This here, is the perfect example of things which costs too much right now and won't be worth shit in a few years.
This comment is a trap card, claiming it will subtract you one point. No thank you, I'll wait a couple of years until I can get it for a fraction of that price, or just buy a cheap knock-off version which costs only $30.
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So now HTC wants to be like Apple and over charged for there hunk of plastic,though i am not sure HTC will brain wash as many as Apple did into buying there crap phones but eh.
Apple is the master at getting people to over pay for stuff like the MAC which is just and over priced pc with Mac OS which is just there version of Unix system which can be free in many other forms,but why get it for free when you can pay 100's for it.
Funny what price some will pay to be part of the "it" crowd.In fact studies have showing people who buy apple products are more likely to over pay for other things just based on name.This is why Amazon and others likes to target Apple users because they tend to spend more then a pc user.
I will keep my basic phone that just talks and text,i am not attached to the internet or the web so bad i need a smart phone to keep in touch with people,in fact i hate text and ignore most them,if you can not bother to call me and talk to me why should i take the time to reply in a text,sadly this is the new future of how we will talk to each other,through text and the web and so forth.Hardly anyone wants to actually call anyone anymore,
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well, not exactly.
Apple sells "premium" hardware. They tend to be well-made and last longer, compared to cheaper competitors though they aren't necessarily as good as their pricier competitors
They also sell "ease of use", which they've been doing since forever. The first mac was revolutionary in its simplicity, which most people today can't appreciate anymore. Their peripherals were always easy, just plug and play. The ipod wasn't the first portable music file player, but was more intuitive and easier to use than the competitors. The closed environment for ios is pretty good at preventing problems.
Basically, they sell stuff that's easy to use, guaranteed to work, and generally high-end.
Note that I'm typing this on an HP computer running Win 10, so I'm not a zombified fanboy (of which there are many).
also, saying that Mac OS is basically Unix is like saying Windows 10 is basically Windows XP
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Umm i never said it was a bad product did it?I just said over charged for there hunk of plastic..
The same way Intel CPU are over priced due to lack of competition...they do not need to be that much but when most buy your product why would you charge less if people are still buying it when you over charge.
They are also not the only ones that make premium items and are not the only ones to over charge for there products Android devices can be the same way,..and they both have there knock off and there cheaper products.
Apple is closed because they want more control over there device nothing more as they seem to stop support of older OS even if the hardware can still handle it,to up sell you on a newer one.Though both parties seem to be more guilty of that now,but mostly in the phone sector vs the ipad/android tablets.
There is no way the HTC or The best Iphone/pad is even close to costing what they are asking.They are charging a premium because they can.You do not own a small share of the market like Apple and still make billions by selling premium products for a little over cost,you do it by charging way more then cost.
In the end they both have there pros and cons,but simple fact is most people buy Apple because it is the cool thing to do,and all my friends have one,so it must be better.Bottom line is 99% of the time they both will do the what you need,and the cost for Apple imo is not worth it,Not when i can not use memory cards for,or usb devices and such,i have to resort to buying there over priced stuff.
In the end i do think Apple makes a great product and never was trying to say you do not get your monies worth but still does not change you pay way more then your monies worth.I paid 150 for my LG tablet and it does everything that any Ipad and i have a 1080p display for half the cost of an Ipad,and i can take all my music with me on memory card,and i can also use usb devices.So yeah in most case people over pay for Apple,but they are still a good product.
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Not enough VR support yet. I still think this is s fad and will flop.
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Well I will be in the vast minority here but I'm buying it. I have a job and don't spend a lot of money on myself at all so I don't really care that it will be half the price in a year or two, I'd rather get a year or two of entertainment than wait to save money on technology. It is a far better deal than the Oculus if you actually look into the specs, since the Oculus does not even come with a controller, and the Vive tech is arguably much better. The Oculus still has better games in my opinion, and it's a shame that the industry is already being fragmented with Oculus-exclusive games, since there are not really enough games to get it boosted to begin with.
I don't know if it will take off massively or not, that depends on the games and applications. I do know it will come down in price a lot and that the next generations will be better and cheaper, but what is the point of working hard if you don't sometimes splurge on something you will find fun. So yeah, I don't think the price is that bad and I'm going to give it a go. Especially when I consider what I paid for my iPhone and iPad too (don't hate on me too hard :P)
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Way too expensive, you could buy a used car with that money & light it on fire.
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Yes, it's expensive, but so are high end gaming monitors. Those gaming monitors also don't come with controllers and motion tracking hardware. For new tech, I don't think the price is particularly extortionate.
Still too expensive for me personally, though, so I'll wait and see where the tech and pricing's at in a couple of years and go from there.
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It will also allow answering phones while playing. Real life phones.
Edit: PC Gamer comes with some leaked international prices. Bad news is, Valve do not use their usual $1=€1, it's much worse.
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