What is your favorite snack to eat while you study?
Our society's current education system has the power to make you hate something you previously loved.
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From my experience, study in group because studying solo when you have 0 motivation it's hard and I presume you do. You're basically being enforced to study and doing with others can be fun.
If it isn't possible make a detailed plan of your whole week, when to study and when not and start asap. Excuses last forever, and once you're in a streak nobody can stop it but you.
Start with stuff you think it's easier and then gradually do harder stuff. The feeling of succeding helps in studying, if you don't feel like you're doing good you can think you should just stop and don't bother with it, so it's better to have small victories.
Being in this situation sucks, you need to force yourself to do things or it only gets worse. What happens in your life can impact study quite well, but know that if you don't try your hardest every single day, you can one day regret your action. I know I do.
Good luck!
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Sorry, but just as it will be with most things in the rest of your life after school, you just have to buckle down, suck it up, and do it.
If it was supposed to be fun, they wouldn't call it school work. :P
in best dad voice No video games until your homework is done!
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ye, same problem i have, i just cant sit in lectures for a long time.
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focus on improving concentration get off facebook and twitter...
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i had problems with studieng as well. a girlfriend was my solution to motivate me to go to university and work harder^^
i´m with you.
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Try thinking about how boring your shitty job will be if you get kicked out?
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Am not student already, but try find SOMETHING that u like in school, dont go there for "study" go there for friends, fun, girls ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), study coz u wanna look on girls over and over ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), u must find positive parts, u can enjoy boring lectures, at least listen them, its enough i made school without problem and i never opened single book, just listed
i have job, not coz i need job, i can sit on ass 5 years with no prob if i want :D, i goin there just for friends and ultimate fun and well they give me some money to beer
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You might have enrolled in a course that is not fit for you. In your position I would reconsider if I even want to study and later work in that field. I actually started out at a tech university learning programming, which lead to the enlightenment that I do not want to do that, like ever. Switched over to a business school instead, which was a lot better fit for me, I actually had interest in my classes.
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I don't :3<
But in all seriouseness the only way for me to study is to actively have someone telling me to.
I have someone sit beside me and say "are you studying?" "stop playing on your phone and study" continuously...
Need someone to do that soon for my control theory midterm tomorrow I haven't looked at it yet 😰
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I thought a lot of my classes and lectures were boring. So I didn't go to those. I failed some of those classes. I completed two years of college - one year each at two different universities. I have taken some classes at other places along the way. I don't like school much.
So now I am in my 40s, no degree. I have not had a solid dependable career in one field or with one company. But I have done well enough to suit me and what I want to do. I am married, and we just had our 5th (!) child. We aren't rich, but we are doing better than I ever thought I would be doing given my lack of normal success path.
But, doing it this way is a lot of work, too. It's just that I am willing and happy to put in this work and live this way. I have a friend who is a PhD in physics. He liked school. And now he has a degree which allows him to keep doing the kinds of things he likes. He works hard, but it is things he likes doing and is interested in.
If you are not interested, why are you studying it? I mean, some classes are just required and you get through them in order to do the stuff you are interested in. But, if you are not interested in any of it, why are you still studying? What do you hope to do? What would you rather be doing?
And don't say video games! I don't believe you really want to do nothing but play games all day. I am sure you want to do challenging rewarding noble things. We all feel lazy sometimes, but that isn't what we really want. We really want to struggle, overcome, achieve, succeed. Don't just do something because you think it is expected. Do something to make it worth waking up in the morning.
All the best to you!
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What if you do not know what you actually want to do? For me studying is not something I am very interested in as well, but I can't think of anything else which really interests me.
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Go work for a few years then. Try different stuff, party hard, have fun. You will be at the bottom of the hierarchy but maybe you will eventually find what you want to do and don’t want to do. It’s harder then to go back to school when you’re older and you need to work even harder. But you will have an objective and will be interested in it. That’s what I did at 25 years old, worked minimum wage for some time, doing crappy jobs before I found my way and now I have a rather successful career at 39 as a professional in a field I would never have considered as a teenager. And I like my job!
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It is OK to not know what you want to do. But try stuff. Volunteer with a service trip to build houses in Guatemala. Learn to play an instrument. I had a room mate once who decided to learn the piano. He had no musical background. So he found people who did play the piano and he asked them, "What is this note? What is that note? How do the notes on the paper match up with the keys on the piano?" He would ask one or two questions and then go home and plink around on an old keyboard he got a hold of. And then he would ask some more questions. After about 2 months he could sit down and pick out a melody by reading sheet music! He has no real talent and he doesn't really want to learn how to get much better. But he had fun learning what he could and then he moved on to the next thing. He started out in college learning finance and then quit and became a missionary for a few years. And then he became a nurse.
Try stuff, meet new people, read books on subjects you don't know anything about. Try new hobbies. Ask happy people questions.
You are actually in the same position that most people are in. What do I do with my life? And you can answer that question. Actually, you are the only person who can!
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Honestly just like Tzaar said - control your internet/PC it's a very big distraction.
Maybe you want to take a semester off - no shame - get your head clear, is it the right thing for? And when you are sure get back with motivation before you slowly bob up and down.
Try to find a sturdy group which applies pressure to you^^
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Consider changing your major concentration if the current one does not fit your skills or interest you.
If you do not enjoy the subject matter, you can take tests based on your personality such as Myer Briggs and learn what areas might be a better fit. Also, you can ask other friends what classes they take and maybe watch some online lectures to see if they are interesting.
I switched majors because the courses were very difficult and required heavy memorization.
It depends on what you want to get out of college. Are you there just to make your parents happy or are there other reasons?
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Then learn on your own. Treat the classes as something you need to get through in order to keep doing what you want.
Learning is what you do yourself. "Teaching" is just somebody else offering help to the learners. You can learn without a teacher. But if computer engineering is the field you want to be in, it will take a degree. So do whatever you have to in order to get those grades and ultimately the degree. But do whatever you have to to learn the stuff you want to learn.
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well, it's a complex question! =P
I graduated at the age of 21 here in Bologna - which even for 2019 seems to be the highest ranked university in Italy, wow! XD - I mean, I'm from another province but I went there in the morning and came back after 8 PM - in oriental studies (the full name of my degree is storia culture e civiltà orientali which means something like history culture and oriental whatever.. . . . too long xD)
then I took a ph.d in history - plain history yeah, specialized in middle-ages and local history (and genealogy) at 24 years old 'cos I lost a year basically due to hospitalization, surgery, many bad things..
I always studied completely alone and I studied a lot..
I went there every morning, listened to all the lectures, attended every single class, and in my experience we had in Bologna one of the best literary and historical teacher pool of all Europe (i'm writing like i'm drunk 'cos it's so late here sorry it's something AM XD but i stopped drinking alcohol at 16, true story)..
though, we had typically 1 over 5 professors who were BORING as hell, incompetent, impossible to follow and extremely rude with students, with no empathy at all! Anyways, I followed their classes too even if we remained like in 5 students.. I took notes, records, I used to write on my laptop when I had surgery at my right hand..
Well I graduated with top marks, summa cum laude as they say.. thesis published and so on.. it's just that I LOVED what I was studying, between lessons and classes I used to go in public libraries or in study rooms, there's plenty of them here, and read read read.. I loved with all my heart history and all the other subjects, geography, literature, japanese as a foreign language, sanskrit, buddhism, indology, islamistic, everything..
I got my high school diploma as an accountant. I HATED economics, science, maths, informatics.. but well, I was just 14 years old when I started and I wanted to pick up an extremely easy school, so I studied very little and I managed to get out of it in 5 years without any problem with low to normal votes.. who cares?
the truth is - if I were FORCED to for instance pursue a career in economics, graduate in economics or informatics or maths etc., I would STILL be here at the age of 30+ studying those things I hate..
While studying the subjects I LOVE was every single day a pleasure (apart from those silly professors I mentioned above of course - in those cases, I kept on reading studying reading studying.. until the exam came and well after it bye bye xD).. it's all here
not in the method, not in any other thing - of course i'm talking about normal universities, not the private ones that ask you 20,000€/$ per year to enter or the élite schools in which 20 students are allowed to enter per year.. those are other examples and I can't talk about them. I'm talking about the vast majority of the universities in Europe, at least, possibly in America too..
you can have any method you want, studying in groups, everything that suits you.. you can be way more intelligent than me and take 1 month to do a big exam that for me it took 3 months.. but if you like those subjects you're studying, if you love your schooling, if you're in the right place it will be a pleasure!
if you're forced to study something you hate, in a place you hate and so on, I saw many ex colleagues of mine at the age of 27-28 still studying economy 'cos they were clearly not fit for that matter, just that they studied as accountants like me and kept on with the same subjects..
I really hope the best for you, don't lose your health on something you hate if you feel like you're forced to study something you hate, you'll have a worse future the next years.. keep on doing what you like, if lectures suck, if professors suck, if you hate all of your classes it's not hard to imagine a very hard life in there.. I wish the best for you, just think about what you want to do in the next years and follow your talents and personal characteristics <3 and don't feel ashamed to take a break!!
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some tips that help me study:
try going to a library
try mixing up the times ( try studying at night/day, see what works better)
for me the beginning is the hardest, play some music, start studying and gradually turn the volume down until completely off
try to follow a schedule (example, 20 pages/questions a day, then give yourself a treat for hitting the goal)
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I was gonna answer but then I realized I'm too young for this
Well if you have a kitto or doggo to huggo that might help
Talking with someone while working helps one of my friends
As for lectures, I can't stand listening to the teacher talk for more then a minute on end, so I have no idea
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if it's all boring you're probably taking the wrong course.i would strongly suggest you to invest your time in studying something you're actually passionate about or can clearly find a need for which will motivate you to power through the boring part. i switched university courses halfway through and it was one of the best decisions i ever made with my life.
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I'm 3 years into university and I can't study at all. I don't go to lectures because they are boring. I don't study because it's boring. I just can't force myself without getting super depressed. Any tips before I get kicked out? :D
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