ha. I bought airscape in a bundle on purpose. Its fun.
dino D day. now thats a concept. Almost picked it because its got Dinosaurs.
wow. more then one is in my wishlist.
Jet Racing Extreme
Lovely Planet
Zeno Clash
several others look good like
Pirates of Black Cove
ok. I pick a brawler since I don't have any.
Zeno Clash.
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Aw man, sorry, just discovered Zeno Clash shouldn't have been on there as it's a regular giftable game.
I'll send both Jet Racing Extreme and Pirates of Black Cove, since you were the first to solve, and because I got your hopes up by including Zeno Clash in the list!
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That was a nice email to wake up to. Received and added to my Lib. Thank you very much.
My Fav British Comedy.
Red Dwarf of course. Everyone loves that show.
Also very highly rated by me that I don't think enough people over here have watched.
My Hero.
The main guy who played George left after season 5. they tried to replace him but It was not as good and got cancelled after season 6. he made the show what it was.
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Have you seen Father Ted? That's a show from the same writer as Black Books & The IT Crowd, featuring Ardal O'Hanlon (George from My Hero).
Lots of people in the UK didn't like My Hero, because it felt like it was trying (and failing) to duplicate the brilliant performance from Father Ted - and certainly, if you liked him in My Hero, I think you'll absolutely love him in Father Ted!
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Planetary Annihilation
Looks very good. someone needs to pick that from you. I have Titans from a Humble Monthly. So I left it for someone else to pick.
wait when did "lovely planet" get in my lib.
checks spreadsheet. Oh. Gleam giveaway. 2 months ago. I knew this looked like fun. I need to play this.
Now why do I have "Spaceport Hope" in my lib. Oh. part of the Airscape bundle. It also looks good.
Hmmm to many Ohs....
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Lovely clips, Finished IT Crew some weeks ago.
If not gone already I would like Airscape.
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I'll put Airscape reserved for you, and I guess you're probably one of the "Anonymous" solvers - but I didn't receive any email to confirm you completed the puzzle!
Please, send the email with your username!
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Sorry, Spaceport Hope has already been taken, please make another choice.
I can see you on the leaderboard, but didn't receive your email - did you send one?
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Ha, of course it does! I wasn't paying attention :)
Earth 2150 Blue Planet sent, as requested in your mail
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Particle Mace, please.
"You know where the thumbs are, David."
"I have tremendously, frighteningly strong hands, as I found out to my own cost." X)
I've watched all of these programs, beginning to end, except The Day Today.
"On one occasion I went down to the pool and I found a woman's swimming costume, which I put on and paraded around singing a song—Joan Baez protest song."
It's definitely on my list now, thank you.
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Bob Mortimer is hilarious. Hope you find The Day Today to your liking :)
I can see your email, but for some reason it won't open, so I can't display your address. Do you mind posting it here, just long enough for me to grab it then you can delete the message :)
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I messaged you in a closed-GA thread.
I love British comedy. It would be very hard to pick a single favorite, but if I did, I would give honorable mention to Monty Python's Flying Circus and give the prize to A Bit of Fry and Laurie. What a team they were.
Other British shows that I've watched this past year (in their entirety, as is my wont) are Snuff Box, Toast of London, The Mighty Boosh, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, Man to Man with Dean Learner, Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy, The League of Gentlemen, QI, and Saxondale.
Fry and Laurie: Milk Pot. The bastards took down the video, but I've seen all the episodes so many times I can just watch them in my head via the lines alone.
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The only one of those I don't love is The Mighty Boosh, which from what I saw (admittedly not being a huge amount) I just couldn't get into... It's funny, because I love Noel & Julian everywhere else I see them.
Speaking of Julian, I only just got around to watching "Flowers", have you seen that? I thought it was brilliant, and besides being hilarious, by the end was genuinely moving.
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Could I get Lovely Planet?
And thanks for the shows. I liked IT Crowd
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I'd like Planetary Annihilation, RTS are always fun to play. If it isn't available then Commander: Conquest of The Americas or Knights & Merchants.
Also, i'm not too fan of comedy in other languages than my native one as i feel like i may be missing too much sometimes (atleast when the comedy is text/speech-based), so can't really judge those clips. Although, i've been watching quite a lot of french-dubbed british comedy series (and also movies) in the past, and i think my favorite is Misfits.
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Yes, I can appreciate it's often hard to enjoy comedy in another language. Thanks for taking part, anyway!
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I'd like Knights and Merchants.
I had a good time watching the videos you chose, thank you for this :) I hope next time we will have more classic british comedies to watch, my favourites that are now missing are: Father Ted, Spaced, Fawlty Towers, Jeeves and Wooster. My all time favourite is Black Books, so it is already good as it is :)
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Yes, I'll definitely have to do another of these, there are too many awesome shows still to include!
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Well, I've been steadily building up my database of ungiftable keys, thinking that eventually I'd get around to doing an event to give them away... And then, Tropico 4 came along with its time limit, and forced me to act!
So, there's a set of questions to answer on It's Too Hard based on clips from British comedy shows.
Once you've got all the answers, you'll see an email address. Send a message to that address with your SG username, then return to this thread and post your game request (the key will be sent to the email you use).
Have fun!
OK, I'm just going to keep going indefinitely, I don't want anyone to miss out!
Here is the list of ungiftable games available, it will be updated as keys are awarded to successful quizzers [15 keys sent so far]:
AirscapeCommander: Conquest of The Americas Gold
(x2)Dino D-DayEarth 2150 Blue Planet (x2)Earth 2150 Lost Souls
(x2)Earth 2150 The Moon Project
(x2)East India Company Gold (x2)
Heli Heroes (x2)
Jet Racing ExtremeKnights and MerchantsLovely PlanetOrder of War ChallengeParticle MacePirates of the Black Cove Gold (x2)Planetary Annihilation
Spaceport HopeTropico 4
Unforgiving Trials
World War II Panzer Claws (x2)
WormsComment has been collapsed.