Is this is good to implement ratio system on site?
Nope. There are already too many rules on steamgifts. If you want to implement ratio rules, then you can use sgtools.
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I don't know. I have never used it to create a giveaway, since I don't like implementing any kind of rules.
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there is a ratio based system of the admins choosing. you may not like the level system, but that is the way the admin felt it should be. there is additionally already another alternative though (sgtools), and it sparks controversy with some users due to it's existence as it is. so cg certainly wouldn't take things any further in that ratio department.
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idk how to use it personally. i have no issues with it, and enter those i'm capable of, but from what i can tell/hear it's setup with some basic generic filters and you can add in a bunch of your own tweaks for whatever kind of real cv ratio you want.
somebody else would have to explain using though. sorry.
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It only works with private giveaways, so if you're not a frequent observer of forum giveaways, it'd presumably be easy to overlook.
It works quite well, however, as does simply making private groups [or using your whitelist] and inviting users that meet your criteria- though that requires a lot more manual effort, to be sure.
If you look at my HOG Giveaways thread here, you can see an example SGT filter [under the 'Private Gateway' link].
Here's a much simpler [albeit expired] filter, that more clearly shows how you can use SGT for the ratio restrictions you were mentioning.
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I'm giving games not very often and creating private or whitelisted giveaways os not an option because there will be several persons that joined and this wont be a giveaway at all.
No. System should choose and filter people who really want games an who is not. I dont have time for this. Thats why I using this site. If system cant give me good persons, then I dont want to create giveaways.
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And how would you filter people that actually want to play an exact game automatically? What criteria would you use? SGTools is a pretty neat tool for filtering rulebreakers out, you can set the desired ratio easily and/or add some other limitations, but what you're asking for is virtually impossible, a simple script, no matter how brilliantly written, would not be able to get into someone's head and determine if they're actually going to play the game or are just getting it for +1/for cards. Manual vetting and whitelisting, inviting to your group or sending links via private messages is the only more or less sure way, but there's no real guarantee even then.
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A possible algorithm would involve checking their wishlist, when did they add the game to their wishlist, how many games they have on their wishlist. For example, it's pretty safe to assume that someone with a wishlist of 30 games would actually be interested in playing a game that is on the list and that was added a while back. It's also safe to assume that if they have 1000 games on their wishlist and they added the game after the GA was created that they might not be that interested in it.
In any case, this option doesn't currently exist in either SG or SGTools and I doubt it's going to be added in the foreseeable future.
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I didn't say the result can be completely accurate, only that it should be a pretty safe gauge. If after looking at the two extreme examples I gave you disagree that the former is likely to be more interested, then I guess we'll just agree to disagree.
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I'm giving games not very often and creating private or whitelisted giveaways os not an option because there will be several persons that joined and this wont be a giveaway at all.
I created an SGTools-protected giveaway that was accessible to anyone who read this forum (posted on this thread) and had 602 entries. I also posted in the same thread an SGTools-protected giveaway for the same game that had ratio defined as part of the rule. This one received 451 entries, which I think is more than decent. You can see the complete stats here.
If you're planning to give a highly acclaimed unbundled game you'll easily surpass these numbers.
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I dont have time for this. Thats why I using this site.
But you're trying to change the site to fit your needs with objective and subjective criteria.
If you want to be sure someone is going to play a game or really wants the game, give them to a couple of your steam friends.
Otherwise, use a group, whitelist, or sgtools. Those are your options.
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Ah too much work. Just make the giveaways for level 3's (or 4 or 5). Much better odds that people who have this level will actually keep the game.
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I agree that giving games to people who 'really want games' would be nice, but a ratio system is worthless for that. A person can 'really want games' and play everything they win, and still give away nothing, and in my book they'd be much more worthy of winning than someone who gave away 1000 games and has 5000 games in their backlog.
The only decent criterion I ever came up with was 'won less than x games' (and derivatives).
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Use SGTools for specific rules to filter people for invite-only for your events or trains if you need or even just to check if they comply to SG rules (not won twice, activated wins, etc...) before even entering a giveaway (so you don't have to check manually and have to reroll, eventually, at giveaway end).
I think accessible spammable ratio (or else) filters would lead to excessive filters everywhere, would fragment community and hurt it.
Between, regifting or not activating gifts will get people banned sooner or later, so it is not a problem here :-).
If you want people to actually play game they win, I believe, there are specific groups for that, and you can invite people with checking their wishlist first, too.
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I am irritated. You say you want to give games to people who want them but you complain about the ration. But there is no significant correlation between the two as they are completely different things. Even someone who wins hundreds of games and gives nothing in return can in theory play all his wins and as such he clearly wants the games he play.
On the other other hand even user with good ratios have mutliple games in their library left there to rot. Maybe at one point they intended to but with an ever-growing library it is often just wishful thinking.
So if your concern is only with the ratio (the taking to giving) your best chance is with SGTools. But if your concern is with people actually wanting the games they enter for then it will be a lot harder. Checking wishlist (like mentioned above) is one possibility but it would need to pay attention the size of the library. Other than that you would have to check if users played previous wins and use this an entry condition. This said it would be HORRIBLE if this was actually be implented into the site itself because people would not only idle for card but also for playtime in all their wins just in order to be eligible. You can't check if people actually play their wins (and as such really want the games they enter for) in a reliable way. But there is a group dedicated to players who intend to play their wins if this is what you are after. I can direct you there if you wish so.
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I created a suggestion ticket because I know how hard to give game to person who only taking and taking and taking many games in a row but giving nothing back. I think ratio system can solve that problem. Just calculate number to cost (N/C) of games and limit this value. Sometime I thought that this system is working already, but when I saw people who win 100+ or 1k+ games giwing nothing or seweral cheapest ones I was sad. I want to more people who realy want games wining them.
System should choose and filter people who really want games an who is not. I dont have time for this. Thats why I using this site. If system cant give me good persons, then I dont want to create giveaways for people who collecting or even reselling those games and who dont care about their reputation.
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