Hi, maybe someone can answer me here :)

I have a question.
If I have a 2-Pack or 4-Pack (ROW), and i leave in, for example, Russia. When i will redeem the game from the pack, the gifts extra copies will be CIS or ROW ?

I mean of course for a game who have RU/CIS restriction if i buy it in Russia. Means also i got the 4-Pack by an american trader for example so a no-tag pack.

If someone can answer me it could be great :)

Thanks to you for reading me anyway :)

10 years ago*

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It should follows the Store region it originates from.

And it is not possible, technically, to 'redeem' the pack. It's assigned automatically on buyer's account. If you receive 2 or 4 packs, it's being exploited.

10 years ago

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What you mean by "it is not possible, technically, to 'redeem' the pack" ?
A 2-Pack or 4-Pack can be giftable so sent to a friend.

Or maybe the term "redeem" is the problem, english is not my main langage so I meant "add the game to library".

So what I meant was : i add the game in my library, then i get 3 extra copies in inventory, giftable copies. I was talking about those copies, they will not be region locked ?

10 years ago

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These copies will have the same region as the pack they came from. If the pack was RU/CIS only, then so will the copies be.

As for "giftable 2-Packs" or "giftable 4-Packs", it is not (to my knowledge) possible to buy them without exploiting a bug in the Steam store.

10 years ago

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Really ? We can see frequently people who trade 4-Pack on the steam forums, or steamtrades, or other sites. It's weird.

In my case, you're right and wrong, I explain : I can't buy Portal 2 2-Pack cause I already own the game, but I can buy as gift Tropico 5 Pre-Order 2/4-Pack, even if I already own the game. And without exploiting a bug, so I don't know if it's because it's a pre-order, or maybe steam does an mistake but i can for this game :/ I don't understand very well why ^^

But btw, thanks for the answer, row pack => row gifts, restricted pack => restricted gifts :)

10 years ago

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Some games come automatically as 2-packs and can be bought as gift without using any exploits. For example, Gun Monkeys, Frozen Synapse, Aerena, etc.

10 years ago

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I was wirting my answer, thanks for adding this ;)

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by nomadUsagi.