The game is Knights and Merchants, a RTS game with a twist: To make an army, you REALLY need an economy first!

To many it might remind the Settlers series or similar games. It is a game that is HARD in most missions, not because it needs a very high APM like most other RTS games (the game is pretty slow in Vanilla actually and will require A LOT of time), but because it really makes you think of your strategy a lot before implementing it.

Even if you have the resources to mass produce an army, you have to think if you should: Each unit has to be fed in real-time when hungry by your serfs. Also, which unit should you produce? Each type is strong or weak against another type. There are ~20 different types of civilian units you'll have to create, each with a different profession. Farmer, Baker, Butcher, Carpenter etc. Each resource you have to create will take multiple steps e.g. Iron ore -> Iron ore + coal = Iron -> Iron + coal = Sword -> Sword + Armor + Shield + Recruit = Sword Fighter, so the optimal production chain is as you understand very, very important!

So, you have a proper production chain. Do you NOW mass produce everything? NO! The most important resources (Gold, Iron, Coal and Stone) of the game are finite, and usually on the "low" side so you have to be careful. Thankfully the food is not!

For anyone that is interested in the game or wins this: DO NOT just download it and play it through Steam. After downloading it, go to the Knights and Merchants Remake Discord and download the latest beta. The Remake project is an amazing effort of a few people that love the game, and have written a ton of code in order to fix bugs, improve the game, add difficulty options to each mission, add Multiplayer with a decently active community, add multiple new Campaigns from the community and more!

To whoever enters and wins this giveaway, I only ask for you to actually play it! I will give one more copy to Playing Appreciated group + whitelist as well.

The giveaway (4 copies) is behind a small Jigidi and SGTools rules just to avoid autojoiners etc: NCGBK1MG

2 months ago*

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The game looks soooo interesting! Thank you for the giveaway!

2 months ago

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The game of my childhood. I really liked its graphic style that found perfect balance between fabulous and realistic touch. Thanks to great animations, it was a pleasure to simply watch your subjects bustling around their houses and workshops, doing their jobs.

2 months ago

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Exactly, it looks so lively! Always loved how the houses were built "one timber/stone at a time" after each hammer hit :D

I got the game from a PC magazine for free (ah, the nice years of early 00s....) when I was 7 or 8 years old, even before I got my first PC (had to play it on my aunt's)

2 months ago

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I played it so much as a child, but I doubt I ever beat the second mission. It was hard as nails but slow enough that I didn't feel obliterated every single time (even thou I probably was).

Between this, Stronghold, and Age of Mythology, you have my childhood in three RTS games :)

2 months ago

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I'll be honest, I didn't read the whole post. I am very tired. However I read your one liner and that reignited my interest in the game. Thanks, and sorry for not reading.

2 months ago

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No problem mate :D

2 months ago

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Not entering because already have it, but thanks to your post i'm thinking to try it soon, thanks!

2 months ago

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Already have the game, but bump for the Jigidi

2 months ago

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A childhood game, I played it for days on end)

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Just updated the title since I never mentioned it: The GA is open until 26th of July

2 months ago

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Small bump cause it's finishing in 4 days :)

2 months ago

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