Should we care?
Well here's something else to think about. How much stress and worry are you willing to give to this? Sometimes the less you know, the more bliss you have, the easier it is to have a positive attitude about a service. I also personally believe that many people who worry about other peoples' CV tend to be very ugly about it, and life's just too short.
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I don't care how much someone gives away or what they give away. I don't care about someone's level or CV. They're meaningless numbers that tell nothing about a person. I've seen high levels behave like complete dicks, and I've met lower level users who'd give you the shirt off their back if they could.
How one treats others speaks volumes about the worth of that person.
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I don't really care about CV past level 2, since that's roughly the point at which re-rolls become a non issue. Other than that I really don't mind who wins the giveaways I make, all that matters is that they activate and mark as received within a few days (although a thanks is appreciated and the number of people that don't bother to drop a comment after a win is saddening).
As to why people care about CV outside of when setting a new GA, not sure, elitism I guess.
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Oh, public gibs, I must admit I'm guilty of rarely doing those (and rarely doing GAs in general to be fully honest). The thing is I like making a batch of giveaways and use them as an excuse to make a thread or something so I usually end up making most of them private, to that add that I haven't bought a bundle in about a year and my reserve of keys is pretty much empty at this point.
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I knew some people did that, but I don't quite see the fun on doing it. I understand that it's a fast way to farm levels but it seems kinda pointless to me considering that winning games is completely random and I managed to get literally hundreds of wins by barely trying.
Also by far the most entertaining part of this site is the forum.
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I like to virtue signaling to everybody who is not like me, and point fingers to those who farm and those who give games with 0CV, and pretend hypocritically I'm a cool vegan/right/left/meater/meninist/feminist person
But I lost almost all my faith in the people on this site long time ago, so who cares.
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But I lost almost all my faith in the people on this site long time ago, so who cares.
Lol, agreed :D This website is great for giveaways (obviously), but the forum will kill your faith in humanity.
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Seeing what someone has given away usually tells me a bit about that person, and instead of being someones +1 there is a higher chance that someone would actually play the game given if they were a higher level, and have actually contributed to the site. Though lately I admit I haven't been as active as I used to be.
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Not to shoot myself in the foot as one of the people currently on your whitelist, but have you taken a look at Playing Appreciated? It's a group where winners are required to put in a good effort to beat the game within a month.
There's also this monthly event, where your giveaways serve as a reward and it's highly likely people will play them eventually as part of the event. (You can also just give freely to anyone in the group instead of during the event.)
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It's close to impossible to moderate the CV system with new trash being sold on various sites for cents day after day. It would be better to accept that higher level means nothing about generosity and character, but it's a bitter pill to swallow. Dev key giveaways, curation-promotions, proving that level 10 can be done cheap, games for a few rubels from russian sites, or just giving a few game every couple weeks for years. It never been that exclusive, elite group of wonderful people as some may to believe, spending money won't stop some one from being a bigot, a racist, a general asshole or does it mean that they care about you more than about their daily coffee.
There are many ways to reach high(er) levels, most are not giving top-wanted full price games just because they want to help or some other phantasmagoria. The CV-system is overglorified, like it's more than spending some money to get social recognition. (In case of free games for CV - the illusion of spending money to get the same recognition, there is no difference)
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Honestly? I care way more if someone leaves a sweet comment after winning their game than I do about their CV level.
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Well, I don't. Stopped to care at about ~5 level. I would prefer to give one good game over ten trash asset-flips, even if will result in less CV. And I only set level restriction on giveaways so that winner was at least aware how the site works - it's not a panacea, but helps to some degree.
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Hey, I appreciate everyone who gives, regardless of how much or how little they can give. It is the thought that counts more than the result. Some want to give and simply cannot afford to. I appreciate the desire to give to another, regardless of ability.
I appreciate being thanked after I send the gift, as I was taught that it is good manners to say "thank you" when given something, and I appreciate seeing others who have been taught this.
I currently run many of my giveaways about level 4. Why? I really don't know, other than that the one giveaway I had an issue with the recipient of was a level 1. Maybe I feel that trends are that "real people" (not bots) reached above level 1? At the same time I don't want to penalize those who are real, and not bots, who simply cannot yet afford to (or who for whatever reason choose not to) reach level 4. Maybe I should lower my restrictions?
I don't want to drive away the level 0 users who are people, who come on here and--if they don't win something fairly soon--might leave without a backwards glance. I'd rather encourage them so they stay and become part of this community. I was one of them a mere 728 days ago and, had I not won anything in the first while (month?) might have left. Instead, I won something, was welcomed by some old hands around the place, saw the site was legit (contrary to rumors i'd heard), stayed, have made excellent friends and many more acquaintances, learned about legitimate bundle sites such as Bundlestars & Humble, and have had my life enriched in countless ways. The least I can do is attempt to pay it forward to brighten someone else's life in a similar fashion to how mine has been brightened. Also, sadly, I've recently mostly been giving invite-only gifts or to groups that have monthly minimum requirements. I really ought to uptick my giving and make more public ones as finances allow.
Yet there is also this niggling all-too-human desire known in some circles as greed or merely want. I like getting CV. Why? Personally? For really no quantifiable reason other than that it is there to acquire. I would enjoy getting to see level 10 someday, if only to poke my nose in and look around and know that I got there. I like getting my CV, and prefer if I get enough entries to grant this. In a sense our CV-status can appeal to our pride ("look at what I did") or to our "anti-pride" ("that's all I've done" and even "that's all I've done/reached after all this work?!")
And herein lies the rub for many of us humans.... If we see someone achieving something more easily or quicker than we did, or (especially if they are advancing faster than us) in a way we feel is or might be unfair based on our understanding of the rules or "the way things are done" (unspoken rules that we follow), the human reaction is often to some degree a wee bit of jealousy, envy, a case of hey-that's-not-right-or-fair-itis, complaining, or similar. This reaction can also involve pride or patting ourselves on the back because we did it the right way (as we see it) or other [insert reason here].
(I am calling no one out, just commenting on a trait many of us humans share.)
Is this reaction understandable? Yes, sometimes. Is this reasonable? Maybe. Is it best? I'd like to say a flat "no," but if I did, then I'd be stepping on my own toes. ๐ It's sure a lot easier to say this than to live it. ๐ฐ
I am not trying to offend anyone, as I do try to not give offense. If I have offended inadvertently, I apologize.
We all need to remember above all that this site is about giving, not winning. Let us not lose site of this.
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if only to poke my nose in and look around and know that I got there
Maybe I'm missing the point of your post, can kinda already do that by turning off the "Hide giveaways above your level" option. โบ
this site is about giving, not winning. Let us not lose site of this.
Ha, puns.
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Maybe I'm missing the point of your post, can kinda already do that by turning off the "Hide giveaways above your level" option. โบ
Yes, I could (though I had forgotten about it temporarily, so thank you!) but it's not the same as knowing I'm there myself and could enter giveaways at that level if I so desired...(not to mention investigating the rumored hidden level 11 which is only accessible (visible?) from the rarefied air of level 10. :D )
I'm glad you caught and enjoyed the pun. ๐
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And herein lies the rub for many of us humans.... If we see someone achieving something more easily or quicker than we did, or (especially if they are advancing faster than us) in a way we feel is or might be unfair based on our understanding of the rules or "the way things are done" (unspoken rules that we follow), the human reaction is often to some degree a wee bit of jealousy, envy, a case of hey-that's-not-right-or-fair-itis, complaining, or similar. This reaction can also involve pride or patting ourselves on the back because we did it the right way (as we see it) or other [insert reason here].
(I am calling no one out, just commenting on a trait many of us humans share.)
This is pretty much it, right here. Great point.
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People actually care about other peoples CV?? I don't even really look at it. When I give away stuff I just want my games to go to someone who wants to own them, which they obviously do if they enter the giveaways. I only restrict the levels because I always seem to run into trouble with the winners at lower levels.
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I mean, personally, it doesn't matter to me. I think while this site's for gifting and winning stuff, a lot of people get into the classic mindset of "if I'm doing so much, you should too!". That's why a lot of people react to someone not knowing something as "WHAT, YOU DON'T KNOW THAT?!?!?!?". Similar thing happens here. "I gave away 20 AAA games this month! Why haven't you managed to do a single giveaway?" or something like that.
Don't take it too seriously. You do you :)
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"You must create lots of giveaways, otherwise you're a leecher."
"But don't give too much shovelware, otherwise you're a spammer."
"Don't give too many freebies either, otherwise you're gaming the CV system."
"But getting keys for pennies from shady resellers because they have a high return of investment is totally fine, if you're a generous gifter."
"Don't give only to groups, otherwise you're an elitist."
"But it's alright if you're a generous gifter, since you have given so much to (a small part of) the community."
"Leechers who enter everything and never give are a scourge, and must be blacklisted."
"Don't win too much, otherwise you're a collector."
"Play all your wins, even the most blatant trash, otherwise you're a farmer."
"But if you're a generous gifter you can collect and farm all you want, because you're so generous."
"By entering this giveaway for a game that I totally didn't buy for pennies from a shady reseller to farm CV (see point 4), you agree that you allow me to delete it if the key turns out to be a dud."
...and other jokes you can tell yourself.
- from "Steamgifts for dummies".
Mandatory /sarcasm disclaimer for those who live in a dimension without the concept of "sense of humour".
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You are welcome. :D It was entire in jest. While I am doing reasonably in terms of having a stable job, I am still at the bottom of my company's totem pole, so no CVs ever pass through my hands, except for my own. Glad you got a good laugh in.
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I care about my own CV ratio, but farming is difficult for me since I rarely buy bundles myself as well. I try to give a little more than I receive. So if I'm lucky and win more games than I can giveaway I get stressed out. This is also if I win a game I may have trouble beating since I'm trying to work through my backlog to join Playing Matters. So I hesitate to enter giveaways unless I really really want to play them and they have to have been bundled. I can wait till they get bundled and win them later.
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Ok I'll be the first to admit that lately I've been giving away stuff I got for free. Why? Because I love CV, right? I just can't handle myself, I have to farm it. Do I just want to share with as little as I have? No way, I must be desperate for that extra dollar on my CV.
You see, there were times money wasn't so much of an issue and I actually bought games to giveaway. Today I can't, but I really like giving when I can and however I can.
Now to the point, why do you care? I'm level 6 and most of my wins are massive giveaways or well below my level. In my experience "farming" isn't even worth it so why should I be so interested in how other people waste their time doing so?
Sorry, I just don't get it.
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