Absolutely right. I am playing SotN as well currently on iOS, and I am happy I can play it on the go (and at all, considering there still isn't a PC version).
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I guess it depends on the specific game but since I don't personally play mobile games, I tend to associate them with the micro-transaction fueled nightmares that I see my nephews play. So negative association on my part I guess.
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I didn't forget about that at all but I tend to associate scummy monetisation more with mobile games, which is probably a fair association. Of course, I'm sure there are a tonne of great mobile games that use little or no monetisation, I just don't personally play them. If you do, and you enjoy them, then I'm happy for you :)
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Yeah, can agree especially with don't starve, one of the couple mobile games I've actually purchased and it's fantastic. They did a great job with the port.
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Give me a fucking break. People can dislike a company without being racist. Fucking hell
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Keep your Westernophobia to yourself. Fucking hell. Easterners.
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It's a concern on business ethics and privacy, which are treated differently in China than the West. If you think Facebook is bad, Chinese companies are worse. Not saying because they are bad, rather that they simply have a different moral compass.
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i redact my statement as i want no part of this pseudo intellectual circle jerk of master debaters.
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Mmm, excuse me? How the fuck is it sinophobic? Most people are concerned about Tencent controlling crapton of companies in the gaming industry. Please educate yourself on the list of their acquisitions/"investments" in the past couple of years. This kind of growing monopoly is never good for any industry
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What are you even on about And quite alarmingly - what are you on
It's about privacy concerns - China is quit well known for it's disconcern for human rights and privacy non existance. People have been quit fed up with facebook and google stealing data and EU have been fighting them with GDPR laws. As far as it concerns Tencent - it probably doesn't at all. There is no saying anything they do is legal. China as a country denies any allegations against them, is suspected of running slave labor, killing people and the list goes on. Why would people be content with the fact that a company that is based in country with such reputation is buying off companies that get our information ?
I personally don't really know how and if they actually can get any information from us, but allegetions against Epic are quit alarming and wouldn't be surprising if Tencent would be stealing data and profiting from it by operating in a country that doesn't care about data privacy at all and could be using the situation to their benefit. We are also accusing google and facebook with working with governments and selling information - what makes you think Chinese government isn't doing the same with companies in China ? The difference is we can't do anything against that and there is no transparency
I don't doubt there is sinophobia going around, which has been only furthered by the situation with covid. But there are many serious problems people have with China that are based on facts not some baseless racism or hatred.
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Cool, all hail president Pooh Bear. Klei's devotion will be rewarded with some sick propaganda.
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This makes me much, much more sad.
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Honnestly the game hasn't changed on his economic model. About privacy I can't tell, but it's not more grindy (not like it already was a lot anyway).
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Here is an archive link for those who do not like the cookie policy on Rock paper shotgun.
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At least for a short time, don't worry. For most developers located outside China, Tencent is a reputable sponsor. It firmly implements the strategy of far friendly and close attack. Until its influence reaches a tipping point, it's just a generous check wielding aid giver.
After that? If it can successfully beat EA / UBI / Activision and other giants in the game field to occupy a dominant market position, it will show its fangs, just like what he did in CN, just like all oligarchs have done. But it's quite difficult because wechat and QQ are not popular outside China. It can't copy the victory brought by the conversion of traffic and user volume.
If you know CN, you will know what a terrible monster it is: social tools occupying 70% of the market + mobile payment tools occupying 40% of the market + game companies occupying 60% of the market.The real conzern, Big Mac.Invincible to some extent.
Its headquarters is located in Nanshan District, Shenzhen. In Nanshan court, no one can beat it. There have been games on sale in Singapore and other regions (which can't be run in China), because the developers are Chinese enterprises and use similar materials. Tencent sued it in Nanshan and won.
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They already own most of Grinding Gear Games (Path of Exile). I don't play this game but I heard they weren't many change after the buying.
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Windows should offer an isolated environment like Android does with work profile. No data to breach, no acquisition to complain about :3
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Tencent should just follow Apple, Google, or Facebook, and no one would care :D
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Personal opinion: I don't think it's a bad thing per se. Most organizations collect personal information these days. Not sure about the longer future though, with CCP digging their claws into these organizations. Also, I always thought that games made by Klei sold very well (mostly because they're so freaking good), which is why this move came as a surprise. Wonder how they're going to utilize the additional investment.
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