How's that?
Contact the giveaway creator. Mark the giveaway as not received until the creator sends you a new key and activate it on your account. May reference this topic/screenshot when contacting.
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Go to the page aurorable said, find that GA, then click on the circle for "not received".
EDIT: OP has done this.
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I hadn't realized Steamgifts was grey market. Or a market at all, really.
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Because it has a point, although it's not obvious. If you use SG, which means that you win and activate gifts/keys from other people, then you should also be aware of the fact that they might not be obtained legally, and be prepared for eventual consequences. Winner didn't do anything wrong, he just had bad luck, happens to everyone of us. But Ekaros didn't mean to insult anybody. If I told my child the sentence you wrote above, I also wouldn't have bad intentions to insult him or make him sad, I'd mean it more like a joke and a lesson to him, how to not do the same mistake twice.
It's almost the same as those people who are joining 3 copies of GTA V given away by new user. I mean of course, there is a chance that those giveaways are legit and creator will deliver those games, but the chance is almost none, and in this case the chance for legality of those games was similar. He gave away the same game in mass quantities, he's been selling the same game in mass quantities to other people, in exchange for other games. This smells so fishy that I'd say it's almost your own fault for falling into the trap, even if we both know that you didn't do anything wrong.
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Not sure who "didn't realize that people here are also giving away games that are coming from frauds, G2A and other unknown suspicious sites." That person is very silly, whoever they are, and I'm sorry they shook your faith in humanity. Meanwhile, completely unrelated to that, however, I thought markets generally made you buy the products you got from them. Well, I guess car markets sometimes take trade-ins, but you still usually have to pay them something.
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I didn't mean to insult you, I wasn't sure if you actually used sarcasm or really believed in what you've written.
Use common sense. If you buy thing off grey market, then sell it in legit shop, does it in any way changes the fact that it was obtained illegally? Moreover, that shop that is trading the thing further should be considered as grey market too, right? They didn't obtain the item legally either. And that's why SG in fact can be called as grey market, because you can't verify that every user making a giveaway here is legit.
I don't like to call it so, because in fact nobody is selling anything here, but there WERE cases when people got into trouble JUST by activating an illegal key, and as you may guess - they weren't even aware of that fact. If my post helped at least one user to understand better potential risks of using the website such as this, then I'm happy that I wrote it.
Still, I'm sad that people are ripping off game developers. Scammer probably doesn't even understand that he probably killed another indie dev or company, which will most likely never sell things on steam anymore.
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I apologize for being a little snippy at you. Anyhow, the main point was only that I don't really consider SG a "market". (So, yes, I did "believe in what I'd written," but not in the sense you described it.) But it also seemed like Ekanos was chiding the OP for using SG in the first place, which seemed unjustified, so I was also being a bit... "sarcastic" isn't EXACTLY the right word, but facetious (in a somewhat pedantic manner). If there actually have been cases where people have gotten in hot water specifically for using keys from SG though (and I trust you're correct), beyond simply not getting to keep the keys, then whatever nitpicks I might raise about the definition of "market," you do have a point, and it doesn't hurt to make people aware of that.
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I guess I have been really lucky then with the few games I have bought from G2A. Since Its been well over a year since my last one and I still have em all. Then again I buy from them and not one of the other offer groups they put up at times. Though I have not bought anything from them in a long time now.
( Games I have picked up from them.. CoD BO2,AC3,AC Black Flag.. and I think one or two other games that I can not remember for sure at the moment.. since.. well its been a while lol. )
Not saying it has not or does not happen with them.. But that has not been my experience so its hard for me to be against them. ( Keep in mind I always payed the small bit extra for the "guarantee" thing. ( Since at the time I got the games they where still cheaper than elsewhere. Though I know they have been on sale for better prices since then.. Well. All except BO2. )
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Someone did the credit fraud scheme again, sold the keys for cheap on the grey market in a couple days before steam noticed the credit card fraud steam took appropriate action and now the keys are useless but the original scheme master has already made off with the profits.
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Since the GA was 3 weeks ago you may not be able to change it to not received. Put in a ticket and let the GA creator know. He might have bought it off of G2A or somewhere similar and may not be aware that the original buyer pulled this.
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You are able to change feedback as long as the GA is there, regardless of time.
(if <7days: received / unmark received)
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Which is nice if game gets revoked like that, but also opens a loophole for abusers and rule-breakers.
I'd probably still prefer to let support handle feedback changes made after a month of doing a giveaway. Or a year, anything but not infinite.
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Well, when one copy gets marked as not received, that one no longer counts as games sent.
So they actually gave 24 copies while some are being marked as not received.
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"If something looks suspicious on the Internet, then don't buy it..."
#G2A ? :P
Thankfully there's no real loss to a revoked win. In fact, if you're reliable in playing wins as you get them, you may have even already completed the game, thus getting the gameplay and trading cards at no CV-ratio-change.
Though, I suppose the real concern of someone deliberately using scammed keys on SG would be rapid level increase and stealing legitimate keys off of SG, before their inevitable suspension.
In fact, at the quantities of the creator in question, SG staff may perma-suspend them either way..
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I'd imagine the odds of that are low-
It's something that can be directly fixed by purchasing the keys in question, so SG staff is likely to let it remain open.
I mean, if they haven't put certain people on perma-ban by now, I imagine it'd require walking up to cg in person and kicking him in a sensitive area, to actually get perma-banned :P
Not that I don't know staff whose previous trigger-happy behavior suggests that they'd likely gladly use the option, but I imagine only cg has the power to utilize it, which may be one of the reasons we don't see it used often.
Besides, everyone knows you have to say the word "Free" to get perma-banned.
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The main reason you don't see it often is because most users that get it are people who never post in the forum. Keep in mind that there are almost 900 000 registered users (as for active users, my guess would be somewhere between 50 000 and 100 000), and the discussions section only consists of a few hundreds regular posters (maybe a thousand at best). But permanent suspensions aren't exactly rare, it happens several times a day.
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We were told there's a difference between perma-ban (Which you can never come back from) and perma-suspension (which you can). We're referring specifically to the first.
Perma-suspensions are ridiculously common to stumble across on the site, in large part because certain users keep coming back from them.
If the first doesn't actually exist, then there's really no hope for a final resolution on some of the more exasperating users, and that just emphasizes the "people get endless strikes if they're repeat abusers, but new users are treated far too harshly" element that many of us have noted.
Sure, you can SAY "this time it's final," but it's not like we've much encouragement to believe it :'P
Well, staff has done a great job of building up my respect over the past few months of communication [even if my trust is still a bit damaged], so I'm certainly not indicating anything too negative.
But as has been noted before, true or not, there's the common belief that you can continue to break rules and get away with it, while new users get no leeway whatsoever.
Certainly, that's been my experience.
Of course, in the case of the perma-suspended users we've seen returning, it seems that each time they do resolve any outstanding regifting issues (though apparently it doesn't take them too long to get suspended for it yet again -.-;), but they continue to violate the more social expectations of SG,
Well, I'm not really too concerned by it, but it is kinda a running gag of sorts by this point :P
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Ah, yes, a real ban can only be done by cg. It's almost never used, because there isn't really any reason to use that rather than a permanent suspension, as far as I know it has only been used when an user has been spamming tickets after getting a permanent suspension (since you can't contact support once banned). And although you have a possibility to appeal a permanent suspension, most users never come back from it.
I can't do much about that common belief. I know for a fact that it's not how really it is, so to be honest I don't really care about how people think it is.
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I know for a fact that it's not how really it is, so to be honest I don't really care about how people think it is.
Well I hold your word in high regard, so that's something toward affecting belief.
Unfortunately, my own personal experience with the treatment of myself as a new user was a shameful display by staff [even if later interactions have been primarily positive], and there's no denying that certain users do keep coming back from permanent suspension- I've personally witnessed one individual come back from it three times, and that's just the times I noticed.
So your fact may be true on the whole, but it's certainly not absolute.
As for the rest, that, I believe, was primarily a facet of staff not communicating well [and thus giving misleading impressions], something which I personally feel has improved since the time threads on the topic came up several times. In fact, the impression is likely better due to the responses to such threads, and the staff's continued emphasis that a 3-strikes rule is in place for rule-breaking.
Again, at this point I think it's moved from real concern to an ongoing gag reference, but there's certainly still a bit of vagueness to the whole affair.
(As always, thank you for taking the time to elaborate things for us. :) )
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You're not the person who decides whether particular case should result in permanent suspension or not, so don't try to act like you know better, because you do not. Every case is different, as well as every human who interacts with this site. Together with KnSYS we analyze some of the rule breakers that SGT catches, and it only shows how much people can assume things wrong, when in reality so-called rule-breaker can be in fact a victim of very nicely done trap or fraud, which he doesn't even understand. A good example is what happened here, I bet you'll be the first guy reporting all people who didn't mark game that got revoked as not received, only because a blind tool like SGT said so, while the affected user doesn't even know what happened, neither he had bad intentions or broke the rules.
He will be punished literally for winning a game obtained during a fraud, most likely without even understanding what happened, because it's easier for people to jump on the witch hunt train and say "that guy is a rule breaker, look here, SGT says he didn't activate his win" without even stopping for 5 seconds asking yourself if he's really guilty, and if it wouldn't be better to just let him know about that fact.
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You're not the person who decides whether particular case should result in permanent suspension or not, so don't try to act like you know better, because you do not. Every case is different, as well as every human who interacts with this site. Together with KnSYS we analyze some of the rule breakers that SGT catches, and it only shows how much people can assume things wrong, when in reality so-called rule-breaker can be in fact a victim of very nicely done trap or fraud, which he doesn't even understand. A good example is what happened here, I bet you'll be the first guy reporting all people who didn't mark game that got revoked as not received, only because a blind tool like SGT said so, while the affected user doesn't even know what happened, neither he had bad intentions or broke the rules.
He will be punished literally for winning a game obtained during a fraud, most likely without even understanding what happened, because it's easier for people to jump on the witch hunt train and say "that guy is a rule breaker, look here, SGT says he didn't activate his win" without even stopping for 5 seconds asking yourself if he's really guilty, and if it wouldn't be better to just let him know about that fact.
I have asked you repeatedly to stop harassing me.
I will now report this to staff, and if they don't do something about it, I will spam you[Ed:on equal grounds] until I get suspended [thus validating the point], or they oblige asking you to cease your repeated harassment [or you start managing to make replies that aren't off-topic attacks that you're unwilling to clarify in favor of making more attacks].
Also, your sloth and ineptitude never cease to amaze, given that you not only misinterpreted my post, but managed to make an assumption about me that a quick CTRL+F- or y'know, paying any attention to anything I've ever said on SG- would have clearly evidenced otherwise.
But then again, your rampant ego and need to harass others just doesn't have any limits- not even logic.
In any case. you certainly never seem to put effort into anything, unless it's to be negative to someone else.
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See? That's exactly what I meant. At that point I'm at least happy to say that current staff members have their own brains to decide whether the post is violating the rules or not, so you might get that spam ready in the meantime :3.
P.S. Your hate towards my person must be really strong to come to such conclusion that I'm harassing you every time I don't agree with your opinion.
Have a good day!
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There's no violation in your post, but honestly I don't see what the appeal of trying to rile up Sooth is. Maybe use a less combative tone next time.
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Out of curiosity, shouldn't Sooth's threat be considered a violation?
It's an open forum where everybody is free to communicate with each other. If Sooth is averse to people countering his opinion, he should refrain from commenting on the forum himself, not the other way around.
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It's not a violation. Staff has clearly stated to me that harassment- repeated attacks over time when the other party has asked for cessation- is a violation of rules.
If you mean the spam bit, that's exactly what Archie has been doing to me, so I was promising equal ground. Moreover, there's no punishment for any non-personal threat, and the fact that you'd make that point only evidences your issues with me, rather than any actual concern over the justifications involved.
As far as the rest..
First off, there's no 'right' to reply to a specific person unless their discussion involves you, open forum or not. Obviously there's an expectation for it, but that vanishes when you yourself can't oblige by the social conventions of the forum.
Second, I couldn't care less about people countering my opinion, rather, I relish that, and anyone who believes otherwise clearly hasn't been paying attention.
Did you in fact read Archie's comment? It had nothing to do with what I was saying, and thus COULD NOT counter my opinion. I mean, not even in the same ballpark as what I was discussing- that first bit alone makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Moreso, no matter how you justify it, the post WAS phrased as an attack, which is obviously not acceptable by any respectable individual.
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There was absolutely nothing in their response that was an attack. It was a well-phrased example of why not everything is set in stone with regards to rules. The fact that you perceive it as an attack is an interpretation on your part that I doubt many people would share.
An open forum is exactly that, people can respond to anybody they choose. You don't get to limit the discussion or set rules on a forum you don't control. Abusive language regardless if it's codified in the rule book is an actionable offense.
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That's why I mentioned abusive language. Nice evade though. I actually liked you for the longest, but for some reason this week your comments to other people have been pure vitriol, so that opinion changed. I don't understand why you don't see it yourself and maybe it's a temporary thing, but as it stands, you're a bully and I don't support that mentality.
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First off, there's no 'right' to reply to a specific person unless their discussion involves you, open forum or not.
You can't prohibit me, or anybody else from replying to your comments, regardless if you like my replies or not, because it's open board and everybody can express his opinion about given subject, as long as it's not insulting, disrespectful towards the person, or spam.
and the fact that you'd make that point only evidences your issues with me, rather than any actual concern over the justifications involved.
Then report my post once again, under other category, and include a notice that you don't want that issue to be resolved by jatan11t. I'm more than sure that he'll respect your request. I can't believe that you really think that jatan11t is in any way more supportive towards me than you, moreover, I'd even say that I'm the one who is less supported here.
Moreso, no matter how you justify it, the post WAS phrased as an attack, which is obviously not acceptable by any respectable individual.
No, I didn't mean to attack you, but to state my opinion on given subject, even other people are telling you that, but your hate towards my person reached critical point that you think that I'm attacking you in every discussion. Stalin had similar problems seeing enemies everywhere in USSR after some time.
Lastly, if you didn't notice yet, I don't have anything against you, I have no need neither reason to insult you, and I'm even somehow sad that you feel otherwise. Life is too short to worry about some random strangers posting negative comments on the internet, if I treated every negative post as a hate, harassment and an attack towards my person, then I'd probably never achieve anything in my life. I don't know whether you have a bad day, hate me for only known to you reason, or have some strange brain disorder, but I'd personally suggest to relax, for your own good, as you'll only get further disappointed if you continue believing that you're right and everybody else is wrong.
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you should stop replying to people that ask you to do so. it's easier for both parties. even the forum wins, since there's less drama.
i'm already doing that and it works wonders, so there aren't hurt feelings on any sides. there are enough people on sg to reply to if you feel like writing something. :3
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For now I've been only threatened to be reported to support for "harassement" and "attacks", not actually kindly asked to stop replying. I'd probably respect his decision if he didn't treat me as his number #1 enemy, that refreshes SG every 5 seconds waiting for his post to appear somewhere, only to reply with the most negative things that I could think of :3.
03:42 - Anonymous: Sooth blacklist for any disagreement with him basically
I still believe that he'll eventually understand that his logic is flawed. It's like with those classical scams - most people learn about them after they in fact get scammed, not before.
Although, I must admit that I participate in much less fights than I used to. Crap, I get old.
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I just like how, for a 'well-phrased' and 'contributive' comment of which 'absolutely nothing was an attack', there's an awful lot of subsequent dismissiveness, disrespect, and insults, and a whole lot of NOT making actual contributive points or clarifications :P
Though it is surprisingly amusing watching Archie bumble about and confuse topics even further. :P
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Is 'cut bait' an actual phrase? :P
And the whole reason this started is because I haven't been allowed to cut away from it.
Well, the real issue is SG's seeming complete lack of continued updating, which makes the possibility of getting an eventual 'no notifications from blacklisted users' option seem a very remote possibility. And there's nothing more helpless than being harassed and being told you have to take it, without any recourse- and there's only so long you can sit quite and ignore it if it's repeatedly in your face, before you have to make a stand or completely leave the environment supporting it.
While there's a lot of respectfully-minded considerations and reevaluations that could be made- that would be made with any other participants- the fact that they can't be made here is what really makes it so.. stressful.
After so many attempts of trying, and having things turned back upon you as insults and misrepresentations, there's a point where you know the other party isn't in the conversation for the purpose of mutual understanding. :X
And aww, I like your 'spam', though. It's a nice positive note in the forums. :)
PS: @Mullins' suggestion
"I am not the person who decides whether particular Xarabas should result in permanent ban or not, so I don't try to act like I can do better, because I can not."
But no, I'm totally down with that. Blame Xarabas!
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It actually started as a fishing term. It means give up the fight. ;)
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Yeah, I figured by the phrasing. Just never heard it before, and my grandfather was a fisherman =O
Then again, he was always one for speaking simply, so that's probably why.
But I realize I was considering it wrong [cut and run-esque], and it actually makes perfect sense from a more literal [cut line with bait attached] perspective, especially from the perspective of a catch you can't haul in, where you have to cut the line to avoid breaking the rod [less of an issue with better quality modern rods than older ones, of course :P].
From that example, the 'give up on your investment' interpretation makes perfect sense. :)
But as to the relevant point, I just don't see why anyone would want to fight, in the first place. -.-;
Bleh~ :'P
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I think white on black makes it so much more difficult to read in screenshots o.o
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Sadly it was to be expected.. also, it was just some investigation that we've done some time ago on 2hu group chat, but it is highly likely that it is the same user that scammed people with Never Alone keys a few months ago - using an alt account, of course.
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True. Bundle keys except for HB are almost surely 100% safe, if they are still unused, but other than that… gray market can be relatively safe.
Still, I suspect that in our case the dear old creator didn't use the grey market, it may have been directly stolen or bought from the thief. At least the only seller of Sunrider academy is a Turkish person with 0% ratings, which I believe is our creator himself.
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I guess they give out dupes sometimes. It's never happened to me, but I assume their support replaces the key quickly if you find a dupe.
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What's the longest time after key activation that someone's had a game pulled from their account?
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I knew those GA's looked dodgy. Lucky I only wasted points on one.
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Hmmm since you're here, can I ask: Steam revoked the game, what's about trading cards dropped?
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My key was also revoked. But I got it from here
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Well this is most likely have to do in part with MangaGamer getting hit hard with cc fraud over the past couple of months. While it sucks that this happened, there are at least 2 other users who were giving away and selling keys that most likely came from this source. I very much doubt that this will be the end of this mess :(.
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Unfortunately unwittingly too. A few have openly stated in their descriptions that they bought the keys off of G2A.
At one point someone was selling Sakura Santa for literally $0.05 on G2A.
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2hu found the source of these keys. No wonder they got revoked O.o.
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Aw man. No more steam keys from them, then? That really stinks. I haven't bought anything from Mangagamer, but the odds of my doing so in the future weren't bad.
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MangaGamer also stopped giving Steam keys because of this mess :/.
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No idea. Doesn't seem like basic cc fraud since Denpasoft sells other Steam games yet Sunriders was the only one. If it was cc fraud I would have expected to at least see a bunch of Fruits of Grisaia floating around, but that wasn't the case.
With MangaGamer, all their steam games were affected and have been popping up. The fate of those keys are undetermined atm, though MangaGamer has known about this issue for awhile now.
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Well, Denpasoft specifically says "complimentary keys", so I assume no credit card fraud.
Still, it begs the more important question: Is there no honor among perverts? What is this world coming to?
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Is there no honor among perverts?
Nothing is sacred anymore ;_;
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I think the whole point people from take from this is.. unless you know 100% sure where your key comes from, or you plan to actually honor the games you're giving away by buying them via steam or another means if they get revoked. Then it's best to avoid using sites like g2a or the other grey-ware site to use as giveaways.
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Yeah, I'm not saying that the people who bought these keys should not do something about it by coming to some form of agreement with the gifter, I just wanted to avoid a mass-blacklisting by people going through the list of Sunrider academy giveaways.
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Was that the person who traded with stolen keys to begin with? Might have been someone who bought them in good faith. With regional pricing, and keys not always being region locked (guess why Shadow of Mordor keys are so cheap ;) ), I can totally understand how someone would fall for something like that.
Actually, looking at their profile, they're perma-banned.
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That is something different and not related to this case unfortunately. Sunrider keys were stolen en masse by a small group of peeps where your situation is probably one small guy who didn't pay his bills :/.
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Happened to me too.
Hope this helps:
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I lost a game and got the same message about 4 months ago. Mine was from a trade. The only thing I could do was change my trade feedback to negative.
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I have won it some time ago here.. that's what Steam said to me just now:
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