Do you think tomorrow's new HumbleBundle be great?
I wanted to get Assassin's Creed Rogue from this bundle, but 15 dollars is a really expensive price. :'( Anyway, I would love to see a Daedalic Entertainment bundle. There are a few of their games that I don't own and I especially want to get Deponia Doomsday. :D
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Let's hope that Rogue will be ultra cheap during the steam summer sale. ^_^
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5 € @ 75% percent off sounds resonable. Assassins Creed games hardly go deeper than that.
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Of course 5 euros sound reasonable. But will it cost 5 euros? Or maybe more it will cost more? :/ I turned down offers for 3 keys, so yeah, I'm prepared to give 5 euros. :P
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I hope so ^^ Then I'd think about it as well.
Wouldn't be that unlikely. Lowest price on Steam so far was 10 € and Rogue is considered one of the worse Assassins Creed games (at least a buddy of mine really disliked it because there's not much to do beside the story) so it's time for another price drop.
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One of the worst? Don't make me change my mind now. :(
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Well not worst but worse like in not as good (like Liberty). But my friend played it pretty much directly after Black Flag (which was great) so maybe he was just sick of sailing.
I recently bought it for 20 € for XBox 360 because my PC probably coudn't run it properly and I wanted to get it before the big stores here stop selling it (happened to me with Mass Effect 1). But since I'm currently playing Unity I haven't tried it yet so I can't say first hand.
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You mean Liberation? Tell him to check out Syndicate too. It's awesome. ;P
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Yes I ment Liberation HD.
My 2 best buddies are (luckily for me) release buyers. He already finished Syndicate and I got his copy for birthday :D
And indeed he enjoyed that one very much :)
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I would argue it's the second base game in the series. It's basically Black Flag 2, and Black Flag was the best in the series. Surprisingly not broken as well (buggy, but I did not run into something game-stopping which forced me to reload, which had not happen since AC2). Far far better than AC3 where broken round shields chased me out at sea, falling through the floor was the norm, I could not earn any money due to the economy system bugging out completely and where they forgot to make the wall that you're supposed to stand against during a plot important dialogue solid. And then there's Unity...
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Yes. AC 3 was buggy as hell. Because of the terrain I regularly had anymals show up on the minimap but stuck underground.
Plus on my first run one of my Convoys glitched and never returned so I had to start over again (yea I know loosing a single Convoy should not be a big deal but I couldn't help it.) Still platinumed it though :D
Surprisingly Unity is pretty much bug free now (on PS 4). Due to my backlog I've only recently started playing and hardly encountered any bugs so far. Except a magical broomstick sweeping the floor a few meters away from it's owner and once a mysterious burning street (I think one of the fire spitters glitched).
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All my convoys glitched during their first time out, so I just stopped bothering with them. I had a similar problem with Revelations, where the game refused to generate any money from owned properties (seems to be a very common bug that Ubisoft never bothered fixing). The state AC3 was in when i played it, and no patches has been released since, I would say would be acceptable when you're entering the later stages of beta testing, not for a released product.
AC4 had fewer game breaking bugs, but it was still beta-levels of buggy. This is what the ending looked like
edit Noticed your Unity comment. Played it recently on PC (was actually gifted a copy by a friend who thought my buggthroughs of the AC series was funny). The first unity screenshot shows the character getting stuck between two objects. I wish it would be animated, because he was running on the spot in a way that looked like he was fake running (you know how people do when they pretend to run when on stage with their wide arm movement as they lean forward)
The second one, well he's climbing in mid air.
Then there's Zaphod Beeblebrox.
The next one, is not so apparent. See the enemy (in blue)? He was stuck in that pose. Still alive, and I could not progress when he was alive, but you could not interact with him. Needless to say, that was rather annoying. Next one shows the same guard, but up close and personal
In the next screenshot things might look alright, but this is a bug I could recreate. If you try to jump up from there, Arno will instead fly backwards at very high speed, in a fixed pose, until he hits a wall. After that everything returns to normal. Only seems to work from that particular spot.
And the final boss, well this issue could not be screenshotted, but he did not animate. He just vibrated around the room, like one of those toys that you wind up and then they move around by just vibrating. He also ended up teleporting away during the cutscene after you've beaten him, so the characters were interacting with thin air.
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At first I was thinking you were referring to the names on the screen (the guilty ones because testers) until I noticed the lack of... well anything on the right side :D
Maybe the predefined hardware made them a little less buggy on console. But that's just a guess.
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I suspect it's the same bug as this, just seen from a different perspective. There's a "hole" in the water that the ship is in, and the camera was located so that half of it was seeing what was underwater, and the other half was "above" water. One of the more famous AC bugs, and one that they did not bother to fix.
It was just a lucky coincidence that I grabbed the screenshot at the point where the names of the people responsible for things like that not showing up on game was on screen
Also, updated my previous post with some unity bugs.
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Now that you remind me I had that one on Xbox 360 as well. I just forgot about it.
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I just read your edit with the additional screenshots. Wow that's really bad. Brings me back to my theory that they screw up the PC ports on porpose.
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Ubisoft just don't seem to care in general. Heroes of Might and Magic 7, a PC exclusive title, still has a bug that makes it impossible to play (this is 8 patches in). Basically the game will randomly decide to wipe all your hero's skills, thus making them almost as weak as a level 1 hero. Your heroes carry over from level to level in the campaign, and the bug will just wipe your progress of your save files, meaning that you need to replay the entire campaign from the beginning. A single level will take a good bit over an hour, so you can imagine how frustrating it is if it happens further into the campaign.
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Well at least you know you're just talking nonsense, that's good :v
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I would very much hope we don't get another deep silver-like bundle. Most, but not all, the games in it were frankly rather "meh", and there were only 3 never before bundled games (of which 1 was a good one, one was kinda bad, and one was utter garbage).
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sega bundle..again??? holy *** they are running out ideas xD
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Still think a Warner re-bundle is more likely. Sega's passed the spotlight too often already ;)
A proper new Indie bundle would be welcome too I guess.
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How long has PS4 and Xbox One games been listed in the Source code? I would be cool with another console bundle (Sorry PC homies)
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dear God it all sucks apart from hand of fate
Closing this thread. Thanks for the discussion.
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The Ubisoft (encore) is over soon.
Another thread speculated it will be a SEGA Sonic bundle..what do you think?
That moment everyone dreads:
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