He's saying your comment wasn't needed either smartass..
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Wow, are you really that dumb?
Your FIRST post wasn't necessary. YOUR post. You know, the whole *"and you post it in forum.....are people really that stupid nowadays? ITS F**** right THERE! SUPPORT!" crap?
Now you say "exactly" as if you also said your *"and you post it in forum.....are people really that stupid nowadays? ITS F**** right THERE! SUPPORT!" post wasn't necessary? Wtf? Where do you say that? I don't see it.
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Ok let me copy paste exactly what was said as you seem to not understand what's going on here.
User Diablo92 said *"Actually I found this: "and you post it in forum.....are people really that stupid nowadays? ITS F**** right THERE! SUPPORT!" 'not neet' as well."
You replied with "uhhh, thats the point what i was trying to make? thx i guess?"
Diablo92 was saying your first comment on this thread wasn't necessary. You replied saying you were trying to make the same point.
See? You really don't make sense!
Last comment here as arguing with a simpleton is pointless; it's been fun. Thanks for letting us all know to avoid you like the plague. Have a great day :)
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okay, let me explain it to you as i would to 5 years old. If by his logic i was insulting someone or expressed bad behavious (as that is the only thing he could report me for) then i can use same "stupid logic" and report him for spam as he wrote "reported" which is pointless. also sarcasm.
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I wonder if all 293 of his comments are this angry.
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It's one thing posting a question to support to try and solve the problem. It's another posting in the forums asking if anyone else had the same problem, out of curiosity, maybe to share stories, talk about it, etc. Maybe even get a response indicating how to fix the problem yourself, without bothering the already overworked support. Calm the fuck down shmuck.
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Okay let me explain it to you like to a slow person. There are couple of options. First person might have USED LOGIC and assumed he send a ticket even though he did not claim so at the time. Another option is based on my form of reading the forum. I open few forum tabs by rightclicking them in new tab. Then i read them and aybe comment them. You might have already figured out (which i doubt you did), that i opened the forum tab sooner than the first commenter, therefore author could have edited t by that time. Or another option, there is a giant purple lion in your pants.
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What in the jumping jesusballs does the first comment on this thread have to do with the OP, and your stupidly angry admonishing response to it?
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What the fuck are you even saying? You're making about 0 sense. Just like with your other replies to me so far. What first question are you talking about? What the hell are you saying?
Try answering my question instead of posting replies that don't make 1 minuscule bit of sense.
What does the comment from Anyhoo - "It used to happen to a few people a few months ago , just wait or the admins to respond your ticket." - have to do with you yelling at OP ("Original Poster" in case you don't know, so the guy who made the thread) for asking a question in the forums?
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Like I said, I'm done replying to you (especially as you're not even replying to any point I make or question I confront you with). Thanks for this latest assault on common sense and argumentative form.
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Im not commenting on your points because you cant fuckin read idiot. thats right, i abased myself to pure insulting because that might the only last thing that makes you open your eyes. seriously, just read the fuckin discussion, find someone who will translate it for you (properly) and stop embarassing yourself.
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That's a very logical conclusion to draw from USING CAPS, first of all, as it's big typeface, and looks a lot "louder". Second, it's an agreed upon - and very useful - convention of online communication. There's a way to yell online AND IT'S BY USING CAPS. Everyone and their dead parrot use it that way. You pretending you weren't raging like an idiot now, to save face and not look like an idiot, by suggesting you were supposedly breaking from convention (not using CAPS as yelling) doesn't mean the internet crippled anyone - it means you fail at expressing yourself properly, or are just trying to not look like an idiot, now.
And your spam of "because 'edit' blabla" doesn't even make any sense. No one knows what the hell you mean by that.
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Learn2language then.
My point is simple. USING CAPS is the way to yell online. You know this just as well as anyone else on here reading this forum. Everyone uses it that way. So did you.
Convenient how you ignore the rest of my post (although you probably understand it just fine). People like you are the bane of a civilised, intelligent society. When you make mistakes (as we all do), rather than responding to criticism, you try to ignore it and dance around it, and pretend you meant things differently than you did, twisting original intent / context to suit your defence.
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There is no irony whatsoever in me suggesting you suck at language usage. A lot of your posts here are either too short to make sense of, simply don't make sense to begin with, and / or have a bunch of errors in syntax, grammar and / or usage. My language has been clear, and error-free.
And I'm not embarassing myself here bucko. You are.. See my reply to your other "ohsosmart" comment.
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Ok last post for real, just to explain something to you that you either don't get, or choose to ignore to sound cool in your own responses / draw attention away from my actual points (you know, where I show you to be moronic). Saying "learn2<x> is another example of informal internet communication, a conversational meme - it means the person that it's being said to needs to learn how to do <x> better. In this case, you need to learn how to use language better to express yourself in a way that a) is clear and understandable, and b) makes an iota of sense.
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Also, *"ITS F**** right THERE!" wasn't you yelling? Yeah, uh huh. And my name is Squirrelnuts McShittybull.
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Even the "internet crippled people" have etiquette. It is called a Netiquette or "Internet etiquette". All caps is considered as mad and "screaming". You should learn something from them.
"Another rule is to avoid typing in ALL CAPS or grossly enlarging script for emphasis, which is considered to be the equivalent of shouting or yelling."
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You're not trolling "clever people" - you're just saying that to find a way out of looking like an absolute moron. Everyone reading this sees you as the sad kid here trying to leave dumb replies in a half-assed defence man. Not like some mastermind troll posting smart provocations to harass anyone.
I bet you've gained the love of quite a number of blacklists by now :D
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This is the longest internet argument I've ever seen on this site
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I've been in longer ones. And there have been much crazier ones before, too.. Including about some religion oriented stuff. Man that was bad :/
Anyway, not much of an argument as I see it - he doesn't even make sense 90% of the time.
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No no, giveaway blacklists. As in, lists people make to include in their group / private giveaways so you aren't allowed to enter / win them. Like mine.
Also, keep posting, good idea! Keep posting more dumb crap so you can get shot down / shown to be an idiot some more!
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Yeah, you haven't exactly covered yourself in glory here...
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Congrats!You are one of the lucky members that are chosen to give a game to a random user!
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Support will response :)
Don't worry , it's just a bug , not your mistake
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This can only be solved by ... A TWO-ENTRANT PRIVATE FACE-OFF TO THE DEATH! In this corner, we have ...
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"Now, our operation is small, but... there's a lot of potential for aggressive expansion!!!. So, which of our fine gentlemen would like to WIN MY GAME?
Oh! There's only one spot open right now, so we're gonna have tryouts.
Hm...make it fast."
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If it has been resolved, you could probably close this now.
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