Haha! I don't think we'll be buying Origin anytime soon, for now you can expect killer deals and (hopefully) great interaction with me here and around the 'net. I'll keep you updated on exciting changes to the business though :).
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Thanks for the feedback on Stronghold III :). Bummer about that deal not being for you, hopefully some of the ones listed above, or that I'll be bringing in the future will be more your speed though!
By the way, I haven't played SH3 yet, but the original was probably my favorite game in middle school. Hope I don't have the same experience you did :( :(.
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Hey, how much does Amazon.com mind me using a fake address (but very real debit card number) to buy Steam keys from the UK?
Edited due to really awfully chosen wording.
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I know that you need a US billing address to place an order from the Amazon.com store (as opposed to the regional Amazon web properties) and that there is discussion out there all over the place about this topic. I can't really comment on people outside the US purchasing from Amazon.com though as we're legally obligated (for a TON of reasons ranging from contracts to taxes) to only sell to people with US billing addresses.
Does that make sense?
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"legally obligated"
Well, bollocks... sighs In that case, while I can't do anything about the two MW2 keys I've already bought, I'll try to remember this in the future and wait for an equally good deal from a UK/international seller.
Thanks for the answer.
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Yea, this is definitely a grey area. I don't think Amazon is actively enforcing this though.
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If they know, they have to stop you. All that really means is don't let them know and you're clear...
It's pretty much the same concept with how sites treat the DMCA.
P.S. Hey Amazon guy, I work there too! (But with backend cloud/EC2 kinda stuff, so I get to make sure game downloads work how they're supposed to but I don't get free games. :O)
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Oh sweet, if you're in the SLU shoot me an email and we'll have to grab lunch! There's 2 Tony's in video games and I'm the only one in Game Downloads (Digital Video Games).
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Payday: The Heist for 4.99 looks almost to good to resist.
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Dude, don't joke about begging until you're an active part of the community. It doesn't end well.
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Trine doesn't activate on Steam, I'm guessing...?
Anyway, might pick up a game or two tomorrow!
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It does not, it is a ton of fun though :)
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Ah, pity, but thanks for the quick response. I'm assuming you're the same Tony who keeps up that Amazon thread on CAG. I couldn't imagine keeping up with all the posts there. lol Great job with that! :D
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I am the same Tony. I don't sleep often ;)
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This is a great marketing move on behalf of Amazon to reach out to relevant gaming sites and connect with potential customers. I am sure everyone here welcomes your presence and enjoys these deals, thank you for keeping us up to date and answering our questions. I myself have purchased quite a few games over on Amazon Downloads that have absolutely trumped Steam deals.
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Thanks for the kind words! My boss is a genius and hired a madman :).
Happy you're digging the deals, hoping more people continue to do so!
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that's cool
alway look forward to amazon deals.
and most of important, welcome
i post deals to my blog.
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i have to make fake us address to buy games from amazon.
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What is your blog URL? Awesome to hear you post deals to it :).
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I stopped buying Amazon DL after the 6 games we got donated that Steam sells would not activate on Steam. I am glad too see you marke which ones wil work on Steam. (Those games are on Amazon and have not been downloaded. :(
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you can search "steam" in comments at that page. or check support list for steam redeem.
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People send money too the hospice administrator, or in this case referenced above a Amazon gift card, and say they would like XXX donated. Sometimes it is up too us. But the donation is used as requested. Just too many downloaders at ne time we settled on Steam. EA donated games that are sitting in our Origin acct which hs never bee activated.
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If you don't want that Origin account, I'd be happy to take it off your hands. ;)
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Hm;mm SimCity 4 Deluxe you mean 14.99 not 4.99
and the only 3 SpaceMarine ones we are interested in are full price. Is it over?
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Can we purchase multiple copies of games from Amazon download? This is steam gifts (as you've no doubt noticed) and some of us would like to buy some extras to gift away publicly, or to our friends. Sites like greenmangaming only allow you to download one copy of an item. What say you for Amazon? If the answer is no, is there any way to make it happen? Thank you.
edit: I ask because that payday deal is fantastic. Keep up the good work.
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Games with Steam keys give you a separate key each time and all of them are visible on your download page.
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For games that activate on Steam we'll give you a new line item with a different Steam key that you can activate every time you buy...I hope everyone buys 100 :).
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For the full sales page, every one of those games will be on sale? I'm interested in Zeno Clash, and I know a friend who is also very interested (and was looking to buy the game soon..)
I think it is great that amazon is keen to having a good relationship with their community... I think it's a great site, plenty of good deals and I like to sell back my textbooks lol..
Really great deals here though I think!
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for zeno clash, you have missed indieroyale bundle.
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i think more money goes for seller, not developer. lol
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depending on where it's purchased! But either way I'm sure buying via amazon will get them more money than buying for the minimum of the indieroyale. Seeing as the money was split between multiple devs. :)
I think zeno clash is one of the games they published on their own, so money should be split between amazon and them. (I'm not sure what amazon's cut is..)
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This is not true. I can't get into specifics about people's contracts but the publisher generally gets the lion's share of the sale :).
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Yep, every game on that page will be between 40-75% off. The only 40% is Need for Speed: The Run, everything else is 50%+ off.
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I actually just came back to ask that same question. Great to hear! There's a few games there I'd really like.
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It sucks that Mirror's Edge can't be activated on Steam :(
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Hi, and thanks for stopping by! Very cool of you to personally visit!
Also, I've noticed that Steam availability/requirements are getting easier to find on a game's Amazon page; thank you for that!
re: the Stronghold 3 question... afraid I'd have very little interest in that one.
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I've been working on the visibility for the DRM requirements for sure...LOTS of work to be done but glad to hear it is getting better.
Sorry to hear about Stronghold III, it was number 1 on Steam's Top Seller's List when it was on sale for $19.99, boggles my mind if there is so little interest in the game, still activating on Steam, for $5 less :(.
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I would have been interested in it, if it weren't for all the poor user reviews. :\ I'm a fan of the genre.... and it looks like it would be enjoyable..
But it may still sell well... if you get the word out to others, or to people who were on the fence for the steam sale, might help!
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we'll have on sale starting tonight at 12:30AM PST
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Hi everyone,
My name is Tony, I'm the Marketing Manager for the Amazon Game Downloads group.
NOTE - The deals I list here and in the title are already listed here, but I figured I needed to come with some sort of deal for you guys to talk about.
First and foremost, just want to let you know that one of the head Mods invited me to come post here from Reddit, but I'm not looking to make waves anywhere, so if you, as a community aren't excited about me interacting and posting here then I'll bow out.
With that being said, I'll give you a little background about myself. I joined the Amazon Game Downloads team in August and have been working in the Video Game industry for about 3 years now.
I'm also a 26 year old avid gamer, I'm sure many of the posters here and I share a lot in common. I play League of Legends like it is my job and I still consider FFIV(II in the US) to be the pinnacle of all that is RPG.
I'm here to bring you killer deals on PC downloads, talk with you about video games, and help you with questions/issues that you might have.
Here's a line by line list of games we'll have on sale starting tonight at 12:30AM PST(or thereabouts):
The Witcher 2 - $14.99 (Deal of the Week is extending through 2/29)
Darkness II - $24.99 - Activates on Steam
Payday: The Heist - $4.99 Activates on Steam
Saint’s Row The Third - $24.99 Activates on Steam
Warhammer 40K Space Marine: $14.99 Activates on Steam
Red Faction Armageddon - $4.99 - Activates on Steam
Mirror’s Edge - $4.99
Sim City 4 Deluxe Edition - $4.99
Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War II Retribution Complete Pack - $19.99 Activates on Steam
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood - $7.49
NBA 2K12 - $9.99 + $5 off MLB 2K12 Pre-Order
Trine - $1.24
Assassin’s Creed 2 - $4.99
Rockstar Classics Bundle - $14.99 (Max Payne 2, Bully, GTA San Andreas, GTA Vice City, Midnight Club 2)
Here's a link to the full sales page:
We will also have a TON of Space Marine and Retribution DLC on sale as well for 66% off.
Again, sorry for the repeat of deals, I wanted to make sure I didn't just post a "here I am!" post though :).
By the way, question for you, if we put Stronghold III on sale for $15 who would be excited about that deal?
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