean, publishers could simply tweet "nope" and their reputation would be compromised forever
They recently hosted an ama on reddit and afaik it was quite... embarrassing, this could probably be damage control
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To be frank, many publishers tweeted nope many times, even flat-out asked people to pirate their games instead of using G2A, and yet you can still see smaller armies of mindless braindead idiots on this very site defending them to death and boasting how many games they are buying there even now.
So, if they would by playing only that angle, that wouldn't change anything.
Nah, this is more like strange. Non-legit and half-legit sites going white and actually doing legit business is not uncommon. I am technically part of a similar operation for some time now at home. But the way it is set up, and the luring price is just… strange.
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You are probably right and I probably don't want to believe that someone would lie with no shame at all
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I don't really follow their shit, but wow, lie in that way is... wow
p.s. happy cake day :p
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hm, cant find adidas in your post, sry. Also sorry you dont know what im talking about but it reflects what you wrote. Like i said, if you want to know just read some comments in this thread (1st page is enough) im too lazy to repeat it. im out now. take me as a troll if u feel like^^
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Here's a suggestion for you, don't start an argument with someone if you can't even bother to clarify your reasoning. :P
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I'm just going to leave this here:
Also, from their AMA:
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Everytime that I got a dupe key on G2A (2 times so far) I always got refunded within 3 days and I didn't even buy the shield.
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Not always, ther have been plenty of issues with behaviour of their support staff where source of keys has been irrelevant to the issue.
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No, it is not only the third party (random sellers) people are having problems with.
Twice I tried to use them long time ago, first time it went through without any problem, second time (same card, same details, same account, just the next day) it got declined, I had to wait more than a month to take the money back...
First of all, they treat the buyers or sellers as scammers as well, that's why they have unconventional, high security checks for the purchases, they even have their own payment system...
The way they work, turning a blind eye to the scammers doing business on their site, forcing people to get "g2a shield", making it as hard as possible to unsub, trying to find loopholes in legal system, causing many devs, publishers to take new measures in order to protect their keys etc.. is shady business practice.
I can only imagine, you might hear more stories from people who had problems with the keys they bought or had to deal with their support multiple times...
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Ah, the ol' classic strategy of build-a-business-with-shady-practices-then-go-legitimate-after-you're-successful.
The AMA and now this, they're certainly trying.
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If I can avoid that shield shit (I should, since it's a sell by the house) it's a good deal
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No. Its comprehensible.
Even their oficial news post, can be unclear...doesnt look they have added enough information to even distinguish 1.5€ from 2.5€
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some kind of subscription
So you speak with half certainity, just like G2a themselves.
Sure, i get it, its a subscrition of 1.5€ each time a bundle comes out, whenever it comes out. And you subscribe for an unditermined peridod of time...It couldnt have been more objective couldnt it?
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So you speak with half certainity, just like G2a themselves.
I'm just explaining what is stated, assuming that what's written is correct.
In any case, my point was just that "comprehensible" and now "objective" don't meant what you think they mean.
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1.5E (each)
Now that its live, you can check, the lower price is only for the first purchase, with every other bundle costing 2.5 (each)
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Ok good one, but in Portugal "compreensivel" can share the same meaning has understandable
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cool, i am maybe one of the few people here that actually likes g2a. and this would be a great deal
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16,709 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Axelflox
303 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by thoughtfulhippo
386 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by drschnell
40 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by doomofdoom
47 Comments - Last post 54 minutes ago by FoothWith
9 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by pb1
742 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Warriot
155 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by mhetralla
757 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by orio
11,070 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by jbondguy007
97 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by Ilan14
10,114 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by FranckCastle
17,450 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by MjrPITA
111 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by SerenaM
It's totally surprising, but it looks like G2A is trying to go more legit. They were able to get few publishers and create bundle a'la Humble Monthly.
February G2A Deal will have Superhot, Lords of the Fallen and Dirt3 and something more.
"February G2A Deal’s subscription price is only €1.50 for five wonderful games. And if you don’t want to subscribe just yet, you will always be able to test the waters with a one-time purchase for €2.50. And it goes live this Friday"
"Each Deal is created in close cooperation with game developers and publishers to make sure every gamer is satisfied with every pack, every month. All the keys are Steam-activated and acquired directly from developers to remove any unnecessary steps between you and your games."
Dirt 3 smells fishy (as it was removed from Steam, but maybe it was just Codemasters not wanting old game to take the spotlight from new titles?), but still, when tommorow there will be massive wave of Dirt-y Lords of the Superhot Fallen, you'll know who to blame.
Edit: Last two games are Syberia and Syberia 2.
"And when the time is right (between 12:00 – 20:00 CET (UTC+1) | 7 PM – 3AM PST (UTC+8)), we will be the first ones to give you a direct link, right here in this post. You will be just ONE CLICK AWAY FROM G2A DEAL"
Edit2: I think they screwed up times, why would they write "Deal will happen around afternoon in Europe which will be Night for America"?
Unless I missed the info Earth rotates in opposite way, so sun "travels" from west to east...
Edit3: "UPDATE
Due to technical problems we were unable to start the service at announced time. We are still working to deliver G2A Deal as fast as possible. We regret the inconvenience. Stay tuned."
So it begins...
Edit4: ALIVE
Worthy note: "You have to receive and activate those keys before 10th of April 2017. After this date, the keys will be deactivated. "
Go here to unsubscribe
Edit5: G2A Deal's FAQ, thanks Rip777 for your comment.
Edit 6: Deal #2 to start on March 30th., games will be announced in next few days. Thanks Jaru93s. I plan to start new thread when full list of games will be announced (which shound happen before 29th, but who knows...), unless someone will decide to do it before me, no need to duplicate threads.
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