Hello there,

Today I got an account alert that prevents me from trading and buying games. I got it while I was trading TF2 items and the Steam message thinks that my account got hijacked, it even shows where the hijack attempt was made and its near my area of living so there is obviously some kind of mistake by the automated system.

Anyways the main question is how long does it take for Steam support to restore my account and can this happen again? For years I never had an issue with trading, this is the first time.

Thank you!

1 year ago

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kinda similar thing happened to me last dec. I got flagged due to a comment on a profile of me asking about a trade on a comment, just an unharmful question if a certain game is still available for trade, no suspicious links whatever and someone reported my comment- most likely the profile owner. Steam sent me an alert that my account might be involved in recent similar type of scams or whatever so they locked my account in case it maybe hacked or somethin. When I asked why and how, they pointed out the flagged comment which I found out really weird since it isn't malicious in any way.

Anyway Steam is quite fast to act tho, just respond to the steam alert. I got mine unlocked in a couple of hours, the sad thing tho is they deleted all my recent comments in screenshots, reviews and also cancelled all my pending friend invites and no way of reversing it, Aside from that everything went back to normal but the tf2 trading became available after 3 days more or less- steam support said some functions might have a fix delay after unlocking the account.

1 year ago

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Just got my password reset and the alert removed but I still got a 5 day trade restriction and a bunch of my items from the community market got sent back to my inventory. What a pain in the ass.

1 year ago

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