Did you play Disco Elysium yet?
Yes, finished it a day before yesterday. To say that I was impressed would be a serious understatement: sorry Planescape, you're not my all-time favourite RPG anymore.
I'll probably replay the final part with an alt partner in a couple of days.
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Dang, I've only managed to play an hour so far, and I thought it was looking good, but didn't know it would get that good... :) Woohoo! :)
I almost feel bad for not giving away some more, but hey, let's wait for a sale next time! :)
Thank you! :)
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Did you play Disco Elysium yet?
I bought it last week from GOG. I fired it up just to check out the character creation and play a bit of the beginning, as I do with most RPGs. I didn't intend to get into it just yet since I've got some games I'm planning to play this week for Halloween, and after that I was going to finish another RPG I'm in the middle of before starting another game, but I think I might have to keep playing this one.
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I'm not a Star Wars fan so I'm not really excited and looking at the gameplay at E3 . . . its really not impressive, it all looks very gimmicky, I feel its just a single player game to quench the thirst of SW fans. :/
I didnt know there's a song for Bicycles. XD The 2nd song is not available anymore. :( Is the guy drunk for the last song? XD This song autoplayed after the last song, its pretty nice. :) Thank you for the interesting song links. Cheers~
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Yeah, I assumed so after re-reading your comment but didn't want to edit my comment because I found it a little weird that someone posts a YouTube link that requires being logged in.
Weird... The 2nd video works just fine here in Austria but the bicycle song requires age verification. Might be the same thing with Bicycle race that it's a regional thing.
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Hahaha, that's really weird when its the opposite here in Singapore. I can see the 1st vid but not the 2nd. I guess we're more accepting to racy videos or just Queen because of our strict laws I thought I wouldnt have been able to view it. XD
Most likely it is regional copyrighted as you mentioned. That's starting to bother alot as even Official Medias are blocked off due to region rights. Urggh :(
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I didn't bother looking at anything for that game, just too lazy... :) And just don't care, really...
I haven't kept up with any Star Wars stuff since ummm, whatever it was. The ummm... Phantom Menace? I decided ok, guess I'm done with this stuff now. :) Saved me a lot of time, so maybe I should thank George Lucas for that. :)
The second song is umm, That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore by The Smiths, but maybe there's some copyright nonsense going on? You really have to be in the right mood for The Smiths anyway, or maybe it's the wrong mood? Either way you're probably not missing a whole lot... :)
Thank you! :)
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I wish there were some hints for dumber people like me. I can never hack these puzzles :D
p.s. It is so cool that EA coming to Steam! I hope they will change for the better :D
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Hint: it's a puzzle! :)
But really, check the puzzle guide for general puzzle hints, or just look for any previous forum nonsense I've posted since it's the same method every time... :) If it's a link to a video, look at the url. If it's a key dump, look at the keys. Basically, reading. :) The thinking type of puzzle is too much work lately... :)
Keep hope alive! :) Thank you! :)
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Thanks! The hints helped me, you are very nice person - fact!
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no idea how to try solve anything like this, thanks anyway.
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Well, I make the exact same dumb puzzle every time, so search the forum for any older stuff - it's just like that. :) But "look at the url" is generally good advice. Or "look at the keys" if you have any keys to look at. :)
Thank you too! :)
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if there are 3 giveaways i have found them,yay
check winner for mass effect since i own it and still can enter.
ok, i donnt get 1 thing , for example here https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/RNAdK/whats-the-best-tomato-game-on-steam-nierautomata-finished-for-real-this-time
to this Hints and stuff were hiding in the keys. The first batch had 2B, then 9S, then A2, then NEARRA, then some ascii thing, then NEARRA, then some ascii thing again, then NEARRA, then NEARAA. Anyway, NEARRA / NEARAA were supposed to give you a hint to the itstoohard thing, i.e. Near A Tomato. Ha ha. If that didn't work, 2B, 9S and A2 are characters in the game, which means if you already owned the game you probably got it right away.,
gimme a hint how to get there.
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Here's a bonus hint for puzzle stuff - click on a person's picture, count the number of "Invite Only" giveaways. If you found three, but they have four running, you may have one more giveaway yet to find. :)
The puzzle you linked to was kinda dumb, as usual. :) So I'm not sure what part you would like a hint with... :)
Basically I have some secret message I want to write, then I search my stash of leftover keys for ones that have the right character(s) in the right place(s). Then I dump some "leftover bundle keys" that are real leftover bundle keys, but there's some extra thing going on with them. So if you look at the keys, maybe you find the extra thing. Maybe not, though. :)
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i know that there are 4th giveaway, do i need use https://paulschou.com/tools/xlate/?
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Umm, not to be a big jerk here but it's, well, a puzzle, you know? :)
I can't tell you how to solve it before the giveaways end, or I'd just make them all public giveaways and be done. :) The advice I gave @ https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/jM51HVJ might be enough, and it might not. But it's all anyone is going to get... :) Sorry! :)
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after some hours i got progress, wow, im not as dumb as i though i am, feelsgood man, now need to solve it to feel like an Einstein
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BOSS GOT THERE, eh, next time pls do little harder!
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Oh, I don't really do hard puzzles any more, it's too much work... :) But https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/DFIO8/ was probably a tough one for some people. You might want to skip down to the "Original Message:" part if you don't want to spoil yourself. :)
Good job! :) Thank you! :)
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'and this have the right character(s) in the right place(s).' what do i need looking for there? hard af.
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For the Queens song I suggest rather using dailymotion because YouTube obviously has to go all American again and require age verification.
Does anybody EVER log into YouTube? I'm a YouTuber (not a very active one but anyway) and even I never log in when using the site.
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Well, would you look at that, giveaways hiding inside youtube urls since I'm too lazy to think of a better way to do it... :)
Umm, let's explain it for anyone who's still curious how this works...
will suggest tryingQ8t3k
somewhere, perhaps https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/Q8t3k/ ? If you try that, you find the Mass Effect Collection. AnduWWu6
= https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/uWWu6/need-for-speed-hot-pursuit = Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit, andwHVvw
= https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/wHVvw/mirrors-edge = Mirror's Edge.Oh, right, there was one more giveaway hiding in there. Star Wars: whatever... :)
Anyway, if you visit those first three giveaways, you will see "some free bundle leftover keys, with lazy anti-bot protection" at the bottom, which as everyone should know by now, is a big lie. If you ever see me dump leftover keys, it's hiding something. And it's the same thing every time. You have to look at the keys. That's it.
Let's look at the partial keys in the Mirror's Edge giveaway:
(and so on, you should get it from this...)
Look at the end. See the message? THE OTHER GAME IS HIDING AT 39 72 66 48 4F ?
Yeah, it's just ascii, as usual. :) Check the puzzle guide or poke around on the internet, if you do puzzles you'll see this sort of thing all the time. Anyway,
39 72 66 48 4F
= STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order. Woohoo! Hope it's as good as the KOTOR games, but I'm not holding my breath... :)Sorry if you didn't win, but good luck in the next one! :)
Original message:
Yeah, another dumb puzzle. Sorry, that's all I know how to do. Maybe imagine I had some funny poll answers in here, or something...
So anyway, EA games are coming back to Steam. Umm... Wonder if this matters to anyone?
Jaws was never my scene and I don't like Star Wars
Oh, right, I know! I can dig up my old Humble Origin Bundle keys for the precious cv!
But that joke isn't funny anymore
Oh, but what if those were actually Origin keys, though... :(
Oh well, close enough! :)
Yeah, you could probably listen to those songs but you've heard them all before, so never mind. Just imagine there's something cool hidden in there somewhere, I guess. Good luck! :)
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