PS4 or XBOX One? (Level 1-3 Expresso Train Inside - 3h Left)
Both the Ps4 and the XBOX One are going to be soon everywhere on sale for the Neo and Scorpion. So... I don't know :(
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me too! I have to decide quickly... the price is, by far, the lowest seen in this whole year.
even my girlfriend is inclined to buy with me, I'm going to pay only half in thesis. :D
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Ponto Frio. méliuz que me mandou o email hoje avisando quem é cadastrado...
Como eles (méliuz) fazem o cashback, vou pagar R$ 1300 e eles vão me devolver R$ 300.
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I already have it. :P
I'm looking for something like kinect features + sofa feeling.
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besides the great exclusives titles, do you know any other motivation?
somehow xbox one really bright when it comes to overall pros and cons.
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me neither... but my girlfriend decided to pay half, so this kinda fits the budget at this time.
I had a PS3 and I totally agree with you... The PS exclusives tend to be way better than Xbox.
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Sony's drm *for movies is shit, that's the con for the ps4. Two downloads and you have to rebuy the content to download again.
Edit: Seems the stupid drm is just for their movies, not games.
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I think the same! I had a PS3 and I always envy the Xbox 360 DRM... :(
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Uh yeah, way wrong.
You have system activation. You can activate a single PSN account on two PS3 systems, two PSP / Vita systems and one PS4 system (and use as guest account on another PS4 system, which is a temporary activation). You can disable activations easy, from either the system or from PC, if you want to move the account to another system.
Once activated on a system, the account can download as much as you want, and all systems have full access to all the games on that account, even when using a different system account.
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Well, can't speak on movies (they aren't released on the NZ PSN store, and I buy DVDs instead of digital copies), but games are in no way limited downloads, making the earlier post false. Mind updating that to point out it is movies only?
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If you want the Kinect be sure it's included in the bundle, they are selling Xbox Ones without them for quite some time now. And if it's the new Xbox One S I think you will need an adapter to even be able to connect the Kinect to your Xbox. Also not all Xbox 360 games work on the Xbox One here a list of what they have at the moment
In general I would say look what console has the better exclusives and buy that one after all most games will be available on both platforms, also if you have a good Win 10 gaming PC a lot of the Xbox exclusives will be on that too.
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thank you for that list! I didn't know that. good to know how it works and how much this is compatible...
do you know if xbox 360 controller works on xbox one?
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Short answer: The Xbox One does not officially support 360 controllers.
Long answer: There is a kind of a work around for it. When you use your Xbox One and stream to your Win 10 PC (only works with Windows 10) and connect your controller to your PC. Than you can connect your PC to your TV and use the 360 controller on your PC to play Xbox One games on your TV. So you would need a Win 10 PC and a PC close by to your TV to make that work but even than I'm not sure if it's worth it because of the lag you could get because of this setup.
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PS4, I think better exclusives.
But an XBOX One for that price would be nice considering the usual high prices of Brazil.
However both the XBOX One and PS4 are getting an upgrade with better versions. So maybe the old ones will drop price. We don't know...
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I'm going to search more about these new versions.
After lordhellfire comment (a few comments later), I think that's a strong point to consider.
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I'm considering this a little (just a little because the best games that I had in PS3 was in both platforms imo)
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I have had both since launch and the Xbox has pretty much collected dust. I don't get why anyone would buy one.
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I would choose PS4 for its exclusive games, in my opinion they are better than the xbox. Because apart from the exclusive games both console are the same, you can play most of the games in both and there is not much difference. So my recommendation is check the exclusive games of each console and see which ones you like most
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I think that too, but almost all games that I really played hard on PS3 had on both platforms.
I think if I buy a Xbox One I'll not miss the exclusives games. It is a point to consider but today I'm aiming at other features.
thank you for comment! :D
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To considerando isso também, mas os exclusivos não pesam tanto assim na minha vida...
A maioria dos jogos que eu tinha do PS3 que eu curti demais (a saga toda do Assassin's, por exemplo) não eram exclusivos.
Isso é que é foda. Na prática os exclusivos nem fizeram tanta diferença pra mim enquanto eu tinha o PS3.
O que realmente pesou pra compra um PS3 foi o online grátis. Agora que os dois pagam, to mais pro Xbox.
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I'm already considering this option here. xD
If I get convinced to get a PS4, I'll skip the promo, so it is like the none option. :P
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Kinect is crap, that's why there's not even a connection for it on the new Xbone.
You need to use an adapter if you still want to use Kinect on the new model.
Apart from that, what exclusives are important for you? Which infrastructure are you already heavily invested in? Xbox Live or PSN +?
There are a lot of 360 titles that will run on the Xbox but will you really get around to replaying them? Better than paying for them again of course ;)
Edit: Just remembered. Generally, at least here in EU, Xbox Live runs smoother and downloads are much faster than PSN. We hardly had any problems with Xbox Live if online playing or downloading stuff is important for you.
Streaming, Youtube etc. will probably vary a lot in different countries.
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really? like... the new kinect (the boxy one) made for xbox one is "incompatible"?!
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The latest slim Xbone needs an adapter to connect the Kinect. They decided to save the costs and space for the hardware as Kinect is more or less a flop (again).
The adaptor may be free or may cost money, I can't remember.
If you're buying the original Xbone that's no problem.
Edit: Free for "upgraders" for limited time only:
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that's a very solid reason to consider PS I admit... but most of my PS3 games was non-exclusives.
I think, in practice, I may never care for that...
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I use ps4 to play destiny with friends, other than this i feel like xbox has better exlusive titles right now along with the fact that the subscription games are also much better almost every single month since they usually aim at games that work in both 360 and one, which makes it amazing in terms of "free" games per month.
Personally i would pick xbox one if you are to play alone or meet random people and become friends with them. Since there are less people using the system anyways, so chances that you know someone that has one are lower than having someone you know with a playstation 4.
I should add that playstation 4 in my opinion has a much better operating system layout and more "newb" friendly, i dislike the operating system on xbox console since they removed the old xbox 360 OS. I bought xbox one on day one here, half a year before i bought ps4 and i admit that i still have no damn clue how to fully use the xbox one in terms of settings and stuff like that. Playstation is much easier to learn and adapt.
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Interesting... I'll have to search about the popularity of Xbox One in Brazil. Thank you for make me consider this.
I thought the same when I was discovering things on my friend's xbox...
Definitively Xbox OS is my type. I really like to config every single option to pleases my taste.
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I'll try to choose one. If none pleases me, I think I'll skip this promo. xD
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Today there are only two reasons to consider buying XBOX One today:
These are two perfectly valid reasons to but XB1. But in every single other way PS4 today is better.
And the most important word here is "today".
Next month or something like that there will be PS4 Pro. It is essentially overclocked PS4 with two overclocked PS4 GPU's. And with it's price tag it will have best GPU power to price ratio on the market. PC GPU with that much power costs in best case scenario 250$, and you will need to buy the rest of the PC to use it.
Next year we will have XBox Scorpio. Which will have more or less a PS4 Pro GPU + PS4 classic GPU. And this is where it get's complicated, because we don't know XB Scorpio price. And it might not be as great as it sounds, because of the low game budgets.
It gets slightly complicated, and I will slightly oversimplify things. Just a heads up - I've got no time to explain it in all details, and all non nerds would et bored very quickly.
Imagine that you are developing a new game. And you have a limited budget. So you need to spend it as efficiently as possible. So you never work on graphics to look as good as possible on top tier PC. You work to get best looking graphics for as many players as you can. This means that you work on the graphics considering your biggest user base. And today it is PS4. (most multiplatform games sells most copies on PS4) So this will be your target. PS4 Pro, XB1, PC - all will be based on PS4 edition, with some graphic options changed for scaling purposes - resolution, shadow quality, AA, etc.) Also PS4 version will be the one which is most optimised. And here is the problem. Because even some CPU bound games work today better on PS4 than on XB1 (like Assetto Corsa), and XB1 got faster CPU. So after a little under a year with PS4 Pro on the market XB1 might fall behind PS4 even more. And developers will have even less incentive to optimise games for XB1 and Scorpio. So it might be more powerful. Games will look better, but it might be only slightly better, and the framerates might still be worse than PS4 (and fps are much more important than resolution) Some developers with a lot of cash might optimise all three editions to the max, but it will be done only if they expect about 2 milion (maybe a little less for less expensive games) copies sold on every single platform, and only 6 games passed that mark on XB1.
Of course this is only assumption. Microsoft might release some great first party titles which will boost sales of XB1 to the point where it will be primary platform, and it might make Scorpio the best console ever. But take note that high end PC today is already much more powerful than Scorpio will be next year (and also it is much more expensive) So think about your budget, and also notice that PC games are in most cases cheaper. So if you play a lot of games the console might eventually get more expensive.
Also if you are a fan of Gears of War, Halo or Forza - there is just no choice for you, get XBox. But if you prefer God of War, Uncharted, Little Big Planet or Driveclub - take PS4. If you are a fan of Civilization - PC. Software is and always was more important than the hardware.
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The PS4 Pro has to sell a lot first before devs will spend the extra money and effort to optimize for it's capabilites. Just because it's technically more advanced doesn't mean the majority of titles in the future will utilise it's performance. Same goes for Scorpio of course. But if a dev releases a game that is markedly inferior on one platform then that's their bad programming. The majority will only have slight differences in framerate, loading times etc. Noticeable but not deal breaking.
But anyway, it looks like it's supposed to be a family gaming machine for fun which kind of makes performance differences a moot point.
OP already has PC/Steam
Edit: Disappointing that Sony elected to not make the PS4Pro a 4K HDR player.
More sales for Samsung,, Panasonic or MS etc then :D
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I know for a fact that one new upcoming AAA title with 50+ million dollar budget got exactly one person working on PS4 pro optimization. It is enough to add checkerboard upscaling technology (with algorithm and implementation received directly from Sony), and adjust shadow resolutions, AA and other settings. My guess is that it won't change for at least a year or so, and only first-party games will be properly optimised for PS4 Pro.
And you're right. Developers won't release clearly broken port for Scorpio. Problems with framerates won't be deal breaking. And I am convinced that majority of games will look better on Scorpio. 4,4 vs 6 TFlops just is enough to brute-force better visuals. My concerns are with framerates. It can't be brute-forced. I expect more tearing, 2-3 fps less in average game (don't quote me on that, it's just my educated guess) and possibly some frame-pacing problems. Not a tragedy, but noticeable.
Also I don't think that the resolution will make a significant difference. The checkerboard rendering gives much better results than I expected, and generally difference between 4k and 1080p is less noticeable than between 720p and 1080p. Human eyes are just too close with our native resolution to screen native resolution to make a big difference.The big Scorpio advantage over PS4 Pro will be higher texture resolution. This is the part which will be noticeable. Why? Early Scorpio motherboard renders strongly suggest that Scorpio will have 12 GB of RAM. (probably with 384-bit bus, instead of 256-bit one for extra speed, but again - this is only an educated guess)
And no matter what hardware does the console has, it is software that matters. 4,4 vs 6 TFlops are just numbers, they don't matter in the end. Final Fantasy VII is still considered one of the best games of all times and it had 15 fps target cap in battles (and sometimes missed it). Technically wonderful "The Order 1888" was so dull that I fallen asleep at 5 p.m., and "Life Is Strange" kept me awake at night. I can't remember any campaign from any of the Battlefields, but I still get chills after hearing "Do you feel like a hero yet?" The Last Of Us vs Quantum Break - those are the things which matter, not CPU's and GPU's.
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I watched a playthrough of Quantum Break where they also took the time to read all the stuff. More than half the game is log entries, e-mails and background information which you would miss in a normal playthrough! Also some stupid minor stuff in the game where you have to use your time powers instead of just climbung over a fence etc. - really disappointing considering who made it.
TLOU - that clicker sound is so iconic :)
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that's a very convincing comment to be honest. the best one so far (didn't read the whole topic yet)...
I didn't know about any other possible versions of PS4 or XBOX One. I really need to search about it because the prices will fall down when they releases those powerful versions of the actual consoles. The main reasons that I'm inclined to Xbox is because software. I really like the exclusives of PS3 when I had one, but I mostly bought and played non-exclusive games. I was pretty happy with PS3 because I didn't had to pay to play online. Now that both charges, I see no real advantage to have a PS anymore (besides every single point you said).
I'll have to consider everything you said and my "today" needs in the next hours. Thank you very much! Most useful comment by far!
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I’m glad I can help.
Choosing console because of the software is the Best choice possible. PS4 is the first ever that most powerful console on the market is also the best selling one. Wii was in fact two Gamecube’s and some duct tape, and it sold over 100 million units, about 20 mil more than anyone else that generation. PS2 had slightly over half of the processing power of fist Xbox, and it outsold it 5 to 1. The list goes on.
There are three upcoming consoles. PS4 Pro will be the first one to arrive. It is an overclocked PS4, with doubled the core count in the GPU. It will cost about as much as regular PS4 during its launch, and PS4 slim (with the same hardware as regular PS4) will be about 25% cheaper.
Next one is Xbox Scorpio. Announced officially few months after full PS4 Pro specs were leaked. It will be much more significant upgrade than the one which Sony is preparing. It will have about 4 times more powerful GPU than current Xbox One. Also it will probably have 12 GB RAM instead of 8 GB from PS4/XB1. It will not be a simple overclock like it’s competition. GPU will be next gen cores. It is both good information (more graphical fidelity for game developers) and bad one (might have some minor compatibility issues – but not game breaking ones) There is a big question about its core architecture and ESRAM, but it is more game developer problem, not user one. It might affect optimization though. The price will be known in about 6-9 months.
The last one new console is Nintendo NX. Home console/handheld hybrid. Possibly less powerful than XB1, with a big lineup of Mario and Zelda games. Devkits are based upon nVidia’s Tegra X1. It is not sure if it is a placeholder, or final build. There is a possibility that it will be based on Tegra X2, placing it more or less somewhere between XB1 and PS4.
But like I said – it doesn’t really matter how powerful it is. You can’t play Sunset Overdrive on PS4 Pro, Zelda on Xbox Scorpio nor Bloodborne on NX. If you really want to buy console, than look at the exclusives list and think which games would you like to play best. Most multiplatform games will look very good on both current gen consoles (and it is a big unknown for the NX), probably they will look better on PS4 than on XB1, and better on Scorpio than on PS4 Pro. In most cases expect better framerates on Sony’s Hardware for at least next 12-24 months, with some exceptions. Later it will depend on Scorpio’s success. Remember, you won’t play in TFlops or gigabytes of RAM. You will play in games – and they matter.
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também acho! o problema é que o PS4 só tem os exclusivos de bom...
agora que paga pra joga online, eu sinceramente to por cima do muro.
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PS4 has better exclusives but (IMO) a shittier controller. PSN gets hacked every other week it seems. Microsoft makes terrible console decisions and has lackluster exclusives.
TBH I own an Xbone but rarely use it for anything except Netflix. Just stick with PC and spend your console money on expensive Steam games you want to play.
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I really like the PS3 controller. If the PS4 is as good as the PS3 or better I'll be totally happy.
I have to say that my experience with PSN was pleaseant when it was free... I don't think PSN worth any payment although. :O
I want to buy this to my girlfriend... she did really like the kinect thing (me too, lots of laugh).
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Quick poll!
In 3h one brazilian store will sell Xbox One for something around $300 (with one controller and one lego game).
I need answers because I don't know if I wait for a better deal to buy an PS4 (if it is better than Xbox One of course)
The pros I know having a Xbox One is that I can play Xbox 360 titles and the Kinect is awesome for almost any situation (specially parties). In the other hand, I don't know any PS4 cons. :T
Mandatory Gib Expresso Train!!
Don't you forget to BUMP da topic please (after all it is only 3h topic)! :DDD
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