You could try Slay the Spire: It is a rogue-lite and each attempt is divided into three acts and you usually die at the end of an act.
If you stop/pause at the end of every act, you can get a reasonably constant duration (~20 minutes IIRC).
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In the same genre I'd recommend Nowhere Prophet.
Just as mentally engaging with a grittier story.
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I tend to play difficult games with short runs then do the tasks when I die - Enter the Gungeon, Skul: Hero Slayer, Dead Cells.
Maybe that's something you could try.
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Enter the Gungeon reminds me of Relic Hunters. I'll try this one.
Thank you for the tips!
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Be sure to check out Nuclear Throne, too, which is faster and more dynamic, while also fulfilling your needs
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Maybe some idle game, that runs even if the game is closed?
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Yes and no. There's some games that take time to recharge [Kinda stuff you'll find in mobile games], like Wanderland.
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Maybe Minako or something like it? It's very niche but I like it
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It's like never on sale haha unfortunately. It would have done a lot better I think with a bit more patience etc.
Also I can Into the Breach one mission at a time but it's maybe too long - you would need to look it up - good look though!
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Book of Demons basically lets you decide how big/small each dungeon is, might be similar to what you are looking for
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I'll put it on my wish list. It looks like a mix of Torchlight II and The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (two great games, btw).
Thank you, lordx88w!
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This probably falls under a specific subgenre (Time/Resource Management) of the Management genre.
A fantastic example of this would be Cultist Simulator. It's a game about waiting for and managing timers and for some inexplicable reason, it's absolutely mesmerizing (the music alone is just >chef kiss<). It can get overwhelming though in the late game (since you have to keep track of a bunch of timers and set them off juuust right ; also has the potential to just devour your day if you let it), so another suggestion I can make would be FTL. It's not a Management type of game but there are fixed turns and rounds as you inch ever closer to the final battle and not only can you pause at any time to gather your wits, pausing is the meta.
I think the important thing that separates 4X games and the games you enjoy is that the games you enjoy being able to pause the game. Not in the sense that there are blank spaces where there is little to nothing to do but in the sense that pausing is a mechanic that allows you to stop, take a break, and look around and gather your thoughts, without ever worrying about losing track of things (unlike in 4X's where you absolutely will lose track due to how big and cluttered the maps get lategame). I think you it would help you a lot to look for games that allow you to pause your game as an innate mechanic and then cater your tastes from there.
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I added FTL to my wish list. Thanks, KoRayven!
Cultist Simulator has been on my wish list for some time, and now it probably goes to the top of the queue in the next Steam sales.
Reminds me a little of The Shrouded Isle, that I've tried a few times but never managed to win (I need to try again calmly, to try to find out where I'm going wrong... I found it very difficult).
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So, I got FTL as a gift. I installed and played for a few hours (while doing some other tasks, of course). And... it's really addictive!
But even in the easy way I don't think I managed to get very far in my first three attempts. The game is apparently simple, but it is very challenging. : )
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I love both This War of Mine and This is The Police though I can't think of similar games, the closest I can think of is Massive Chalice but the turns sometimes takes more than ten minute. Maybe also Into The Breach and Wilmot's Warehouse.
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This War of Mine is one of my favorite games in recent years.
I already sent the game as a gift to several friends 😊 and I played This is the Police because Steam suggested it, telling me they were similar.
I've tried Massive Chalice a few times. The visual is very nice and I like turn-based games a lot, but the battles seem a little unfair, and I always ended up losing a soldier no matter how careful I am. 😢 In my last attempt it took me a long time to go through a map, walking a little at a time and leaving the characters' health at maximum, and even so I was ambushed and lost some characters... this in the second or third battle of the game (at beginning). 💀
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Maybe it will be interesting ?
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Ei, este parece bom (apesar de ter cara de demorado). It reminds me a little of Endless Legend.
Thanks, lionheart987!
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Thank you, StrawberryCrisis!
I added it to my wish list. The gameplay resembles Guild of Dungeoneering, which is incredibly fun.
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I only played Disciples for a very short time so I can't guarantee too much. But Eador was giving me a huge blast. It's kinda similar to Heroes of Might and Magic series if you have tried it before, featuring a content rich universe of its own.
Though you were right. Just like the reviews pointed out, there are some issues with the game. But personally, I never felt like they affected my experience that much ;)
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I don't have the fiber to pause a game like that in the middle! I even tried to use a kitchen timer to limit the time, but I always 'tinged' in the middle of a battle or another important scene! 😂
XCOM and Shadowrun work reasonably well, although the battle shifts take a little time (but then I compensate by doing more tasks between one battle and another). Fallout 3 is in my backlog (I want to start when I really have time to enjoy the game, since Fallout II played for a million hours when I was a child, before Steam existed ... maybe it was the game I played the most, when Civilization III side). The others are on my wish list.
Great recommendations, Geosol!
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Maybe Astrologaster if you don't mind interactive fiction. It's like a quack doctor simulator. A series of patients will come to you with their problems, and you choose how to treat them. If you leave sound on, you could listen to the voiced patients while doing housework and come back to make choices whenever.
Another game in a similar choose-your-own-adventure vein is The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker. It's an FMV mystery game.
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Not OP, but I have anxiety issues, and just feel overwhelmed and curl up when I try to do too many chores at once. Mixing and matching chores and free time lets me stay more focused. People with ADHD or similar disorders may also need similar escape mechanisms
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DecadentHamster touches on an interesting point. And speaking of similar subjects, I have already had the impression that dedicating myself only to tasks is frustrating and useless... after all, what is the point of cleaning the house if it will be all messed up in a short time? and then there is not always time left to dedicate myself to myself without any other concern.
A parenthesis: the only times I really put everything aside to play (even my master's dissertation, my house, everything) is when my sister calls me to play Borderlands. She had (and is still recovering from) depression, and playing together was one way I found to approach and make it clear that I am always on hand when she needs it. Our relationship improved a lot after that (but the biggest credit is from the psychologist, and herself, of course). I love my little sister. ❤️
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I laughed a lot reading this, but then I cried a little... lied, I'm exaggerating (with crying, not with laughter)
I know, we are just debating these things that are out of our control. Your first comment didn't bother me in any way, and I would like to be able to do all the tasks at once and then be free... but I am not always able to do that.
Whitelisted you when I read your first comment, btw.
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A game that can use pause.
Shortly ending, automatic save every stage.
Or a game that ends in 5 minutes.
or Puzzle?
No time limit.
Such things.
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Oh, but I am a piece of shit that has no fiber to pause a game. 😊 I commented in another post that I tried to use a timer to set the game time, but I always end up 'cheating' when I'm in the middle of a battle or an important scene. Eventually It works ... but I end up doing a lot less chores than I should.
Thanks for the list and the other tips, I will try some of these games soon, Kappaking!
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oh geez i saw spacechem on Kappa's list, and I somehow agree with this choice. :)))
It's the first commercial puzzle game from Zachtronics, and i don't know if it's really "puzzle" in wise of "find the solution", I'd say it's more like "create your solution" game. You can encounter a puzzle, give it some tries to get the basic idea of what's needed, and then go do some choir while thinking of a better solution. I had some A-ha moments for this game while washing dishes, vacumming the house ect.
If you think you're into what I just said then please give it a try, it's a brilliant and f-ing difficult game :D
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Ah, I've seen this game a few times and I was very interested, but it gave me the impression that it is a game that gets bigger and bigger and more and more complicated. 😵
Well, I don't know if that's right but remember, in a way, like Prison Architect and Banished (great games, btw) where you are increasing your prison or village more and more, continuously, forever... 🙃
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When i used to rotate my games, i usually only play boring or difficult games. The rotation is kinda like switch each game between x tries or x hour.
If you want to play difficult games tho, maybe try
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It's more of a precision platformer though, hahah. Anyway, hope you'll like it!
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Here are some off the top of my head and recent ones:
Roguelike deck builders: Neoverse, Vault of the Void, Hadean Tactics, Across the Obelisk, Neurodeck, Banners of Ruin, Quantum Protocol
Casual party game: knight squad 2
TD: Crypto: Against All Odds - Tower Defense, GemCraft - Frostborn Wrath, gun bots
Strategy: hero among us, battle cruisers, kilta, Raiders! Forsaken Earth
Sim: Hell's High Harmonizers, CyberHive
You can check out some other games in our lists
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I like your style rurnhani, I do a similar thing.
I think this game will work for you, it is still in early access but is pretty good:
A run through of each level to the boss will take about 10-15 minutes, and about 15-20 minutes on the later levels.
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Well, as it must happen with some gamers, sometimes I get overloaded with work or household chores... and without much enthusiasm to finish anything (shame on me).
When this happens, I usually play games that have fixed rounds, alternating each turn with a task. For example: I put the clothes to wash and play one turn, wash the dishes and play another turn, and so on… This helps me to do some tasks without feeling overwhelmed or sad because I am unable to dedicate a lot of time to myself or because I don't take care of my house and other responsibilities (ok, it's weird, but it works).
So… I need very specific games, which have regular time shifts. Like This War of Mine (which was the first game I won here, four years ago) and This is The Police I and II, which divide the shifts into days, where you perform some actions and then end the round.
4x games don’t work, because the initial turns of the game are very fast (since you have little to manage), and the final turns are too long (since you have a million cities, soldiers, workers and enemies to worry about). The ideal is that the turns always have an approximate duration (around 10 minutes, perhaps?).
If you can recommend something that can help me (while I still have fun) I will be very grateful. : )
For those who have not yet had the opportunity to play any of the games I mentioned, click here.
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