Yup. I'm 1 foot 2 inches and my destiny is to become the very best like no one ever was.
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you tell em :) just keep that positive attitude and you'll be on your way to doing great things
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You too, thank you all for taking the time to read my rant rant/ view on life. what ever you wanna call it haha
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But if you do more evil than good actions, you get frickin' cool horns & bugs start rotating around your head! Who doesn't want that?! It's better than just a halo & some butterflies...
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This world needs more people like you. Do not let anyone to kill your way of think man, keep it up!
Cheers and happy thanksgiving! ^.^
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"Joy is not just any whim. One day I discovered that the more you spend it, the bigger amount you will have left to use." Uhh, that was difficult for me to translate, I hope the meaning is understandable.
What I wanted to tell you, is that if you think about it, in the world nowadays, there are a lot of self-centred people who they only focus on their live (study, work, hobbies...). There are others, who focus in the same plus also care about family and friends, but don't care about rest of persons/unknown people.
And on top of these two kind of people, there are others who also care about people they don't know. And the big difference is that this kind of people when they help the rest, they do it with the heart, because they really want, and that makes them happier than anything in the world, and I think that is natural in humans.
But if you take the kind of self-centred people and try them to help others, It is a pain to them, a waste of time. And I think this is because when they help other people, they don't do it because they wish to help, they don't put their heart on it, and the result is that their help won't make them happier.
So, if someone here thinks that helping other people won't make you happier, you should try someday to do the same in an unselfishly way, do not expect anything in return ^^ If you do it, it must be because you want, and if it was truly because you want, then you will be happier, simple.
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nope, not really. i'm a disgusting self centered and selfish person. i don't help others, unless they ask for my help, and i don't like to ask others for help. actually i don't like receiving any help from others, i don't like debts.
Good for you for being on of the good humans out there, keep it up and all that.
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Big black wings are great too! Especially dragon-wing-shaped ones...
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A few people are drawn toward helping others and trying to make the world a better place. A few are drawn toward afflicting others and causing more misery in the world. Most of us, however, fall somewhere in-between, just wanting to live out our lives without other people getting in the way. When good holds sway, everyone is allowed to pursue a decent life (to a greater or lesser degree). When evil holds sway, everyone is caused to suffer (to a greater or lesser degree). That is why battle for a better life is always worth fighting.
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very valid point indeed you have the Good the bad and the neutrals basically a somewhat never ending war in a way
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I like to help people, I won't deny it. I mostly do it online though, since my real life is pretty much a non-existant crap, but I do try to help people when I can.
There are limits to my helpfulness, though. I sometimes feel that some people don't deserve help (for example, if someone begs me for free stuff on Steam, fuck that, I'm not doing it), and I know it's wrong, but it's how I think and live so... Yeah. :P
Thanks for the great thread, DeathbyQuigley. I wish you a happy Thanksgiving as well.
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It isn't wrong. If someone's being a total jerk, I don't see why he would deserve any help.
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Sadly, it has already happened more than once (and is probably the main reason I'm now more cautious on who I am generous to).
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warning: long post ahead. Skip if you don't like reading my scatterbrained attempt at writing down what I think.
Please keep in mind that this is my personal opinion on this matter. In no way do I want to convince people into believing the same thing. At best, an interesting debate could arise, though I do not expect that to happen.
Because I found a lot of topics in your original post, I am going to address them one by one.
There exists no objective good or evil. Any definition you can come up with breaks down in certain situations. However, you can create some basic guidelines to define what is typically considered good and what isn't. For that, I base myself on the principle of reciprocity: don't do to others what you wouldn't want them to do to you. Clearly, this is not a guideline that works for everybody, but I think that it fits most common cases.
Anybody who points to a higher authority as a basis of their authority is in my opinion untrustworthy. You can't trust them to do the "right thing" (whatever that is) because they don't even trust themselves to do so. To give you an example: A lot of creationists say that they would do all kinds of horrible things if not for the morality they find in their books, thinking that this is somehow an argument against atheism. The only thing they prove, however, is how untrustworthy they actually are.
Being a materialist, I don't believe in a purpose/destiny or meaning of life. In fact, I don't even think that life has an intrinsic value. I think that the things I like and the people I love are what give my life its meaning and value. Happiness, health and personal development are the three things that contribute the most. It is thus evident that pursuing these three goals is my main activity in life. For example, I like helping people out. People can always ask me a question and will try my best to give a honest answer (I don't believe in white lies. People will find out the truth eventually, better to swallow the bitter pill soon that late).
The media will always report on stories that sell. Sadly enough, war, violence, natural disasters, diseases, controversy and injustice sell better than any other kind of stories. Where I live (Belgium) the story of the Philae lander got less attention than the remembrance ceremonies for WW1. (Granted, WW1 is a terrible episode in our past from which we should learn something, but I think that they are overdoing it.) In some media, even the shirt of Doctor Matt Taylor got more attention than one of the greatest feats of humanity: putting a tiny lander on a tiny rock a billion kilometers away. This maltreatment of news saddens me quite a lot. Especially because I know there's nothing I can do about it.
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Just a heads up, if you're looking for a romantic explanation, I can't help you.
Once again, this is just my opinion.
For me, love is a bunch of hormones rushing through your veins as a reaction to outside stimuli (mostly sight and smell). These stimuli have created the idea of a partner. The hormones make sure that your consciousness can't just ignore that image. Note that I said "idea of a partner". That is because there typically is a vast difference in how you perceive your love interest and the reality.
Yeah, I'm not much of a romantic type.
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from what i can tell you're a smart guy
*+ 1 beer
'+ 1 tits
may the beer & tits fairy visit you
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lmao after 2 weeks i just read this haha, thats funny
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I used to be a nanny, the two youngest kids I was watching were twins (my imps), and then two older siblings. When the twins were about 3 years old, and the older kids in middle school and high school, I had a friend tell me that sometimes she felt a little disappointed by what I was doing. I mean, I could change the world, and I was just watching 4 kids. But then I would tell her stories of what was going on with the kids, and she realized that I was changing the world, one imp at a time. I don't think I'd ever felt more acknowledgement for what I was doing with the kids than in that moment. Someone actually understood that I was making an impact on the world by making an impact on the world of these kids that I loved, and that that impact would follow them through the rest of their life. It's been 10 years, the twins might not even remember me anymore, I stopped watching them shortly before they started kindergarten, but the lessons I taught them as toddlers are things that still affect them now. So while the conversation didn't start out complimentary, I think, in hindsight, it might be one of the best compliments I've ever received.
My point being, I think many small things are truly great things in disguise, and every once in a while, someone realizes that this seemingly small thing you're doing is absolutely an awesome thing.
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Understandable. I know people go through things and things also are not always as they seem. I should know. Ive been through a lot especially in the last few years that could change a person for the worst, but I turned that around and kept chugging along. long story short i didn't give up and im still going through hard times, even if i am alone too
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There' just something about making someone else's day 100 times brighter that brings a smile to my face. :) Ever since I was little I've always loved helping anyone and doing what ever i could to make someones day that much better even if it started off on the wrong foot. It doesn't matter if it was helping pull weeds for a neighbor or helping struggling kids pass school by tutoring them, or even volunteering at the food bank to feed the homeless. It doesn't matter what you do to help someone... Big or small sometimes it is the smallest things that someone can do for another person that has the biggest impact on their lives. :)
I am a firm believer in Karma and that everyone has the potential to do good. But most of the time you hear on the news how people are capable of doing such horrible things or who's committing crimes the most. Well I believe that if One person does something nice for another person no matter what it is, and that that person passes it along at some point in their lives to another person, it would make it that much better of a place one person at a time. I know that logically its hard to make everyone happy and change people and their habits of doing things but this is what i feel is right in my head. As for the karma, i know its not right to wish wrong upon others but hopefully that after something bad does happen to a person(A life lesson) that they get a change of heart and see the error of their ways and would potentially do more to change their past and do better.
In my almost 21 years of living on this planet I've met some amazing people who have done nothing but put their lives aside to help anyone regardless of if they even knew the person or not. Its that selflessness and the size of someones heart that helps bring others back on their feet from a bad experience. Ive also learned that no one is perfect no matter how they may act or with what events have happened in their lives, but its the willingness to look back and see what has happened in the past and change your future for the better from it.
I'm Not posting this just because it is the holiday season. People should be able to do good things for others no matter what time of the year it is. It shouldn't have anything to do with race, how big or small you are, or any of the stupid reasons people choose not to help others, at some point or another everyone needs help and thats my point, finding that person may be few and far between but there are people that would love to help no matter the cost.
Excuse me for my novel i have posted here today, but im hoping that someday someone, anyone will look back at this post and be like "hey, that kid was right, maybe i can do something to impact someone else's life in a better way".
I wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving and a very very happy holidays. :)
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