Region restrictions are usually listed in the description page of the seller. Whatever site you are using, they should have that information available somewhere. Normally, if you are prevented from buying the game from that particular seller, you find another seller. I find it odd that you are unable to purchase from Steam. Have you contacted them about it?
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I find it odd that you are unable to purchase from Steam.
My guess would be that the price difference between AmPhibious' region and the winner's region is too big (10% if I recall correctly), so Steam prevents the gifting process.
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Oh, of course. He actually can buy the game, he just can't gift it to his winner. (I should know better than to try reading these things when I'm only half-awake.)
And since the game is only available on Steam, he can't buy it elsewhere....
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+1 for Mully suggestion but I would add that you can install this wonderful extension Enhanced Steam.
It has too many features to be listed but the one you're looking is "Regional Price Comparison"
Good luck with your future GAs :)
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This is the reason why I don't ever gift games via steam now. Its too much of a pain and headache since steam made changes to its gifting. If you do want to give a game away from steam, my advice would be to region lock it to your region. This is complicated now with strange and unusual region locks on some giveaways (humble bundle games for example).
Only other solution is to steam giftcard or voucher the money to the person so they can buy it for themselves but I suspect you will not find this solution acceptable either.
Best of luck with this!
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It's always so much fun having to spend double to buy the game on another site, though!
I mean, going straight to purchasing from an outside site at a more reasonable price is just totally way too easy. :P
Put another way..
This is the reason why I don't ever gift games via steam now.
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As others have mentioned, it's an issue of price difference. When this happens, you start going through your options.
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As you're in the United States, you can never send games to someone in a country using the Euro [unless the exchange rate between USD and Euro changes significantly at some point, or you manage to find an unusually priced aberration of a game]. Past that, there's a couple of currencies (most notable by far, the Pound) that are hit-and-miss depending on game so, as Mully said, just check with the steamdb entry for that specific game, and compare the prices between the US and the regions listed below it on that page's currency list.
Containment lists the pound at +16~%, and the Euro at +21~%, so anyone from the UK or EU wouldn't be able to get the game from you.
A common practice is to offer the winner an appropriate value amount of CS:Go keys, trading cards, and other marketables, so that they can get the market funds to purchase the game themselves, on their end. Given the awkward nature of this arrangement, it's best left to trusted groups. A far better option is to simply purchase games from somewhere other than through the Steam Store. :P
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Unfortunately the game in question only appears to be sold via steam.
Having to check every game I giveaway via steamdb is a real pain and like you I tend to buy keys elsewhere so I can save the aggro of having to sort this out. Like you, I stay away from buying anything I want from Steam due to this issue.
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Right. I spend trading card funds on DLCs for myself alone, now, and never actively stick money into client anymore.
With Steam's sales usually being equal or worse than that of other Steam store sites, the lack of open gifting puts them at a notable disadvantage.
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My suggestion is to tell the winner to put an item on the market with a price a bit higher than the price of the game in his/her region (don't forget there are taxes too), buy the item from him/her, and then tell him/her to buy the game with that money. I'm not saying this is an ideal solution, but it looks like the only solution to me. Still, you could also buy it from a trader and tell the trader to directly gift the game to the winner, but I'm pretty sure it'll cost you more.
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The issue is resolved, thanks for all the support :D
The winner agreed to have the giveaway deleted. It's unfortunate that games on steam aren't priced consistently. It seems the majority of SteamGifts users are not in the US, and I'd rather not exclude them
If I were able to purchase a given gift on another site for a giveaway, would my contributor level count the money that I spent, or reflect the price of the game as it is priced in my region (US)? Also, is it possible to wait more than a week to gift my giveaway if the winner has agreed? The method LuckyShamrock suggests seems very fair to me, but would probably take longer than a week if the Steam market still works the way I think it does as far as putting items up for sale.
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If I were able to purchase a given gift on another site for a giveaway, would my contributor level count the money that I spent, or reflect the price of the game as it is priced in my region (US)?
CV is based on US prices. Games, which can't be purchased in the US, shouldn't be in the list of available games when creating GAs (just checked by the example Anno 1404).
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I opened my first giveaway at and I am unable to gift my game to the winner because it is region locked, preventing me from purchasing it in the first place. I'm not sure how to obtain a key either. How can I get him his steam game? I have money in my steam wallet but no other method of paying for it online.
A friend suggested I wait until the sale ends and then purchase the game at full price, but I'm not sure that will work.
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/APKXEF9"><a href="//"></a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
Furthermore, how do I see where games are region locked to prevent this from happening in the future? I've been surfing google for the better part of an hour trying to find answers, but to no avail. Any suggestions are much appreciated. Thanks for reading
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