Indiegala have updated their page design.

The account page was never the best but it was ok for what it was. You could select the category of the bundle and then have all the bundles listed for that category on one page. Everything was right there.
Now you need to click through pages to find what you're looking for and depending on how much you've bought from them, this can take a while when searching for a specific bundle. (Even worse if you're not sure anymore what it was called.)

At least in my opinion this was not a worthwhile re-design (when it comes to the account page) and made things worse. But that's just me and I'm sure that there's some of you who like the change and actually prefer it this way.

As I'm trying to see the good in it I'm interested in your thoughts on the change below.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and to reveal a key you have to put in a pass code that gets sent to your email address. Not sure yet if that's for every key, but I was asked for one for the key that I wanted to reveal 5 minutes ago.
If it's a thing that has to be done for every single key? Please no... in the past I received pass codes sometimes as early as hours after the fact with codes that would work only for several minutes. Which then had to be repeated to just happen again that way. Which was quite the issue. We'll see how it goes with this one... but so far, no email with a pass code, yet.

EDIT 2: About 3.5 hours later and a pass code email still hasn't shown up, yet. I guess today (or what's left of that for me) I won't be able to access my keys on their page.

4 years ago*

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How do you like Indiegala's page re-design?

View Results
I love it!
I hate it!
I'm not a fan, but it's ok.
Before it was better!
I don't mind it for the shop - but they screwed up the account page.
Where are my bundles?
I don't mind it - the old one was outdated, so why not spice things up?!
Mom... just 5 more minutes, please.

I will check it in a few weeks...

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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No. I'm on the page at least once a day to see if they have a new bundle and apparently that was enough to keep me logged in.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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I'm still waiting for the pass code email containing a code that's already invalid for about 30 minutes by now.

4 years ago

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I've been trying to get to my codes for days now, half the time no email is sent at all and the other half, they arrive after hours, which means they contain outdated invalid codes.
This problem has been there forever though, not just since the redesign.

My opinion on the redesign: an awful design changed by a different awful design, but it is faster at least.

4 years ago

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I hope they redesign some other crucial things, too. I could login but almost any action wanted me to re-verify my account. Of course they were blocked on my mail adress because of overwhelming spam ads. I unblocked, tried again, didn't work, contacted support, no respond. I read about "5 minute limited" verification mails sent in 30 minutes after but i never even got it. Anyway, It was few weeks ago. I'll try again when i feel calmer towards the site.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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That's a bad argument.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Because it doesn't matter if i like "them" or not. What i dislike is site is promising something like letting a user re-verify their account or responding to tickets and not be able to deliver these promises. I don't know your relationship with "them" but it's okay to expect promised service from the provider.

4 years ago*

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Yep, this. ^^^^^

I like Indiegala. I hate their UI. It breaks every design pattern that even a first-year design student would learn (assuming that they're a good student 😋).

4 years ago

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About 35 minutes later and I still haven't received the pass code email...🤷‍♂️

4 years ago

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It's rubbish.

I don't know why everyone designs their webpages as if the only users would be on mobile devices. Especially a site that sells STEAM KEYS.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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way better than the trash they had.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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The "On sale" category in the shop is completely broken. If you choose it, you get zero results.

Some bundles show up in the bundle section at the bottom of the main page, but then 404 when you try to go to them. However, these are not listed in the drop-down from the top of the page (meaning that they need to get these things to sync).

Interesting...seems like they've been investing a lot of time in redesign and not in getting new bundles...only 3 active right now. No happy hour at present. That may just be a temporary thing, but hopefully they didn't do away with it, because that's my #1 way that I purchase from there (literally 98% of my purchases are Happy Hour purchases).

The account page is terrible. I appreciate the little graphics, those are nice...but paging through all of the myriad bundles I've ever bought to find anything? There's no sort capability, which is insane (this is basic functionality), and the default sort is weird (inverse order by date to determine overall page results, but within those results it's in ascending order on the page - why?). Why do I need to page through this stuff like it's 1998? Just give me the full list so that I can scroll through it, and give me basic sorting and search functions so that I can get to my content quickly. I could code that stuff and have it tested in less than a couple of hours. There's just no excuse for it.

Also, where is my IC for giveaways now? It seems to be completely missing. I've never understood why this wasn't prominently displayed at the top of every giveaway page so that you'd know how much you have left, but at least before you could go to your account profile and see it. Now I don't see it anywhere. It's ludicrous. Also, why are my "won" GAs in ascending order? In what world would I want to see the oldest stuff first? So now, every time I go there, I have to wait for it to load, then jump to the end and wait again to ensure I haven't missed anything. And again, there's no way to do a simple sort by date.

The UI design errors on this site just seem to be endless. There is clearly no user acceptance testing (that isn't friends and family, because anyone else would point out all of these egregious design flaws).

Indiegala holds a dear place in my heart because they've been promoting indie games for a long time. I've always been able to work with them when there have been issues with licenses or site bugs. But they desperately need to get someone more experienced in charge of UI design, or at the very least do proper user acceptance testing with real customers.

4 years ago

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Found the credits - is under "wallet and settings" on our account page (last link at right on top of page). Just checked previous giveaway entries and got " won 0, checked 0" so decided to manually check any wins. Had just won a small game, so yeah, they need to really work on their layout.

4 years ago

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Ouch. Yeah. I shouldn't have to drill in that far to see my total for what is, essentially, an on-site social game. :)

Just add that bit of data to the bar at the top of the giveaway so that I can see it all of the time. So easy to fix this issue.

4 years ago

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Oh my god... what an horror... Looks like a mobile-first design (which is already terrible by itself for PC users) made by a mentally challenged UX designer.
And they didn't even add a dark theme 🙄

4 years ago

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It is an improvement in some ways (my profile now loads in seconds instead of minutes), but it's unacceptably buggy (purchases are missing from my account), and severely lacking care and polish.

4 years ago

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There's even lorem ipsum on the bundle gift page.

4 years ago

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I still buy the occasional bundle from Indiegala (their hog bundles and any little indie rpgs are my favourites). But I have struggled with finding my library this morning ... and where do my points appear? The ones we spend to buy a ticket on their giveaways? Today I just yanked ticket stubs until I no longer could.

Edit: voted for hate it, but might have been influenced by me just having visited there before seeing this post :) It functions I guess - hopefully they can do some massive tweaks in the coming days.

4 years ago*

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Yeah, where ARE my purchases?! My library is empty: "Your bundle list is actually empty."

4 years ago

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damn - not looked at my library at all, was just doing a quick check on their giveaways. Now I need to check my library too ... (really, bad UI change this one :(

4 years ago

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My bundles all show up. You could send a support ticket in using your last email from Indiegala. Just some massive bug (teething problems?). Not cool Indiegala, not cool.

4 years ago

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You did what I thought people would do: First visit the page, then vote.
You made me wonder though if people who chose one of the more positive votes actually had visited the website beforehand.

4 years ago

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Might be influenced on how they use Indiegala.
I use their free credits on the giveaways everyday, as well as gift there (good for offloading rubbish I do not want to gift on Steamgifts). So I noticed the "missing" credits, although later found where IG put them.
I also only tend to buy some bundles that have games I want to play. And unlike Reisetante (4 posts above) have had no immediate issues with any missing games or purchases so happy with that.
The order of won giveaways and the order of purchases is a worry though, so like grez1, I find that disturbing and annoying (could be highly personal though, maybe others will not care so much).

Hopefully more will explain their vote - give you an idea of how they came up with their more positive outlook :)

4 years ago

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Stuff isn't on top of each other. Previously was an overload. Traffic jam.

This is so much cleaner and simpler. Easier on the eyes. More relaxing even.

4 years ago

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I wonder where are all the bundle I buy... Fortunaly, I copy all the keys before, but I don't think I'll ever buy something on Indie gala :/

4 years ago

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Still better than Alienware Arena. They redesigned their site months ago and it's still a broken mess.

4 years ago

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Looks like a mobile view version. I am not overly fond of it.

4 years ago

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Design is better, looks modern and loads faster. With that said, bundle pages are good.
Functionality on the account is sh*t though. Worse than before. It will take more time to search for keys. Pagination is dreadful. At least put a total of pages so we know not to click on the next page button for nothing.

4 years ago

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I really like the design, reminds me of GoG, but you can't sort the games by discount.

4 years ago

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Your bundle list is actually empty.

It better bloody not stay that way!

4 years ago

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All the bundles I bought is disappeared.

4 years ago

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Where to check my Indiegala lv?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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What is it with websites changing their designs for worse all the time? Just like Alienware Arena before, IG also made their site uglier and less convenient to use. And the kids seem to like it, that's the most baffling thing!

4 years ago

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Yeah my bundle list is also showing up as empty. This better be a fixable glitch on their end.

4 years ago

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I can see about 15% of my purchased bundles. The rest are just . . . not there.

4 years ago

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finally, prevoius one was so slow and loaded slowely. this is just flying

4 years ago

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Indeed, the new one is quick... to me that's the only upside I could find, yet.

4 years ago

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They re-numbered the bundle gifts AGAIN!!!

The last site redesign changed the gift numbering to start at 0 instead of 1, and scrambled their order.
This redesign changed it back to starting at 1. Though they seem to be in the same order in looking so far.

Now if only the rest of my library could appear. :/

4 years ago

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The design and new color does not strain the eyes anymore. It might attract new people to their website as well.

4 years ago

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All I know is my indiegala helper doesn't help on firefox for the last year and I have to use chrome with it.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

4 years ago

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Good to know, I guess I'll try another round of troubleshooting.

4 years ago

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giveaways stopped functioning for me today on any browser I've tried.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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