Well, maybe. I'm only really interested in Broken Age from the hidden games so after about an hour dedicated to solving this puzzle I just gave up. But I'm sure there have been a few dozen people trying to solve it and only one person managed to do it by now.
Maybe it's easy if you know the logic but it seems it's quite hard to figure out the logic behind the puzzle. Edited at OP's request.
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So there's probably a further twist.
Think about a staircase, you can't climb it all at once.
You clearly didn't used correctly hint 6, and also 4 and 2.
It was written "Sharing hints, tips, etc. is not allowed."...
Would you edit or delete your post, please ?
(second part between "I haven't seen..." and "legit links")
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If you click OP's profile you can see the number of entries on the hidden games. They are all at 0 or 1 so it seems only Slide95 managed to solve the puzzle so far.
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Thanks for answering. I understand that this is your giveaway and your puzzle so you it's your privilege to reveal the solution at your solely discretion. I also understand that as you got so few solvers, you would feel like wasting the puzzle if you revealed it now, and instead you prefer to run it again with more enticing giveaways and (my suggestion) wider time window so you reach a greater audience and it is enjoyed by more people.
This said, and with all due respect (I don't want to challenge your decision in any way or complain about it - putting up a puzzle and having a giveaway takes work and is commendable) please bear in mind that from the player's point of view, playing a puzzle game and not getting the answer is like watching a mystery/detective tv series... for it to finish without explaining what was going on. It's frustrating, and one feels somewhat cheated.
My request would be that if you repeat this puzzle, you either commit to revealing the answer on that second run, or at least expressely indicate that no answer will be provided, allowing players decide if/how much time they want to invest.
Again, feel free to dismiss my request if you don't think it's fair, and have a nice day!
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First, I don't like your wording. It's not my privilege to reveal anything, but my freedom (and/or my pleasure). I never stated anything about what I'll be doing in the future, and used conditional wording about my intentions ("would" & "maybe" here).
Assimilating a puzzle with a tv series is wrong and quite insulting, because GA creators are paying to make GAs, that's the opposite of a tv series where watchers are paying. My money is not yours, and GA creators don't owe you your expectations.
Second your request is not fair because of the other puzzles lying around here on SG, to my knowledge there's no common rule of use to reveal the solution ! Even if you feel cheated, I never offered to show the answer after those GA ended. In fact, you're trying to fool me into revealing it like I should, when it's not the case.
I told this puzzle is quite easy and that's not a lie : one of the two (known) solvers did summarized the whole puzzle idea and solution in one single and simple sentence of eleven English words. Of course, you still have to find that idea, else it wouldn't be a puzzle.
TL;DR You're making things disgusting because you didn't solved a puzzle about which nobody told you you'd be able to solve it.
And about myself, I'm not solving most of the puzzles here, either by lack of time or interest, either because they're too difficult for me... I don't harass other people about the solutions, nor I give them advises on how to run better puzzles for me.
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I'll keep it short. An argument is something I wanted to avoid, so I tried to be very polite. My intention was to express a point of view and the feeling on my part, nothing else. It seems I failed miserably on both ends and even my wording tickled you off. My apologies.
I'm sorry if you felt insulted or thought I was trying to fool you. I assure you it was not the case at all.
I won't bother you again. Please have a nice day.
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No, sorry, I don't want to tell !
already said it here
As a side note, yes I confirm I got a message notification for each of your two posts asking for the answer :)
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Is it secret? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiLosOQP400
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Corbian's garden , a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist
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...yes of course I've hid a few eggs there... I'm letting you sort them out !
You start here !
Total 14 GA, nothing extraordinary I'm afraid.
Here's the list of games, if you want to know before visiting :
Stick Fight: The Game
Quantum Replica
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered
World of Goo
Broken Age
This War of Mine
Speed Brawl
Tilt Brush
Sharing hints, tips, etc. is not allowed. It's quite easy once you got the idea...
Hint #1 : Now Playing : Pink Floyd - The Dark Side Of The Moon
Hint #2 : Not Playing : Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
EDIT: 15 hours, not a single solver... wasn't thinking it was that tough !
about Hint #1, maybe you'd want to do an image search if not already done
Hint #3 : The Purloined Letter (Edgar Allan Poe)
Those three should make it too easy :
Hint #4 : Hmm... 5 characters to find, so there are colors and ... and ... oh wait!?
Hint #5 : When life's quite easy, which color is it ?
Hint #6 : If hungry, which egg would you eat first ?
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