Have a GA: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/fIuCb/flyn

No clicky for you.


You guys should really check the recommendations that have been made! There's some gold there.
And thanks to you all! Good luck!

Let's see how many people enter the GA without the title saying there's one... (I'm so mean hue hue hue).

10 years ago*

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You have some games on your steam profile that you own but haven't played:
SpaceChem -- Classic indie game. Very unique and lots of fun.
Half Life 2 the lost coast -- It's just a single, stand-alone half life 2 level, but it's pretty fun. HL is one of my favorite games ever, and this is worth playing even if you don't have the rest of the games.
Galactic Civilizations 2 -- another classic game. I haven't played it either, but it looks pretty fun. I love 4x games though.

10 years ago

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Hawken and League of Legends.

10 years ago

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